Thread Number: 215
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Post# 46310   10/5/2004 at 02:14 (7,314 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
I got my Lady Kenmore Set today!
They are a gold 72 Lady Kenmore Heavy Duty. The washer is a 3 speed, with a "Vari-Flex" Agitator, has a white wash basket, automatic triple Dispensers,(on the top right side of the cabinet) a full lenght control panel cover that turns on a floresent light when the cover is opened, 14 cycle buttons! Its SOOO QUIET!!
The matching drier has full length load door, with drum light, (hardly no scratches in the drum at all),full length control panel cover that turns on a floresent light when the cover is opened, 2 cycles,(timed and Automatic all Fabric) 3 heat settings(air, delicate/knits, regular) solid state Electronic Sensor, winkle guard control(on and off)and (I think)a lint alert light button.(same shape as the start button,but its clear. not sure what the lint button is suppost to do.when I push it, nothing happens.) It also, is very quiet.
both have a few little minor things I need to have fixed, but nothing major.
This set was EXTREMELY well taken care of. all I need is the oweners manual for both of them(let me know where I can find copys PLEASE!!)I'll get pictures as soon as possible.

Post# 46315 , Reply# 1   10/5/2004 at 07:48 (7,313 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

Another great Kenmore find! Congrats!

2004 must be named Year Of The Washer.

Post# 46330 , Reply# 2   10/5/2004 at 12:54 (7,313 days old) by FilterFlo (Chicago Area)        

Hi, and congrats on your new set. Those are just beautiful and dramatic washers! I think I have the owners manual and parts list. If you can give me your model number, I will check on it and be happy to mail them out to you. Jimmy FilterFlo

Post# 46331 , Reply# 3   10/5/2004 at 13:08 (7,313 days old) by i70sn80sguy ()        
Wow both pieces

My Aunt had that set in Avacodo. bought when they built their new house in '72. And they are quiet too. I don't know if it has something to do with the small belt they used but the belt looks like nothing more that a clothesline.
Lucky you.
Pix definately

Post# 46333 , Reply# 4   10/5/2004 at 14:28 (7,313 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

It's the belt. It's a different kind of belt and pulley system I think. You don't hear the "woo woo woo woo" with those.

The 800 has the normal belt so it sounds just like the others.

Post# 46334 , Reply# 5   10/5/2004 at 15:51 (7,313 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The belt was part of the QuietPak design. Different belt and matching pulleys, and the motor is mounted in larger rubber grommets. Whirlpool used that design as well for a while.

Post# 46372 , Reply# 6   10/5/2004 at 23:55 (7,313 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
Hi Jimmy-
My model # is 7204902. Please send me anything you have for my Lady K, would be greatly appricatied!
Btw, I forgot to mention, that the dryier also came with a Drying rack!


Post# 46392 , Reply# 7   10/6/2004 at 09:23 (7,312 days old) by FilterFlo (Chicago Area)        

Rich, look up my email in my profile, and give me your address!

Post# 46437 , Reply# 8   10/6/2004 at 22:58 (7,312 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Rich! Outstanding. Those were my fav LK models. That "lint" "button" as you called it on the dryer is a lint signal that lights up and may buzz when the lint filter is full. And, did you get that maytag set that aws on ebay? Never heard back.

Post# 46442 , Reply# 9   10/7/2004 at 00:56 (7,312 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
BOB!! so great to hear from you! I love my Lady K set!
thank you for the information about the "lint" button. It looks like it has some sort of gauge in it when it slowly gets full.. hasn't made any sounds, yet.
No, I didn't get the maytag set on Ebay, I had plans on going to see them when I was in California a few weeks ago, but didn't get to go see them. oh well, there will be a next time.
give me a call some time! we need to chat!

Post# 46488 , Reply# 10   10/8/2004 at 06:39 (7,310 days old) by FilterFlo (Chicago Area)        

Hey Rich, The literature and data sheets that I had are now in the mail to you, enjoy! Jimmy (FilterFlo)

Post# 46501 , Reply# 11   10/8/2004 at 10:23 (7,310 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
Thank you Jimmy! I can't wait to get them! I will let you know when I do.

Post# 46563 , Reply# 12   10/9/2004 at 05:31 (7,310 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Quiet Pak belt usage

Never knew that the Quiet Pak used a different belt. Was it skinny and ribbed like theone they used on the portable BD machines? My '72 LK portable uses a skinny ribbed belt that kept tight by a spring loaded idler pulley instead of adjusting the motor. Also both sides of the belt are used, with the ribbed side going around the motor, pump, and main drive pulleys, and the smooth back side used to drive the basket drive pulley.

Post# 46571 , Reply# 13   10/9/2004 at 10:20 (7,309 days old) by fixerman ()        

The quiet pack belt is not ribbed. The belt works identically to the standard size belt except it is only 1/4 in. wide.

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