Thread Number: 25646
New Stinky FLs hit the news!
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Post# 394476   11/19/2009 at 10:56 (5,283 days old) by sudsman ()        

See here


Post# 394477 , Reply# 1   11/19/2009 at 10:58 (5,283 days old) by richardc1983 (Leeds, UK)        

richardc1983's profile picture
People really should know to do regular maintenance washes to get rid of any build up! Imagine whats going on in the pipes!

Post# 394478 , Reply# 2   11/19/2009 at 10:59 (5,283 days old) by richardc1983 (Leeds, UK)        

richardc1983's profile picture
That and remembering to leave the door ajar to let it dry out and air circulate!

Post# 394483 , Reply# 3   11/19/2009 at 11:14 (5,283 days old) by hoover1100 (U.K.)        
I don't get it

possibly the lack of high temperatures or quality of US detergents?

Follow those tips here, and descale the machine now and then if you live in a hard water area and you won't have any problems like that whatsoever!



Post# 394492 , Reply# 4   11/19/2009 at 11:32 (5,283 days old) by iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        

iheartmaytag's profile picture
I think the advice about the trap is good. Unfortunately the owner's manual doesn't cover this issue, maybe because they want you to pay for a service call. However, Sear's service didn't service the trap anyway so it would be best if they would just make it user servicable.

Post# 394499 , Reply# 5   11/19/2009 at 12:36 (5,283 days old) by bertrum ()        

New washers that wash for hours with very little water, what do people expect!, all the loverly detergent and body fat, its not getting washed away like it used to!.

People need to wake up and smell the roses. . .

Post# 394508 , Reply# 6   11/19/2009 at 13:02 (5,283 days old) by gorenje (Slovenia)        

gorenje's profile picture
I don't understand why Americans have such frequent problems with mold and unplesant odors in their front loaders. Here in Europe as far as I know no one have such problems.
Maybe some of you guys can explain me this.

Post# 394513 , Reply# 7   11/19/2009 at 13:41 (5,283 days old) by iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
Maybe some of you guys can explain me this.

iheartmaytag's profile picture
I believe it has to do with the fact that we are a Top Load society. People are just starting to learn how to operate the FL machines. Even Consumer reports says that leaving the door open is a safety issue, so people think they are doing the right thing by closing it up tight. This lends a nice warm, moist breeding area for mold.

With my TL machine, I always left the lid open when it wasn't operating. Same for the door of my FL machine now. That with the trap issue formerly mentioned, and the over use of softner, and high sudsing detergent some people get ICK!!!

Post# 394515 , Reply# 8   11/19/2009 at 13:57 (5,283 days old) by randycmaynard ()        
Odors in Front Load washers.......

Issue is with closing the machine door when it's not in use and lack of running a regular clean cycle with a machine cleaner and if you find those machine cleaing tablets too expensive try using a diswashing tablet. By all means when you do a clean cycle use the hottest water setting possible on the machine and when it's done leave the door open a little so air can circulate and leave it open after you finish your wash for the day as well. One last thing - be sure to keep the softener residue/build up cleaned up in the dispenser - it will cause odors as well and build up in the actual wash tub and on the washer basket(drum) will be taken care of in the clean cycle.

Randy in Knox,TN

Post# 394518 , Reply# 9   11/19/2009 at 14:12 (5,283 days old) by bertrum ()        
safetty issue?

quote: Iheartmaytag "Even Consumer reports says that leaving the door open is a safety issue, so people think they are doing the right thing by closing it up tight."

Hi I have never ever heard of leaving a FL door open being a safety issue.
What could happen, someone walking into it?, in all my years of appliance repairs I have never heard of this being a safety issue or problem, unless anyone can tell me differently?

Dont want to appear to be taking you to task on this Iheartmaytag but what consumer report have said this is a saftety issue?

Post# 394524 , Reply# 10   11/19/2009 at 14:45 (5,283 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
There have been cases where children have climbed into US front load machines - remember, they have much larger doors than European machines.


Liquid detergents, cool wash temperatures and over-use of fabric softeners (and fabric softeners in general) will cause build ups in any machine be they front or top loaders....

......and wipe the door seal out too!

Post# 394527 , Reply# 11   11/19/2009 at 14:48 (5,283 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
have just watched the news item....

....and feel quite vindicated.

NOW lets just hope the public LISTEN

Post# 394530 , Reply# 12   11/19/2009 at 14:58 (5,283 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        
I Think

laundromat's profile picture
That it's the abusive owners who stink not the front loaders!If they're that stupid to not even comprehend the care of any appliance they abuse,they deserve to get a stinky washer.If you have any common sense it will tell you that any steam or humidity that is entrapped will stagnate and get moldy and some mildew is sure to grow.Those who wash daily will not have this issue.

