Thread Number: 25
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Post# 44591 , Reply# 1   9/6/2004 at 22:24 (7,439 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)   |   | |
Post# 44594 , Reply# 2   9/7/2004 at 01:34 (7,439 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)   |   | |
Post# 44608 , Reply# 3   9/7/2004 at 07:11 (7,439 days old) by appnut (TX)   |   | |
As Fall is coming soon, we seem to be "falling" into some good opportunities. C'mon guys (Jimmy or others in the relative area), save these and let others have a crack at them in the club. Awesome shap. Hmm, another one of those strange instances where by original buyer didn't see the importance of a matched set--the lower model dryer vs. the washer. Truely based on functionality, but go figure.
Post# 44636 , Reply# 4   9/7/2004 at 19:26 (7,438 days old) by westytoploader ()   |   | |
Hmmm...I didn't notice that the dryer wasn't a Custom Imperial like the washer. Hey, at least the colors still match unlike some mismatched sets I've seen in the past! |
Post# 44878 , Reply# 5   9/11/2004 at 09:22 (7,435 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)   |   | |
Post# 44890 , Reply# 6   9/11/2004 at 15:55 (7,435 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)   |   | |
MRB, While it can be fustrating if seller's don't answer emails I usually have to weigh that against how much I really "want" an item. Many sellers are off doing other things, and or don't respond because they get lots of "crank" emails, but agree they should at least make an effort to sort out the good from bad. There is also a chance eBay's mail system didn't forward the message, so I'll usually send a second after a few days of no response. |
Post# 44953 , Reply# 7   9/12/2004 at 20:26 (7,433 days old) by laundramatt (Youngstown, Ohio)   |   | |
I also sent an email and asked a few questions of the seller. No reply at all. |
Post# 44956 , Reply# 8   9/12/2004 at 20:48 (7,433 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)   |   | |
URGENT MESSAGE! Regarding seller not responding; go to the above link and click onto seller's other items, then click on the 1920's wringer washer. There is a message there from the seller in the item description basically stating it has been brought to his attention eBay emails are not being received by him and gives an alternate email addy. Oh skip it, follow the link below. Hmmm, did cha ever get the feeling you was being watched? Launderess CLICK HERE TO GO TO Launderess's LINK on eBay |
Post# 44957 , Reply# 9   9/12/2004 at 21:12 (7,433 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)   |   | |
Post# 45100 , Reply# 10   9/14/2004 at 16:17 (7,432 days old) by 48bencix (Sacramento CA)   |   | |
Does anyone know who got the set and how much it sold for? |
Post# 45103 , Reply# 11   9/14/2004 at 16:58 (7,432 days old) by Cadman (Cedar Falls, IA)   |   | |
Post# 45105 , Reply# 12   9/14/2004 at 17:20 (7,432 days old) by PeterH770 (Marietta, GA)   |   | |
Post# 45110 , Reply# 13   9/14/2004 at 18:20 (7,431 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)   |   | |
Not a bad price for an Imperial washer and dryer in pretty good conditon with little use. FWIU the repair required of the washer is a small routine matter so for someone in the know it would have have been a deal breaker. As more and more older homes are sold and their appliances ripped out/sold it is going get harder and harder to find units like this in near mint or even in very good condition. Actually expected the set to go for much more, and heavy sniper action, but seems only the two bidders were interested. Remember also that it is VERY expensive to ship appliances, especially vintage appliances which tend to be heavier than many many of today's versions. So bidding is sometimes restricted to collectors or someone that just |
Post# 45116 , Reply# 14   9/14/2004 at 19:38 (7,431 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)   |   | |