Thread Number: 241
Another Tawny Gold Lady Kenmore SET!
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Post# 46597   10/9/2004 at 16:03 (7,279 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        

pumper's profile picture
Todd and I spent most of the morning (and part of the afternoon) hitting the thrift store circuit here in Phoenix. Wouldn't you know it, the last store we went to (Goodwill) offered up this beautiful matching set (Model #110.72490610). We just got them home and don't even know if they run yet, but they're just so darn pretty to look at! Luckily we happened in on a half-off sale and got both for $70.00!!! The dispenser lid on the washer is cracked and the lint handle is broken off the screen but cosmetically in pretty good shape. Too bad the dryer is 220V. We can't test it as our house doesn't have the proper outlet. Will have to call electrician on Monday!


Post# 46598 , Reply# 1   10/9/2004 at 16:34 (7,279 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        
Washer trouble

pumper's profile picture
After filling the washer, it spins & agitates at the same time. I saw another post regarding a Hotpoint washer doing the same thing. I know on my other Lady, there is a round disk that is supposed to pop up and engage the tub to spin. This one must be stuck in the up position. Does this sound right (and easy to fix?).

Post# 46599 , Reply# 2   10/9/2004 at 17:32 (7,279 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        

pumper's profile picture
hmm. ok it looks like one of the solenoids on the wig-wag is not activating to push the cam bar(?) in during wash. is a new wig-wag in order?

Post# 46602 , Reply# 3   10/9/2004 at 18:36 (7,279 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Great looking set!
No broken wires on the wig wag?


Post# 46603 , Reply# 4   10/9/2004 at 19:09 (7,279 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        
Broken wig-wag

pumper's profile picture
here is the problem. the thingy that rides back and forth on the bar i noticed was loose and rocking to and fro, unlike the other one. so loose that when the solenoid activates, it doesn't catch onto the bar (is that called a cam bar?) i jiggled it a few times and it popped off the plunger. it is bent at the top where it connected. it does seem like the bar is a little tight when trying to move it back and forth. lubed it up with wd40.

Post# 46604 , Reply# 5   10/9/2004 at 19:38 (7,279 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

You need to replace the spin cam plunger and also see if there is anything making the cam bar hard to move. Sometimes you just need to grease the bottom of the cam bar that rides in the slot of the tranny top. Also make sure the roller that the cam bar slides into is free and not binding in any way. Also grease the part of the cam bar that goes through that slot where the roller is. Am i making sense?

Post# 46606 , Reply# 6   10/9/2004 at 20:02 (7,279 days old) by fixerman ()        

I agree. Makes sense to me. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Post# 46609 , Reply# 7   10/9/2004 at 22:24 (7,279 days old) by i70sn80sguy ()        
Wow cool

This is a 1974 or 1975 set. Super Capacity dryer, different knob style from 1972, larger dryer door.

Oh darn though, no sudsaver ;- ]

They look great, a dream come true for some of us. And a matched set at that.

Post# 46611 , Reply# 8   10/10/2004 at 01:16 (7,279 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        

pumper's profile picture
according to the model numbers, the washer is a '72 and the dryer is a '76.

Post# 46618 , Reply# 9   10/10/2004 at 07:34 (7,278 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
Rich Tretheway did a similar repair on a Whirlpool on "Ask This Old House" on TV .

Post# 46621 , Reply# 10   10/10/2004 at 09:34 (7,278 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

Nothing as pretty as a matched set. Poor Lady needs a new wigwag. Plastic tub ring, penta-swirl, super capacity. I was gonna guess 1974 because that was the very last gasp for the "classic lady" before the dreaded makover.

Look at the covers where the light shines through. Looks like they left the lights on a long time.

Post# 46628 , Reply# 11   10/10/2004 at 12:26 (7,278 days old) by fixerman ()        

When replacing the spin plunger I sometimes find it easier to remove the cam slide because it is esier than trying to remove the plunger pin when it is still attached to the transmission. I push the spin actuator rod up and pull the cam slide out while relieving the pressure of the hold down spring.

Post# 46630 , Reply# 12   10/10/2004 at 12:36 (7,278 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
Im guessing they are just a bit older than '72 also by the looks, seems they made subtle little changes to her.
Sounds like this Lady needs some TLC. Reguardless, they are a beautiful set, Im sure you will get both up and running in no time.
keep us posed on the progress.


Post# 46647 , Reply# 13   10/10/2004 at 19:20 (7,278 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Suds Saver

mrb627's profile picture
Did Kenmore ever have a suds saver in the big machines? Or was it only the standard capacity models?


Post# 46687 , Reply# 14   10/10/2004 at 21:27 (7,278 days old) by fixerman ()        

I just sold a suds saver machine I believe was large capacity. Model 110.73983120

Post# 46744 , Reply# 15   10/11/2004 at 15:09 (7,277 days old) by robbytuck ()        

My Mom bought one of these in 1974 after the 1962 Frigidaire Custom died. Same color. She claimed the Kenmore did a better job that the Frigidaire. She never like the Custom; after all she didn't pick it out. My Grandparents bought it to as a Christmas Gift when the 1949 Maytage AMP gave up the ghost. Mom would have preferred another Maytag. Who ever said you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth?


