Thread Number: 251
A Fry's in Atlanta
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Post# 46652   10/10/2004 at 19:51 (7,229 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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It came to my attention late last week that a Fry's Electronics has opened for business in the Atlanta area. So, I decided to go check it out this afternoon and see how they rated. It was primarily a nice store. They have tried to make it a happening place to be by incorporating a little coffee shop in the middle of the store. You know, like Barnes and Noble. The appliance section leaves a lot to be desired. They appear to promote the Maytag/Amana line. They have GE and Whirlpool, but only three models in each line. The Duet was not on the floor. The Neptune top loader, the drying center, and a gentleman in coat and tails were prominently displayed on a pedestal type stage at the front of the department. I paid little attention to either of the three. LG was also on the floor but scattered about. They had the rear console controlled models in Titanium, but they were kind of kept hidden away from the Maytag competition.

Just another big box store, not much to see here.


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