Thread Number: 231
Help this little Austin gal...
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Post# 46506   10/8/2004 at 13:09 (7,276 days old) by Kilsharion ()        

I have been eyeing the wringer washers on e-bay - and while they are what I need (yes need) they are always in places like Wisconsin or Pennsylvania or Ohio or Canada. I live in Austin. I make drums. My old wringer washer just bit the dust in a very undistinguished heap and has been given to a friend to use as a planter. I seriously need a washer - don't even need the wringer, though it's nice - just the bloody washer. I found a place that sells them new - but it's $795 (including shipping) to get one. While I make enough to get by, I certainly don't make enough to pay $795 for a machine I'm going to do nothing but agitate rawhide in.

I know this generally isn't the place to come, as you are all collectors, but I figured you would have come across some items that might work but aren't decent enough to be collector quality that would work for someone like myself.

Does anyone have any suggestions for where I can look to find a unit at a reasonable price in the Austin area?
Feel free to contact me at or via Yahoo user name Kilsharion.

thanks so much.

Post# 46526 , Reply# 1   10/8/2004 at 17:09 (7,276 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)        

Hi Kilsharion,

I don't know where you might come up with a wringer in Austin, but I bet someone on this forum might be able to help you.

Anyway, you say that you found where you could but one new, for $795.00 My question is- where, and what type of wringer washer is it.

I might be wrong, but I thought that no one was manufacturing wringer washers in the USA anymore.

There is a company in Mexico that makes them. Check out the link. I wish they would import to the USA. What ever happened with NAFTA? That's what I thought it was passed for.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO laundramatt's LINK

Post# 46528 , Reply# 2   10/8/2004 at 17:30 (7,276 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Any used appliance stores in your area? Salvation Army thrift stores? Trader type papers,where you might place an ad?
They're still out there,sometimes you have to be creative to find 'em!


Post# 46534 , Reply# 3   10/8/2004 at 19:46 (7,275 days old) by Kilsharion ()        
New wringer washer

Hey, Matt. this is the company that makes the new wringer washers. They are re-makes of the Speen Queen.

As for the link that you posted...they have a store in San Antonio. I'm shocked.


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