Thread Number: 219
Maytag Wringers |
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Post# 46374 , Reply# 1   10/6/2004 at 00:04 (7,408 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)   |   | |
Post# 46375 , Reply# 2   10/6/2004 at 00:51 (7,408 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)   |   | |
Post# 46376 , Reply# 3   10/6/2004 at 01:46 (7,408 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)   |   | |
what a awesome collection Geoff! Im glad some one else loves Maytag wringers like I do! I Love the pictures of all the agitators!! I have 2 maytag wringers, which are: late40's-50's Model E2 with a black bakelite agitator(Im the 2nd owner) and a 83 Model N2 with turqoise agitator(2nd owner also) I would love to own a Model J2 wringer,with a Red bakelite or metal agitator to complete my set but, that model is hard to find. Keep us posted!! Rich |
Post# 46387 , Reply# 5   10/6/2004 at 08:34 (7,408 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)   |   | |
Hi Geoff, You collection is so much fun thanks for sharing. I've only used a wringer washer once to do an entire Sunday's worth of wash. I was drenched and exhausted by the end, but it was a lot of fun. Are you only interested in Maytag machines or are you looking for other brands of wringer washers too? |
Post# 46405 , Reply# 8   10/6/2004 at 15:29 (7,408 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)   |   | |
I've used my Maytag wringer (and others) for a couple of my bi-weekly washes and don't remember getting too wet but I cheated and wrung the washed clothes straight into a Unimatic for rinsing and final spin ;-) When the people were here filming for the HGTV show, they were both stunned at the amount of work required with a wringer washer - "you mean you have to pick the clothes out by hand?? How did civilization survive?" My grandmother used to make her own lye soap, it is strong stuff for sure but sure gets the stains and oil spots out of coveralls. I've heard stories about her rendering the lard for the soap (as well as cooking, etc.) what a horrible stink that must have been, I'll keep my box of Tide! |
Post# 46413 , Reply# 10   10/6/2004 at 16:39 (7,408 days old) by golittlesport (California)   |   | |
Thanks for sharing pictures of your collection. I have a thing for wringer washers. Your aunt was right...those things could take your arm off...and my mom's Dexter almost did when I was two. I survived with my arm intact, although I have a few scars as a souvenier. I never got to use a wringer washer myself until several years ago when I visted Robert in Minnieapolis and Greg in Omaha and got to feed the clothes through the rollers on their machines. What fun! A real hands-on washing experience.
Post# 46416 , Reply# 12   10/6/2004 at 17:12 (7,408 days old) by fixerman ()   |   | |
For your brother it was almost a hands off experience. |
Post# 46429 , Reply# 13   10/6/2004 at 21:07 (7,408 days old) by geoffdelp (SAUK RAPIDS)   |   | |
fixerman ... you're right! :-) |