Thread Number: 230
Last combos?
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Post# 46503   10/8/2004 at 10:52 (7,231 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
What were the last combos made? I was surprised to read (in another thread) that Kenmore offered them until the mid 70's.
On the other hand, there is an apartment complex where I used to live that still had GE combos in the mid 70's. I don't think they were too old then, as they had the same look as the top loading GEs of that time.
I always thought a combo would be more practical than separate machines. Then I got my stacking Frigidaires and realized that's the way to go.

Post# 46523 , Reply# 1   10/8/2004 at 16:30 (7,231 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

A combo takes twice as long to do laundry.

With 2 machines, you can have load 2 in the washer while load 1 is drying. With a combo, you have to wait the 2 or 3 hours for ONE load to finish. Combos are good for really limited space but not very practical IMHO.

Vintage front loaders on the other hand are super fun.

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