Thread Number: 147  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Clean dishes in 50% less time w. Frigidaire DW???
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Post# 45752   9/25/2004 at 20:42 (7,244 days old) by partycycle ()        

Do any members have this machine and/or knowledge of its performance?

Go to electrolux website. Read all about the “Icon” series arrival on the maiden voyage of the QM2!!! The click to Frigidaire website DW.

Electrolux touts the following. “… Industry first in DW technology …” 4 speed pump that has these options (videos too). “SpeedClean” option: 30% increase in water pressure with main wash time shortened. “Ultimate Scrub AquaSurge” option: “creates powerful surge of washing power to remove even the most hardened food soils…” “China Crystal” with reduced water pressure with main wash time shortened.

Closing note: I bought Gallery TOL DW. First operation leaked. 6 repair visits. Machine never touched. Accused of too much detergent and/or rinse aid. 7th repairman immediately removed door revealing 2 screws missing that connected the-in-the-door power vent dry fan. Moved to west coast 6 month later. Again brand new Gallery TOL DW. Again developed a leak. This time improperly installed latch mechanism causing touch pad panel to short out. Landlord opted to replace with a new MOL model “Priemier”. 12 months later springs a leak. This time the cause was an improperly installed detergent/rinse aid dispenser. Now the high temp wash/final rinse options do not function. Overall copy of a TOL DW; good design created very inexpensively in plastic. When it works properly not that bad of a DW. From my experience and the remarks from the platoon of repairman I now know. One of the 2 pumps is usually the first thing to go out. Oh, boy. Now I have got that to look forward too. What’s with quality control at Frigidaire?

Post# 45882 , Reply# 1   9/27/2004 at 11:14 (7,242 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I've seen the new 4-speed Frigidaire dishwasher (Model PLD3460RD) at the website. It (like the Electrolux) has the Ultimate Scrub and Speed Clean cycles. My local dealer knew nothing about them, but I have one on order as soon as they're available. Three weeks ago, the price for this new TOL machine was $649 at the website; today, I see it's $699. That's quite a jump!

I bought a TOL Gallery 2 years ago for my new house. Had 4-year old TOL Gallery in previous home. Never a problem! And believe me, I wash a LOT of loads per day. I'm big into cooking and having guests. It's not unusual for me to run the machine 3-5 times a day.

The reason I keep returning to Frigidaire DW (despite not cleaning as well as my KitchenAids did) is for the Top Rack or Bottom Rack 1/2-load cycle. I use those cycles more frequently than I imagined I would.

I'll let you all know how the new 4-Speed machine does when it arrives.

Post# 45889 , Reply# 2   9/27/2004 at 11:42 (7,242 days old) by christd1 ()        
Frig Dishwasher

I have the GLD3450. Lowe's will have these for $500 ($600 for SS door). Works great so far!

Post# 45907 , Reply# 3   9/27/2004 at 18:04 (7,242 days old) by partycycle ()        

I would like to know how your new Frigidaire dw performs. Thanks Frigilux. As for me? It was luck-of-the-draw that is. Obviously the 3 Frigidaire dw I have had in less than 2 years were manufactured the day after a 3 day weekend. Hey! I have an empathy for the assembly line worker missing the installation of a few screws. I am certain I would have too!!!

Obviously we are of the same “ilk” when it comes to hand washing anything. I too used that “half load” bottom rack cycle more than I thought I would. Having relocated into a rental. The malfunctioning TOL Gallery dw was immediately replaced with MOL “Premier” model. I created my own “half load” bottom rack cycle. First 2 fills on P&P the bottom wash arm circulates only. What I do is start P&P, first fill pre-rinse 4:30 min, 2nd fill add Cascade powder 5:30 min. Stop dw B 4 it drains the 2nd fill. Advance dial back to beginning of wash action of 2nd fill creating an 11 min wash; let it drain. Advance dial back around to beginning of P&P cycle to then repeat those 2 initial bottom wash arm only fills as rinses. Bod-a-bing-bod-a-boom. 25 minutes approx operating time (open to “flash dry”) and the cookware/utensil load is done with. Actually no real inconvenience. I am in the kitchen anyway. But not hand washing.

Post# 45942 , Reply# 4   9/28/2004 at 08:20 (7,241 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
I ordered my new 3460 Frigidaire DW yesterday. I'm in a rural area and the dealer only sends in orders about every 3 weeks, so it'll be awhile before it arrives. Looking forward to it and will report on its operation.

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