Thread Number: 172
GE Washers
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Post# 45949   9/28/2004 at 10:41 (7,241 days old) by Maraf ()        

Anyone have any ratings or opinions about new GE washers and dryers????
I'm considering purchasing one of the energy star (but not harmony) electronic control machines.

Post# 45950 , Reply# 1   9/28/2004 at 11:23 (7,241 days old) by frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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Maraf--- I don't have a GE washer myself, but at this site and other sites dealing with washers I've seen a litany of complaints about GE top-loaders. Transmission problems, tub seal leaks, electronics gone haywire. Consumer Reports also lists the GE line as more prone to needing repairs.

The Maytag line, which used to be known for its dependability, has also had quite a few problems.

My suggestion is this: If you're looking for a top-loading machine, go with Kenmore or Whirlpool. They're dependable, and often moderately priced.

If you're open to suggestion, I highly recommend a front-loading machine. I have a Frigidaire (made by Electrolux, which also makes front-loaders for Sears and GE); they are quite reliable, clean well, spin fast for more water removal (less time in the dryer), and they save water and energy. The Frigidaire and GE machines are also less expensive than most front-loaders.

Hope this helps you! Good luck with your new purchase!

Post# 45956 , Reply# 2   9/28/2004 at 16:48 (7,241 days old) by i70sn80sguy ()        
GE electronics

All but a few of the cheapest GE top loading washers have electronic timers. Don't be fooled by the knobs with the thin chrome like strip. If the washer has cycle progress lites, temperature/option selector knobs that turn infinately and don't position on choices, a "timer" knob that doesn't move forward as the cycle progresss, It is a give away that there is a computer under that console.
Their 10+ year old current design is certainly more water efficient and easier to service.

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