Post# 46760 , Reply# 16   10/11/2004 at 20:44 (7,277 days old) by chaskelljr2 (Washington, D. C.)        
Date of the Lady Kenmore set......

And "Pumper"......

In reference to the date of your new Lady Kenmore set, you'd be wrong. Your new Lady Kenmore set is a 1974-75 set. With the covers flipped down, they would look like a 1972-73 set (the first year of the handleless lids and inverted handled doors). Differences being that they changed the colors of the push buttons and control panels in 1974, they used different dials that year from the 1969-73 models, they did away with the Vari-Flex agitator in 1974 (a cost cutting move........ I guess....... it was included in the 1969-73 Ladys) and decided to go with the Penta Swirl, and lastly, your Lady is a two speed washer, the 1969-73 models were three speed models. A entirely new Lady was introduced in 1976 (the first year they went with all models match panels...... except for the Lady Kenmores.......... and the only reason they didn't match the rest of the line is because of the black finish on the top of the panels and the "Lady Kenmore" badge embedded on the top right of the panels) which introduced the Dual-Action agitator.

But you have a beautiful set nonetheless.

I hope you get that washer up and running again real soon.


Post# 46763 , Reply# 17   10/11/2004 at 20:51 (7,277 days old) by chaskelljr2 (Washington, D. C.)        

Yes..... Kenmore did have sud savers featured in their large capacity machines as well. My mom bought one back in 1978 after our 1967 single speed gave out. She replaced the 1967 single speed BOL Kenmore with a 1978 Large Capacity model with a Sud Saver.


Post# 46777 , Reply# 18   10/11/2004 at 22:50 (7,277 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        
Date of the Lady Kenmore set

powerfin64's profile picture
Wow. Thank you for clarifing the dates of the Lady K's, Charles. That makes alot more sence.


Post# 46778 , Reply# 19   10/11/2004 at 22:52 (7,277 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        
suds saver operation

bpetersxx's profile picture
Can all the suds saver experts give a primer on suds saver washers.

I know a little bit on lady kenmore but was amazed at a maytag susd saver.

Post# 46783 , Reply# 20   10/11/2004 at 23:41 (7,277 days old) by fixerman ()        

A Suds saver model has a solenoid valve with 3 ports. One for drain in and two for drain out, one drain out is for suds drain and the other drain out is for the rinse drain. When the machine drains the wash water the timer tells the valve to drain via the suds drain hose which is placed in a laundry tub and extends down to the bottom of the tub. The tub drain must of course have a stopper so the tub holds the wash water. On rinse the timer tells the valve to drain from the drain hose which is placed in a stand pipe or in the case of two laundry tubs, in the other tub which of course is allowed to drain. When one is ready to wash the next load the timer is put on "Suds" and the washer will suck the water from the wash tub back into the machine to be used again.

Post# 46784 , Reply# 21   10/11/2004 at 23:45 (7,277 days old) by fixerman ()        

Sorry I may have misunderstood what a Primer is. What an air head I am. I thought you meant how it works, then it occurred to me you meant something else.

Post# 46792 , Reply# 22   10/12/2004 at 05:56 (7,276 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
it sounded pretty good to me

I know that on my maytag suds savers you press save suds or drain suds and that tells the diverter valve to dump the water into the tub or the standpipe next to the washer.

I am curious about solid tub suds savers

Post# 47214 , Reply# 23   10/17/2004 at 11:26 (7,271 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        
RE: Age

pumper's profile picture
I thought that the first 2 numbers after the 110 in the model number was the year of the machine. On the washer, it's 72 and on the dryer it's 76.

Post# 47225 , Reply# 24   10/17/2004 at 15:03 (7,271 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
What are the first three numbers after the source code? (110. is Whirlpool)

Sometime in the later 60's or early 70's they changed the model numbering system and the year of manufacture changed to the first and third numbers of the model.

These look from about '73-74-75. I have the '74 catalog with these. Sometime in this period was the first large capacity Lady Kenmore washer, with the Penta-Swirl agitator. The machine in my catalog has the Penta-Vane, but it's the same otherwise.

Post# 47275 , Reply# 25   10/18/2004 at 00:12 (7,271 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        

pumper's profile picture
the washer is 110.72490610
dryer is 110.76490600

your explanation would make them 1974 models. thanks for clearing that up.

Post# 48678 , Reply# 26   11/5/2004 at 22:25 (7,252 days old) by kreftgr ()        

To find the exact date of manufacture, the serial number is better than the model #. It will tell you the week of the year that it was made, talking Whirlool made machines. Glen.

Post# 48692 , Reply# 27   11/6/2004 at 01:06 (7,252 days old) by scott55405 ()        

What a fun set! Did you get them (or the washer anyway) up and running?

These are definitely 74 models. Previous models would have had a Variflex agitator rather than whatever this one is, and the plastic disc type timer dial, rather than the controls printed on the machine. Enjoy!

Post# 48694 , Reply# 28   11/6/2004 at 01:56 (7,251 days old) by pumper (SE Wisconsin)        

pumper's profile picture
Yes, I got a spin solenoid plunger & shoe off the internet for about $7 and she's running fine now. Still haven't been able to test the dryer for lack of an outlet.

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