Thread Number: 163
Question for Robert RE: GE Harmony
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Post# 45849   9/26/2004 at 23:03 (7,242 days old) by geoff (Cape Coral, FL)        

geoff's profile picture

Before even ATTEMPTING to purchase a GE Harmony I have a few quick questions. If I remember correctly, the lid switch can be defeated by using a strong magnet in the lower left hand corner. Is this correct?? finally, in the current models, did they change the lid switch to internal and under like the new WPKM?? I thought I had remembered hearing that some time ago.
Thank you (or anyone else) in advance for any information you can give me :) :)

Post# 45872 , Reply# 1   9/27/2004 at 08:31 (7,242 days old) by jaxsunst ()        

Home Depot has a piece of plexi over the display set and it runs in a demo mode. If you move the plexi, it doesn't work. I didn't see any magnets or anything like that on it.

I am also considering a Harmony set.


Post# 45876 , Reply# 2   9/27/2004 at 08:53 (7,242 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
I have no idea if the latest models have changed to a non-magnetic lid switch. But any lid switch can be defeated, one way or another. If you go to Home Depot and see their "see thru" lid, look closely at the lower left hand side, behind the bleach dispenser. There is a tiny white box stuck under the Plexiglas, that is the magnet. I do think I have ever run that machine with the lid closed, it rarely splashes out of the tub.

Overall it’s a good machine and it can be finagled not to save water which is a good thing in my opinion. I wouldn't want it as my only washer, but I'm spoiled that way. :)

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