Thread Number: 2401
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Post# 70733   6/17/2005 at 21:38 (6,978 days old) by Maestra ()        

Hi! I heard that it's a friendly crowd here. Wondered if you could help me identify/understand these two pieces of appliances in my basement. The brand is Blackstone on both. One looks like a dryer and the other looks like some kind of trouser presser or something. They must be from the 50s or before. They are really dirty but look I am sure they can be cleaned. How much would they go for and would any of you enthusiast be interested in taking them off my hands? I live in southern Connecticut. Thanks in advance!

Post# 70734 , Reply# 1   6/17/2005 at 21:40 (6,978 days old) by Maestra ()        
Help needed 2

This is the other picture of the trouser presser thing.

Post# 70735 , Reply# 2   6/17/2005 at 21:40 (6,978 days old) by Maestra ()        
Help needed 3

This is the dryer.

Post# 70738 , Reply# 3   6/17/2005 at 22:22 (6,978 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Wow, those are very cool!

Jon, where are you???

Post# 70739 , Reply# 4   6/17/2005 at 22:30 (6,978 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Ahh. French door Blackstone!

Post# 70888 , Reply# 5   6/19/2005 at 22:31 (6,976 days old) by JerseyMike ()        

Check out that electric cord on the dryer! I wonder if this machine was a gas dryer or if it operated on 110 volts. (If that's the case, it must have taken forever to dry a load of clothes!)

The machine that looks like a pants presser is indeed an ironer or what some people call a mangle. It's basically a rotary iron. Kind of sort like what you might see in your local dry cleaners.

My mother had a Frigidaire mangle. I remember her using it when I was a kid. She eventually stopped using it. (She actually no longer irons.) She couldn't find any takers when she decided to get rid of it. Even the Salvation Army, Goodwill and Cancer Care were not interested. (It was in mint condition.) This was in the pre-Ebay days.

You can try selling both machines on Ebay. Hopefully, you'll be able to find someone who will pay something for them. It would be a shame to just throw them in the trash.

Good luck and keep us posted.


Post# 70898 , Reply# 6   6/20/2005 at 00:02 (6,976 days old) by toggleswitch (New York City, NY)        

toggleswitch's profile picture
Wow how cool!

I love learning aobut early dryers as they were somewhat rare--- "a luxury"

May I request a shot of the nameplate (bottom right in front) and a snapshot of the rear of the machine.


My gut says you may wanna know about that ironer!!!1

Thank you so much.

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