Post# 394539 , Reply# 13   11/19/2009 at 15:15 (5,283 days old) by iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
Hi I have never ever heard of leaving a FL door open being a

iheartmaytag's profile picture
It was stated in the article linked on the OP.

There was one case that I knew of where a small child climed in, then his sibling proceeded to turn the machine on.
Any empty item is an attraction to a child. Refrigerators, dishwashers, and fl washers. TL washers are not so much of an attraction because of the agitator. I think that TL washers withouth agitators will immediately drain if the lid is opened to prevent a drowning danger. (don't quote me on this, I've only heard no real experience) When I was little my brother put me in the dryer more than several times. It happens.

Post# 394542 , Reply# 14   11/19/2009 at 15:21 (5,283 days old) by mysteryclock (Franklin, TN)        
Explain to me...

mysteryclock's profile picture
... how we can have ultra Eco silver steam gear strapped to all of these washers, but nobody's managed to figure out how to use the load sensor to detect an empty washer and activate a quiet computer-style vent fan to circulate fresh air in the washer and dry it out completely? It would only take a few watts and would probably work as well as leaving the door on if it was designed right.

Post# 394544 , Reply# 15   11/19/2009 at 15:25 (5,283 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        
pussy talk

laundromat's profile picture
My cat,Teddy,a manx with no tail,used to always climb into my dryer and go to sleep. I would have to always check inside to be sure he wasan't there.Never once did he ever wind up becoming "Fluffy"but was not happy to get wet wash thrown on him.He actualy fell in the toilet a few times from getting a drink!!I'd come home from work seeing a cat that looked like a drouned rat!Good thing I always flush!LOL I would like to have another manx. They're so much like dogs. No need for a fire hydrant however.LOL

Post# 394560 , Reply# 16   11/19/2009 at 16:32 (5,283 days old) by pulsator (Saint Joseph, MI)        
EU FL washers vs. US FL washers

pulsator's profile picture
I think a big difference between US and EU FL washers is that US FL washers do not reach high temperatures. In the US made front loaders that I have, the hottest setting is 120 degrees F. And there often is no heater to maintain the wash temp so it cools off quite a bit during the wash cycle. On top of that, they use so little water that one needs to flush the hot water line to make sure it's HOT before starting the washer or it will fill with even cooler water!

Post# 394585 , Reply# 17   11/19/2009 at 18:15 (5,283 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
..that may be so, but the majority of Australian made front load washers didn't have heaters either. I owned one for 13years and it never smelt - ever.

There are 5 things that people should consider doing that will remove the odour issue.

- use powdered rather than liquid detergent in the correct quantity (or reduced - see below)
- reduce fabric conditioner use to half recommended level if you have to use it (why given most Americans tumble dry is beyond me)
- use warm/tap hot water at least once a week
- wipe the bellows out
- leave the door ajar (and the machine unplugged if you have small children)

As a side note

A recent test of powdered detergent here by Choice has revealed that you can reduce the quantity by half (of the best performer) with no drop in performance. Reduced to a 1/4 dose and it performs as well as the next best detergent AND you can use the wash/rinse water on your garden.

So, you still get top performance and can help the environment too....

Post# 394590 , Reply# 18   11/19/2009 at 19:09 (5,283 days old) by bingwsguy (Binghamton NY)        
What is wrong with people in this country?

I prepare you in advance...I am going to be in a snit. Even though I am an avid reader of threads on this great site, I haven't posted anything in quite a while. This topic amazes me and sparked me to add my 2 cents. How can the general population in this country still be so ignorant and have a problem with this? My Grandmothers and my Mother taught me to leave the lid (top loader) open for the machine to dry out. Logic says with a front loader to do the same. I have never had a smelly washer issue- and all I do is leave the doors open after using them. One does not need to waste money on "Re-Fresh" washer packets. I suppose this goes along with the "smelly" towel issue....something I also have never experienced. Use hot enough water and that problem won't need to be masked by a simply won't exist.

Post# 394596 , Reply# 19   11/19/2009 at 19:28 (5,283 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        
I don't get it either

mark_wpduet's profile picture
When I first got my Duet a few years ago, common sense told me to leave the door cracked, so I did. I have NEVER had any smell at all. I don't use fabric softener but white vinegar instead, also powdered he detergent. I do notice on my Duet that, even with the detergent tray pulled out and left out, the holes (inside where the detergent tray inserts, where the water comes out) have a pink look in them. I got bleach and wiped them down, but this happened EVEN with the detergent tray left completely out! There is no smell in my washer though. I think another thing people need to do is take the detergent tray out. It holds water and can't really breathe if pushed in.

