Thread Number: 161
Don'tcha Just Love Matched Sets
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Post# 45829   9/26/2004 at 19:44 (7,243 days old) by TrainGuy (Key West, FL)        

trainguy's profile picture
Thanks to FilterFlo, my washer has found its partner. Does anyone have either grey ring or the grey agitator cap to help me complete this set?

Post# 45831 , Reply# 1   9/26/2004 at 20:00 (7,243 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
beauuuutiful !

those are absolutely beautiful ! And I bet they are so happy being with one another again !! thanks for sharing the picture !

Post# 45832 , Reply# 2   9/26/2004 at 20:01 (7,243 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Beautiful!!!! I too have a '56 Frigidaire Washer (on Loan) and it too needs new agitator parts. If I find a source I'll let you know. -Steve

Post# 45851 , Reply# 3   9/26/2004 at 23:45 (7,242 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
The '56 model seems as rare as a '57. I'm thrilled for you. And Jimmy, thanks for helping match a set. Yes, I do love matched sets the most. Such balance and symmmetry.

Post# 45863 , Reply# 4   9/27/2004 at 02:29 (7,242 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
I like matched sets too!! Congratulations, that set looks beautiful!!!!

Post# 45867 , Reply# 5   9/27/2004 at 05:07 (7,242 days old) by drmitch ()        

Beautiful set! Congratulations!

Post# 45874 , Reply# 6   9/27/2004 at 08:39 (7,242 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Wow Rich, they just shine, you must be very proud.

Post# 45879 , Reply# 7   9/27/2004 at 09:22 (7,242 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)        

peterh770's profile picture
Congrats Rich! Just beautiful! I have the same washer, and I believe Jon in Boston has one, and Tom in DC has the dryer. I'd love to find a dryer for myself. This set is sooo CLASSIC! Congrats!


Post# 45896 , Reply# 8   9/27/2004 at 14:36 (7,242 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Awesome Rich! How long have you been looking for the dryer? They are truly beautiful. The gray ring and cap will turn up one day, that color was used as replacements for all models after everything else was NLA so there's bound to be some still out there.

Post# 45904 , Reply# 9   9/27/2004 at 17:37 (7,242 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Ohhh I LOVE that!

jetcone's profile picture
Rich they are so nice. Yes I have a '56 washer tucked away that will be displayed soon. It was from the Farm and the Pink was completely gone but I was able to get ahold of some Aniline dye and recreate the color perfectly. I am lacking a tub for it though and have been using the earlier W0-65 tub which just clears the rim under the lid. Anybody have a 9 pound tub out there that would like some Moolah for it??

Enjoy Rich 56 was a great year Pink in Frigidaire and Copper on GE!!


Post# 45926 , Reply# 10   9/27/2004 at 21:36 (7,241 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
Beautiful set, Rich! Congratulations!!! Just love that classic GM look.

Post# 45932 , Reply# 11   9/27/2004 at 22:46 (7,241 days old) by arrrooohhh (Sydney Australia)        
Is that what i think it is in the background?

Love the beautiful matched set Frigidaire, but when I took another look at the photo I cant but help and wonder if that is one of the "Holy Grail" 1-18's?

I would love to see some pictures of that machine!

Post# 45946 , Reply# 12   9/28/2004 at 08:58 (7,241 days old) by FilterFlo (Chicago Area)        

Hey Rich, the dryer looks so beautiful cleaned up! Glad you were able to make another set. We sure found quite a few new washers this past month! Will post some pics soon of our new finds.......

Post# 45977 , Reply# 13   9/28/2004 at 23:56 (7,240 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
CAn't wait Jimmy to see the new finds!!!

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