Thread Number: 222
Dryer on "How Clean Is Your House?"
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Post# 46431   10/6/2004 at 21:35 (7,432 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
Okay, so "How Clean Is Your House" is now one of my favorite shows. Makes me feel SOOOOO much better about mine!
Anyway, the episode that was on this past Monday featured a guy with three dogs. There was a scene where they were doing laundry and showed the timer dial for the dryer. It was kind of weird, and I know I've seen it before. The dial was dished, and recessed flush into the control panel, which was low and curved. The start button was rectangular and also flush with the control panel.
I'm thinking this is a Kenmore, but I'm not sure. At any rate, I KNOW I've seen it before. Can anyone shed some light on this machine for me?
I think the episode will be repeated on 10/11 at 8:00 AM.

Post# 46450 , Reply# 1   10/7/2004 at 08:52 (7,432 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

Maybe a mid sixties Frigidaire?

Post# 46458 , Reply# 2   10/7/2004 at 10:31 (7,432 days old) by fixerman ()        

I think it might be a kenmore from the 60's to early 70's. I can't give details but I know some Kenmores had dished dials, usually under a cover. I believe they had rectangular start buttons.

Post# 46459 , Reply# 3   10/7/2004 at 10:35 (7,432 days old) by Brent-Aucoin ()        

Hey there,
I had this dryer for a few years in the late 80's. Great dryer.
The back of it kinda just curves up-ward a little big. The dial is inward like you described.
I have seen many of this dryer before, but never the washer. I would love to see the washer also.

Post# 46460 , Reply# 4   10/7/2004 at 14:10 (7,432 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Sounds like a Kenmore "Match-All" dryer, probably late 60's or early 70's. These were models sold to go with any washer and thus had no matching washer available. A friend of mine used to have one, a good, basic dryer.

Post# 46465 , Reply# 5   10/7/2004 at 17:42 (7,432 days old) by cehalstead (Charleston, WV)        

Definitely a "Match-All" from Kenmore, in the early '70's. My cousin had one, and used it through 3 washers. It was a good basic dryer.

Post# 46467 , Reply# 6   10/7/2004 at 18:28 (7,432 days old) by Hoovermatic (UK)        

Who is presenting this show in the US, is it the same two Scottish harpies that present it in the UK?

Post# 46502 , Reply# 7   10/8/2004 at 10:39 (7,431 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        
How Clean Is Your House?

veg-o-matic's profile picture
It's hosted by Kim Something and Aggie MacKenzie. Aggie's Scottish. I'm guessing they're the same two "harpies" as shown in the UK!
I absolutely LOVE this show. One certainly doesn't get any useful cleaning tips, but the voyeuristic appeal is off the chart. It's basically a 30-minute commercial for Procter & Gamble products (Yay!) but the two gals are totally hysterical! It's amazing how people can live in filth and not even be apologetic about it. Frankly, there's not enough money in the WORLD to get me to do something like that.
To get back on track, anybody got a picture of the "match all" dryer from Sears? I don't know why it looks so familiar to me. We never owned one, and I don't even think I ever saw one in person.

Post# 46510 , Reply# 8   10/8/2004 at 14:30 (7,431 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
is this it

Post# 46511 , Reply# 9   10/8/2004 at 14:31 (7,431 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
this is the dryer for that control panel

I save pictures from this site and have over 3000 images

Post# 46514 , Reply# 10   10/8/2004 at 15:32 (7,431 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
The cycle dial looks about right, but it was on the right-hand side of the machine and the start button was horizontal.
This machine looks much more "deluxe" than what was on the show.

Post# 46521 , Reply# 11   10/8/2004 at 16:03 (7,431 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        
more lady kenmore dryer memorabelia

bpetersxx's profile picture
I dug in the laundry folder and found this

I am not sure if this is any closer

Mom had a lady kenmore dryer that had a pointer dial that pointed to colored settings for different fabs

She also had a Lady Kenmore washer that had 8 colored pushbuttons around the control knob that controlled how far the knob turned

Post# 46536 , Reply# 12   10/8/2004 at 21:31 (7,430 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
Yep, that's the one! Thanks fer finding it!

Now I just have to figure out why it appeals to me so much...

Post# 46539 , Reply# 13   10/8/2004 at 22:00 (7,430 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

plastic control panels.....a hint of things to come

Post# 46543 , Reply# 14   10/8/2004 at 23:33 (7,430 days old) by fixerman ()        

Maybe plastic may be preferable to the current control panels that are so thin and flimsey one dares not push to hard them for fear of bending them.

Post# 46544 , Reply# 15   10/8/2004 at 23:36 (7,430 days old) by fixerman ()        

Maybe it is the odd lint filter cover. This may be the only year they made them in this shape.

Post# 46561 , Reply# 16   10/9/2004 at 05:05 (7,430 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        

The 2nd picture is the exact dryer I had in the early 70's before I got the '78 LK set. It was originally teamed with a '55 "Frog-Eye KM that was left by former owners and I repaired, then with a '63 LK. At that time, the washer was in a detached garage and the dryer was in the house in a bedroom. It and the '63 were given away when kitchen was re-modeled and the '78 LK set was purchased and laundry moved into the kitchen.

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