Thread Number: 24196
Dishwashers with glass window !!!
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Post# 375896   8/31/2009 at 03:21 (5,523 days old) by roto-tray-lover ()        

Hi folks!
I know two models of dishwasher which are now in production with glass window, from which we can see how it works inside!
One is the REX TECHNA "VISI" which is shown below...

Post# 375897 , Reply# 1   8/31/2009 at 03:23 (5,523 days old) by roto-tray-lover ()        
the other is a countertop "CANDY"

here the picture.....

Post# 375898 , Reply# 2   8/31/2009 at 03:24 (5,523 days old) by roto-tray-lover ()        
do you know ...........................

.............. of any other brand /model in production ???
Please post pics !

Post# 376037 , Reply# 3   8/31/2009 at 21:38 (5,522 days old) by favorit ()        
Techna Pro 90

Hi Ermanno,
this is another Rex (but obviously it does exist even with the A.E.G. badge)
It is a low tub, 90 cm wide dishwasher for those kitchens with tall legs counters


Post# 376273 , Reply# 4   9/1/2009 at 21:33 (5,521 days old) by brasilianguy ()        

here in brasil we have a model with window too....
I have one, but i'll post a pic i catch on the internet.....
it's made by Brastemp, that's a brand manufactured by Whirlpool here in Brasil...

Post# 376275 , Reply# 5   9/1/2009 at 21:35 (5,521 days old) by brasilianguy ()        

It's a counter top model that can be used built in with an special cabinet

Post# 376276 , Reply# 6   9/1/2009 at 21:38 (5,521 days old) by brasilianguy ()        

the wash arm... (just one in the botton and one on the top, no middle spray arm, and i can say as an user of a machine like this that the glasses in the middle of the top rack don't come out as clean as they should!!! :(

Post# 376433 , Reply# 7   9/2/2009 at 19:02 (5,520 days old) by roto-tray-lover ()        

I found a "french" dishwasher, brand name MINEA model WP5AHD, which is also with window-door. I read the comments of owners which are not satisfied at all about performance of this model. It seems the operations are driven by a "timer" which is often not properly functioning. I guess, but this is only my opinion, that these small counter-top dishwashers are probably made in China and imported under different brand names...

Post# 376435 , Reply# 8   9/2/2009 at 19:10 (5,520 days old) by roto-tray-lover ()        

This is a Chinese product.
Manufacturer's name is Beswin Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.

Post# 376437 , Reply# 9   9/2/2009 at 19:13 (5,520 days old) by roto-tray-lover ()        

... now look at this one!
Chinese dishwasher made by ANHUI HYDE GROUP CO., LIMITED

Post# 376440 , Reply# 10   9/2/2009 at 19:18 (5,520 days old) by roto-tray-lover ()        

again a Chinese one!
Manufacturer: Ningbo Zhiying Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd

all these machines are very similar each other.
and they look like Microwave ovens !!!
I found them nice anyway!

Post# 376442 , Reply# 11   9/2/2009 at 19:29 (5,520 days old) by roto-tray-lover ()        

one more...
this one, I must say, has a very unusual look!

Post# 376443 , Reply# 12   9/2/2009 at 19:34 (5,520 days old) by brasilianguy ()        

these machines that look like microwave must wash better them mine couse they have only one rack..... not like mine that's a kind of compact tall tub!!! :( i wish the Whirlpool could try to put any kind of middle spray arm im my dishwasher..... it have a good size, but an other wash arm or tower wash would be perfect!!!

Post# 376444 , Reply# 13   9/2/2009 at 19:40 (5,520 days old) by roto-tray-lover ()        

Hi Brasilianguy, thank you for posting Brastemp's pics. I've never seen this model before, I guess it is not distributed in Europe. I think the inside configuration with 2 racks and only one spray arm is very similar to the old KitchenAid dishwashers of the fifties...
look at this picture

Post# 376458 , Reply# 14   9/2/2009 at 21:11 (5,520 days old) by brasilianguy ()        

yeah, but these old KA was a REALLY KItchenAid.... hehehe, with a big motor, using lots of water and energy. the motor of mine is too small, only 300 watts of power (and a 1500wtts heating element). the machine uses only 4 liters of wather in each fill (a total of 20 liters in the normal cicle and 16 liters in the eco). it uses about 1,2 kw/h in the normal cicle. and mine don'r fit pan in the upper rack... i need to put the pans in the lower and not to put anything above in the upper rack!!!

Post# 376524 , Reply# 15   9/3/2009 at 06:14 (5,520 days old) by logixx (Germany)        
Japanese dishwasher

logixx's profile picture

type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowscriptaccess=always allowfullscreen=true width=425 height=344>

Post# 378393 , Reply# 16   9/12/2009 at 21:11 (5,510 days old) by favorit ()        
Coway windowed dishwasher

Found on das (thanks to Christian1974)


Post# 378506 , Reply# 17   9/13/2009 at 09:03 (5,509 days old) by unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
Nothing a saw jig, tempered glass and flourcent lighting can

unimatic1140's profile picture
don't forget to throw in some imagination...


After and installed

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