Thread Number: 152
POD 1965 Lady Kenmore Washer and Dryer....
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Post# 45776   9/26/2004 at 05:37 (7,466 days old) by programcomputer (Ann Arbor Michigan, USA)        

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I did NOT have the versions that were shown in the catalog view, but mine were both turquoise, and mine just had a five position temperature button system, the lever below for water level, and a regular dial with three different cycles.

However it did have the lighted instrument cluster like shown and a black Super Roto-Swirl agitator. It did have a bleach dispenser also which was black plastic, which was strange because I coulda swore every other machine I have ever seen like it had a white bleach dispenser.

I being daft and younger changed it to a black Surgilator with a chrome cap because I liked the turnover better with that agitator. It did have a red light that was on whenever the "Magic Clean" filer was working , and always sent off the "off balance warning" which was so loud, that whomever was sleeping on the second story would hear it and bitch because the were woken up....

I ended up bending the actuating arm enough where it diddn't do it so often. It was so bad that it would go off with a partial load...and out of 6 or so loads it would go off five of the six times....VERY irratating.

My dryer was like the one pictured, and it also had a resivoir next to the lint trap ( which the actual lint trap screen and grab handle was shorter than later Whirlpool/Kenmores), where in that well was a small brown bottle filled with a liquid that I have to say smelled like Kirby Deoderizor of the same period.

This small bottle had connected to it a long black hose that took this scent someplace near the drum where it supposedly emitted a scent. It did have a drum light, which took a 45 watt appliance bulb, and the dryer vent was much higher thatn later Whirlpool Kenmores...almost 3/4 of the way up on the back panel.

This was my first auto-dry style machine also, and found that 3 hrs later when I returned home...(I stupidly left to go to the store and do the grocery shopping);it was still tumbling the same laod of clothes and had NOT shut off heat or tumble. So I had to use the timed setting until I could replace the sensors which had gone bad.

They were a great set, but unfortunatly had a very small tub capacity, and it could never keep up with three roomates and myself. I replaced them with a later 1967 Lady Kenmore set which were nicer and were the TOL set.

I just wanted to post about them since they were my first (new/old) set that I had after moving out from the folks.

As a postscript, I have no clue what happened to them after because my store refurbed them another time and they went out the door one Moday when i had a day off and I naver heard about them or saw them again.


Post# 45777 , Reply# 1   9/26/2004 at 07:54 (7,466 days old) by TrainGuy (Key West, FL)        
Free To Good Home

trainguy's profile picture
I do have a 1965 Kenmore 800 set in avocado that is free to anyone who wants it. The washer has a sudsaver feature and the dryer is gas. They came out of a house that had the complete Kenmore kitchen in avocado. The washer & dryer are not in perfect condition but a new coat of paint will really fix them up. They were supposedly still being used when I found them. If anyone is interested, please drop me a line.

Post# 45788 , Reply# 2   9/26/2004 at 13:37 (7,466 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Chad, some next door neighbors had a similar set to your turq set. They were coppertone. It may have had a 2nd rinse option. It also had a small knob to the right of the timer knob for optional speed selections aside form the "auto" speeds.

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