Thread Number: 188
AEG 72740 Update Washer - One Year Old, Going Cheap
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Post# 46085   9/30/2004 at 20:16 (7,239 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Nice Euro washer, but requires 230v/50hz power. Doubt if it would work in the United States.


CLICK HERE TO GO TO Launderess's LINK on eBay

Post# 46104 , Reply# 1   10/1/2004 at 02:01 (7,238 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
5lb? I guess they mean 5kg which is around 11lbs. I still wonder about the 50hz vs 60hz issue. Euroline sells AEG's in Canada and I'm still not sure if they have been adapted for the 60Hz connection.

Post# 46119 , Reply# 2   10/1/2004 at 10:06 (7,238 days old) by rayjay (Carteret, New Jersey)        
LG Washer

I have an LG washer model WM2032HW which I purchased November 2003. It is a great machine. It looks and is a very sturdy machine. Just compare the door hinges or the rubber boot with the Duet or Hetties. Much better quality on the LG. The machine also does a great job washing and rinsing, and does not over suds when using regular detergent. My friend is a manager at a major appliance store, (Pc RIchards), and claims there are very few problems reported with these machines as opposed to the Duets and Neptunes. For his particular store, there were also very few if any returns. The cost of these machines are also much less. I know I made the right decision.

Post# 46123 , Reply# 3   10/1/2004 at 14:00 (7,238 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
Well either the seller *gave* away a perfectly great washer, or the seller is either moving to Europe/UK or knows something we don't.

FAIK some appliances will run on 60hz even if rated for 50hz, just will run a bit faster in terms of cycles and perhaps spin speed.

There was a poster over on THS who owned AEG units purchased from Euro-line and so far his run quite well. IIRC his are older units though and may even run off a transformer, not sure, would have to find the old THS tread to read up on it.

Euro-Line Appliances still sells AEG units for import to the United States, and people are buying. Given that Canada has the same power as the US, methinks all one needs is the 220/240 volt connection, unless AEG has made 60hz units just for export to North America.


Post# 46790 , Reply# 4   10/12/2004 at 04:56 (7,227 days old) by eddy1210 (Burnaby BC Canada)        
50 hertz

eddy1210's profile picture
My older AEG Lavamat is a 230V 50 hz machine and I've never had problems running it on our 60 hz electrical. I haven't checked my newer Lavamat 74620 to see if it's the same. Will get back to you on this.

Post# 46834 , Reply# 5   10/12/2004 at 19:12 (7,227 days old) by eddy1210 (Burnaby BC Canada)        
60 hz

eddy1210's profile picture
I checked my Lavamat 74620 and it is 220 V 60 hertz so they must make them tailored now to the proper specs. I bet my older AEG was either imported from England or else is was one of the first to hit the North American markets. One thing I noted on my older machine was the plug. It looked as if the original one was cut off and an aftermarket plug installed for the North American outlets.

Post# 47110 , Reply# 6   10/16/2004 at 01:43 (7,223 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
50/60 Hz

Theoretically, the cycles shouldn't matter, at least with a mechanical timer machine. Would would just run a little faster on 60 Hz.

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