Thread Number: 255
KitchenAid dishwasher
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Post# 46672   10/10/2004 at 20:54 (7,316 days old) by NMaineMan36 ()        

here are a few pics of the KitchenAid dishwasher that I won on Ebay that I had to pick up in Newport RI.

Post# 46673 , Reply# 1   10/10/2004 at 20:55 (7,316 days old) by NMaineMan36 ()        

left side

Post# 46674 , Reply# 2   10/10/2004 at 20:55 (7,316 days old) by NMaineMan36 ()        

right panel

Post# 46675 , Reply# 3   10/10/2004 at 20:56 (7,316 days old) by NMaineMan36 ()        


Post# 46676 , Reply# 4   10/10/2004 at 20:57 (7,316 days old) by NMaineMan36 ()        
4 way Hydrosweep

lower arm

Post# 46677 , Reply# 5   10/10/2004 at 20:58 (7,316 days old) by NMaineMan36 ()        

PowerWash arm

Post# 46691 , Reply# 6   10/10/2004 at 21:46 (7,316 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Sort-of-kinda looks like the insides of my KDS-18.-Does it have the small spray arm on the roof of the tub above the upper rack?Was the machine built by Hobart?

Post# 46700 , Reply# 7   10/10/2004 at 23:52 (7,316 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Mikey, cool. At least with this KA you didn't have to "engineer" a 2nd wash level for the upper rack :-) What about y'all's F&P DD? This is the same model DaDoES replaced when he got his DDs.

Post# 46706 , Reply# 8   10/11/2004 at 00:42 (7,316 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Actually, this KA is a bit newer than mine. Mine didn't have the grid thingie over the sump area. Is the KA version of Whirlpool's PowerClean? Mine didn't have that design. Looking again at the control panel above, I also didn't have a delay start.

Or perhaps I should use the present tense, since I do still have the KA stored in my parents' garage.

As I recall when shopping for my KA, there was an Architectural model available with the drawer-height control panel, so maybe this model was already out at the time.

Post# 46710 , Reply# 9   10/11/2004 at 02:38 (7,316 days old) by powerfin64 (Yakima, Washington)        

powerfin64's profile picture
I use to have that EXACT Kitchenaid dishwasher.(including the color)That is the last year Kitchenaid made the classic heavy door, and interior tub. Very quiet model.
This model only has 2 level wash arms, nothing on the roof.

Post# 46734 , Reply# 10   10/11/2004 at 14:29 (7,315 days old) by NMaineMan36 ()        

The dishwasher KUDS230 does have a Whirlpool PowerClean type module.

Post# 46735 , Reply# 11   10/11/2004 at 14:30 (7,315 days old) by NMaineMan36 ()        
water heater

the water heater is under the coarse grate

Post# 46947 , Reply# 12   10/14/2004 at 00:35 (7,313 days old) by i70sn80sguy ()        
Nice Dishwasher

One of the quietest, One of the best. Lucky you.

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