Thread Number: 23921
Servicemode NEW miele washers!
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Post# 372263   8/15/2009 at 05:51 (5,459 days old) by askomiele (Belgium Ghent)        

Ok since I know how to open the servicemode on my Miele (2000 Gold), I've decided, before I buy any other miele I have to know how to get in the service mode. I know that all series with a button start and short, you have to press both of them and switch the power on to get into the mode... but what about the washer form the new series W3000? Haven't tried it yet on other machines, except my aunt's miele (W3245) where i tried serveral touch combinations, without succes... Has someone found the key to this mystery?

Post# 372270 , Reply# 1   8/15/2009 at 06:29 (5,459 days old) by pedro (London)        

Hi askomiele,

What does this service mode do exactly? I tried it on mine and as i turned the programmes selector it displayed a flashing 'P' followed by either a 0,1,or 2. What relevance is this?

Post# 372273 , Reply# 2   8/15/2009 at 07:18 (5,459 days old) by askomiele (Belgium Ghent)        
The servicemode...

allows you to test al the components of your washer. You can let the machine fill through the prewash, mainwash conditioner compartment, untill on of the preset levels is reached. You can test the motor by either selecting the wash rythm or the spinspeeds (from the lowest, to the highest). And you can test the heater by selecting it's serviceprogram, and turning it on untill the preset test temperature is reached.

Post# 372282 , Reply# 3   8/15/2009 at 07:54 (5,459 days old) by pedro (London)        

Brilliant, a very handy feature to have, although when i turned the selector, although the display showed the 'P' followed by the number, nothing happened, the machine didnt fill, the motor didnt do i get the machine to carry out these functions?

Post# 372289 , Reply# 4   8/15/2009 at 08:53 (5,459 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

logixx's profile picture
"P" stands for programming mode. This allows you to alter machine settings. For example, you can alter the Water Plus button to either give you more water for the rinses, the wash and the rinses, an extra rinse or more water for both washing and rinsing and an extra rinse. In the display, this corresponds to P1 to P4. You can also turn suds-cooling on and off, extends soaking times etc.

The service mode allows you to temporarily test all the parts of the machine (motor, heater, pressure switch etc.) – but it doesn’t change the machine’s programming.

I’d be interested in knowing, how to access more programming options than those indicated in the manual – like the hidden options on the American W4080, which are displayed once you access the hidden service menu:

01 Reset
02 Language (listing)
03 Water Plus Water+, Extra Rinse, Water+/Extra Rinse
04 Gentle Action Off, On
05 Suds Cooling Off, On
06 Temperature Celsius, Fahrenheit
07 Buzzer (scale)
08 Keypad Tone (scale)
09 Display Contrast (scale)
10 Brightness (scale)
11 Standby On, Not in Current Plan
12 Memory Off, On
13 Drum Lighting Off, On
14 Water Intake Cold, Hot + Cold
15 Maximum Water Level Off, On
16 Flow Meter No, Yes
17 Low Water Pressure No, Yes
18 Rinse Process No, Yes
19 Allergy Off, On
20 Country Version (listing)
21 Automatic Load Control Off, On
22 Heater Rating 760W, 1060W, 2100W, 2500W, 2600W, 3000W, 4200W, 4600W, 5300W, 8100W
23 Drum Capacity ASA, NSA
24 Imbalance Charts Chart 1, Chart 2
25 Maximum Spin 1200rpm, 1300rpm, 1400rpm, 1500rpm, 1600rpm, 1700rpm, 1800rpm, 1900rpm, 2000rpm
26 Water Valve Valves, Water Guide (4 pos), Water Guide (5 pos)
27 Machine Front Loader, Top Loader
28 Hygiene Info Off, On
29 Bleach Off, On
30 Exit

Post# 805126 , Reply# 5   1/21/2015 at 07:27 (3,474 days old) by AtMohs ()        

You probably have figured it out by now, but it may help someone else.

You could try the same way as for W5000 series:
Close the door (important), turn off the washer if it's on, then:
Press the start button and then turn on the washer while keeping both buttons pressed until the start button stops blinking, then:
- for the custom settings mode: just wait
- for the service mode: press the start button 3 times and keep it pressed
- for the service settings mode: press the start button 5 times and keep it pressed

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