I'm in the process of replacing the tub to pump hose and the drain hose on my mothers washer. The rubber hoses are hard as a rock and the drain hose is cracked and leaking. While inside the machine should I look at anything else to replace or repair. The belts were replaced 6 years ago and seem okay.
Post# 45997 , Reply# 1   9/29/2004 at 12:01 (7,372 days old) by fixerman ()  
The major problem areas would be the motor glide plate and roller assembly. Check to be sure the motor moves freely in the glides. A little silicone grease on the rollers might be a good Idea. Check for leaking during fill from the fill nozzle. Also any signs of leaking from the upper trans seal.
Post# 45999 , Reply# 2   9/29/2004 at 12:54 (7,372 days old) by westie2 ()  
Thanks for the information. The upper trans seal looks good no leaks. I will check the slide though could be dry. This is my 84 year old mothers her second Maytag her first was a highlander series that she gave to my brother when the old dryer went out in the 70's and my parents bought this set that she has now.
Not to much more under there. My mom left a 1970 model that still works. New belts, lube the slide on the motor and make sure the clamps are tight. I found the water intake solenoids to be faulty after 30 years(live in a hard water area), but it was easier to replace than spell the word solenoid.