Thread Number: 18288
OMG! Somone Rescue Poor Baby - Vintage GE Portable Washer in Scranton!
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Post# 297331   8/16/2008 at 23:44 (5,823 days old) by launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
If one only had the room, would make the road trip in a heart beat!

Surely someone can find a home for this cute wee baby!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO launderess's LINK on eBay

Post# 297872 , Reply# 1   8/19/2008 at 11:35 (5,820 days old) by mistereric (New Jersey (Taylor Ham))        

mistereric's profile picture
ooooh neat! Does anyone live near scranton? I'd love to pick this up.

Post# 297953 , Reply# 2   8/19/2008 at 15:45 (5,820 days old) by rivman ()        
new member

Hi I am the owner of this vintage ge portable washer I am new to this web site . Tom

Post# 297970 , Reply# 3   8/19/2008 at 16:43 (5,820 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        
I'm underwhelmed

sudsmaster's profile picture
I was hoping this would be similar to a table-top GE portable clothes washer we had briefly after our Bendix broke down in the 50's. It looked like a big pressure cooker. Unfortunately, it broke down shortly after we acquired it. After that there was a fun family exercise of washing clothes in tubs in the yard with washboards. It was summer so it wasn't so bad, but I quickly grew to dislike washing that way.

Post# 297972 , Reply# 4   8/19/2008 at 16:50 (5,820 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

sudsmaster's profile picture
Oops, didn't know the proud seller was online here, :-).

It's a nice enough machine, just not what I was hoping to see. I've yet to meet anyone who has also seen one of the old 50's table-top GE washers... but maybe someone will own up to having seen one...

Post# 298034 , Reply# 5   8/19/2008 at 21:23 (5,820 days old) by toggleswitch2 ()        

May I request a "money shot"?



Post# 298168 , Reply# 6   8/20/2008 at 11:31 (5,819 days old) by mistereric (New Jersey (Taylor Ham))        

mistereric's profile picture
Yeah Tim, a money shot would be awesome. I'm guessing its an impeller machine?

Welcome to the club! Thats a cute little bugger... love those portables!

Post# 298246 , Reply# 7   8/20/2008 at 19:00 (5,819 days old) by rivman ()        
tub shot

here is the tub shot everyone has been waiting for

Post# 298257 , Reply# 8   8/20/2008 at 20:25 (5,819 days old) by westtexman (Lubbock, Texas)        
Cool Little Machine . .

I saw one of these in person at a wash-in at the Wilder's, in Austin's collection. I think his was a bit newer, as the control panel looks a bit older on this machine. Very cool!

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