Thread Number: 176
What's in store for us from Miele next year...
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Post# 45988   9/29/2004 at 05:55 (7,240 days old) by lavamat_jon (UK)        

Hey guys,

Looks like next year us guys in Europe will be getting a fully revamped range from Miele. And boy oh boy, aren't they beautiful :-D.

Here's an article from their press website (which I've linked to below)...

"Miele: New superior dishwasher technology

Flexible, convenient and economical

Domestic appliance manufacturer Miele is now launching a completely new dishwasher concept. The new G 1000 / G 2000 series, built at the company's own plant in Bielefeld, is characterised by low consumption of only 10 l of water in the standard programme. Apart from an attractive appearance and innovative technology, these new dishwashers feature a revamped inner cabinet: The inner cabinet is manufactured using a unique and patented hydroforming expansion method for which a new production line has been set up in Bielefeld. Miele has invested a total of over EUR 60 m in this line.

Cube hydroforming is state-of-the-art production technology. Here, the entire inner cabinet consisting of side, sump and roof panels previously welded to the rear panel is sculptured in a water-inflation process. Simultaneous expansion after welding avoids material stresses. Further advantages of this method are improved stability and enhanced design.

This dishwasher revamp allows Miele to launch appliances with completely new features. The modern, elegant design becomes immediately apparent at a glance: Operating controls are centred, and internalised Turbothermic drying obviates the need for a grille on the fascia panel. Entry-line models are operated using the traditional rotary selector switch or, increasingly, using pushbutton switches and a display. Depending on model, there is a choice of straight or inclined inset controls. On numerous appliances, there is a 3-digit countdown indicator which means the time left is displayed even more accurately. In addition, models will also be available which have convenient local-language display controls.

In addition to their appearance, the new appliances excel especially in terms of their 'inner values'. Exemplary here is the low consumption of only 10 l of water in the 'EnergySave' programme – a figure which still stands unbeaten. These product developments and a wide range of programmes (all models have at least five wash temperatures and 'Rapid 40°' and 'Intensive 75°') are attributable to newly-developed electronic controls which are being used here for the very first time. The electronic controls are also the basis for numerous other features such as Automatic, GlassCare, load-size sensing, spray arm monitoring and the option of using '2-in-1' or '3-in-1' detergent tablets (containing rinse aid and a substitute for salt). This particular option is set at the touch of a button.

New special programmes, for example for the most stringent of hygienic requirements and for particular types of crockery and glassware, together with the basket design and various special inserts, enhance convenience and the versatile use of baskets. Platters, baby bottles, plastic items, barbecue accessories and beer glasses are always assured of a secure place in the dishwasher, ensuring easy cleaning. A new feature is a sectionable cutlery tray with an off-centre 1/3 to 2/3 divide. Both sections can be removed individually so that also taller items, for example stemware, have space in the upper basket.

The new dishwashers offer greater installation flexibility. For example, the inner cabinet on standard-height appliances is 1 cm larger and now has a useable height of 58 cm. This extra space benefits the lower basket in which there is now space for large plates with a diameter of 31 cm. The new dishwashers are also adaptable to adjacent cabinetry and are available for recess heights of up to 77 cm (or 81 cm for 'XXL' appliances for 14 place settings).

Finally, the question of noise emissions is no longer an issue because the new generation of dishwashers is quite simply quiet. With noise levels of 42 dB for both free-standing and built-in dishwashers, a Triple A energy label rating for the appliances goes without saying."

Here's a sneak peek of the new Miele Dw's...

Oooooh, I can't wait until next year!!!


CLICK HERE TO GO TO lavamat_jon's LINK

Post# 45989 , Reply# 1   9/29/2004 at 05:56 (7,240 days old) by lavamat_jon (UK)        

A fully revamped dishwasher range that is...

Jon :-D

Post# 45995 , Reply# 2   9/29/2004 at 11:40 (7,240 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
That's a very sleek looking dishwasher. I'll have to ask Jetcone if sending his creditcard to the gym helped him LOL.

Post# 46024 , Reply# 3   9/29/2004 at 22:02 (7,240 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
I think it's very snazzy looking myself. now if only the us would liven up.

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