Thread Number: 144
Bendix Trouble...
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Post# 45731   9/25/2004 at 09:05 (7,244 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Installed the new water valve last night, changed the connectors, and did a test load. It works great, but only when the selector switch is on the "hot" setting, and ironically it only fills through the cold valve. On "Warm" it completely cuts off, so I'm thinking I have a few wires reversed.

Also, I found out that the spin shifter solenoid won't activate and it won't spin (it's more annoying than anything; I spin 'em out in the Kenmore). I'll do some prodding, and it's possible that I simply reversed the two wires, since the last time I spun the solenoid worked well. I'll find out later today.

If anyone has any helpful advice or Bendix wiring diagrams they can scan in let me know. I looked at my Bendix service literature but they only had a diagram for the Utility model; go figure.


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