Thread Number: 142
Frigidaire vs Fisher & Paykell
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Post# 45706   9/24/2004 at 16:42 (7,245 days old) by Rschrn ()        

i'm just about to make a decision on which to get. Pros and cons?? any advice????

Post# 45710 , Reply# 1   9/24/2004 at 19:23 (7,245 days old) by Brent-Aucoin ()        

"Frigidaire" what? Fisher & Paykel what?
Not to be rude, but I really don't see anything to compare.
I favor the Fisher & Paykel by the way.
Tell us more

Post# 45728 , Reply# 2   9/25/2004 at 08:30 (7,244 days old) by jaxsunst ()        
F&P age

How long has F&P been around? I've only starting hearing about them over the past year or so. I saw my first one in Lowe's yesterday. I like the simple controls. I watched the videos on this site, I like the way the F&P sounds.

As far as comparing, I think a vintage Frigidaire would be more fun to watch. IMHO

Post# 45729 , Reply# 3   9/25/2004 at 08:32 (7,244 days old) by jaxsunst ()        
Oh yeah

If your buying new, F&P definately.

Post# 45737 , Reply# 4   9/25/2004 at 13:19 (7,244 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Fisher & Paykel has been in the appliance industry in New Zealand for 70 years. They've been moving forward into the US market since 1996. As I've said in previous posts, my SmartDrive washer is a touch past five years old and I've had no trouble with it whatsoever. Their "Gentle Annie" washer, the first version of the SmartDrive, dates back to 1985.

I also have a DishDrawer that is just past one year old. DishDrawers were on the market in 1997. The current model series 603 is the third major design revision.

Fisher & Paykel entered into a "global strategic alliance" with Whirlpool in 2003. DishDrawers will be marketed in the US under the KitchenAid label sometime in the coming months.

For more details on their company timeline, see the About Us section on


Post# 45978 , Reply# 5   9/29/2004 at 02:18 (7,240 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
F & P/Whirlpool aliance

Hmmm, so F & P is "Sleeping With The Enemy", eh? :-)

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