I remember we had a brand new whirpool TL washer in 1989 and the thing stunk and I could not figure it out

Post# 394601 , Reply# 20   11/19/2009 at 19:40 (5,283 days old) by norfolksouthern ()        
Never had this problem

Well, for one thing my Zerowatt does heat the water to high temps. Plus, I wipe down the boot after each run, and once in a while I'll open the trap and swab up the water left in the sump and leave it to dry. The big difference between mine and these fancy HE gadgets: It's all in the trap! Which, of course, is easily accessible as opposed to one on a Duet.

The Europeans know their front loaders. They have been at it for a long time. They run their equipment at high temperatures, and also keep it clean inside. Like someone else mentioned, lukewarm water temperatures and liquid detergents with fabric softeners, combined with very little water to rinse, are quite edible to microbes. A gourmet dish for fungus, I might add. When it all festers, you have a real problem. Why they don't make traps user serviceable is beyond me. With enough complaints, we'll all be stuck with Cabrios!


Post# 394618 , Reply# 21   11/19/2009 at 21:41 (5,283 days old) by mixfinder ()        
Lazy Laundry and Unreal Energy Demands

Stuffing wads of clothing of mixed color and texture, underwear and dishcloth alike, adding some cheap liquid soap from Costco and a cold wash is wetting dirty clothes, not doing laundry. I would guess at least 80% of people growing up in the 70's and after are under the "conserve and save the environment" mantra and perform critical tasks like laundry and cleaning in unsafe and filthy ways. Now add the latest no water and dumbed down temperatures and it only gets worse. Or wait it does get worse, next year no phospates. I think it's less the machine and more the operator with some oness on ignorant law makers passing incorrect bills.

Post# 394626 , Reply# 22   11/19/2009 at 22:17 (5,283 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
I've had my Frigidaire front loader for 3 years and it pre-owned when I got it. I dodn't have one bit of a smell issue and none is trying to emerge. I use powdered detergent 95% of the time I've had this washer. I do use lots of fabric softner. And I've never put bleach in it. BUT, I leave the door slightly adjar and the additives drawer slightly pulled out. Now, what I'm about to say, I got in trouble on the THS Laundry Forum because I didn't mince words. The parents are the safety issue, NOT the kids. The parents aren't teaching their kids the proper boundaries this is not a thing to be playing with and clmbing in all the time. A little swat on the butt may not be such a bad thing. Kids need to be disciplined and taught what is right & wrong. Once learned, it's not an issue to leave the door slightly ajar and the additives drawer slightly open between uses. And BTW, I may go for 2 or 3 weeks between uses.

Post# 394634 , Reply# 23   11/19/2009 at 23:35 (5,283 days old) by surgilator_68 (Maryland)        

surgilator_68's profile picture
Common sense and education has a lot to do with it, but there seems to be a sharp decline in those areas recently.

Every single day I see washers that look and smell disgusting. If people would leave the door open, it does not need to be fully open, simply not pushed closed will suffice. Use something other than the trailer setting, use the proper amount of a good HE detergent and bleach the whites once in a while you won't have the smell.

Think about have a big ol outer tub and the inner tub which are both sitting at room temp. Add your clothes and start the washer on Cold and you would be lucky to reach 70 degree water temp. Use warm water and you'll get something in the range of cool water. Use hot water and you'll get something in the range of warm or a cool hot. Your clothes aren't going to shrink, you won't harm the environment with bleach, nor will you ruin your clothes if you use it properly. Most homes today do not have laundry rooms right next to the water heater nor do most of us have the water heater set to 140 or above, which was standard practice back when. So how do you expect to get hot water to a machine that uses so little?

Proper laundering technique has not changed in 100 years.Ask your parents, grandparents, great grandparents. You need thermal energy (hot water), mechanical energy (agitation) and chemical(detergent, bleach, etc). If you use less of one you MUST increase one or both of the other to get satisfactory results. It does not matter if you have a front loader, top loader, wringer or a wash board. You need those three things.

I'm probably going to get hell for the next statement but I really don't care because I see it every day and can back up my statements.
A lot of the issues with smell, mold and mineral build up come from the tree hugging save the earth eco green people out there. I'm sorry but eco detergent manufacturers have not found a way to properly suspend and sequester oils, dirt and minerals with these plant based cleaners. You need sequestrants, anti-redepositing agents, water softeners and surfactants that come from chemicals. You need something to kill mold, mildew and bacteria. Bleach won't harm the earth and neither will regular detergent. It all biodegrades. But some people would rather walk around smelling like a moldy, mildewed rag wondering why they stink and have skin allergies, because they want to save the earth. Fine, but when I hand you my bill, don't bitch.

Now I will admit that out of the thousands of customers I see every year there is ONE and only ONE who has always used cold water in her front loader and there is no smell, mold, mildew or mineral build up. However she always uses Tide HE liquid and bleaches her whites. She also leaves the door open. Are the clothes clean...I don't know. But the machine is.

We also have to remember(and I find this difficult at times talking to a customer) that WE are the ones who eat, breathe, sleep and poop appliances. So we are the ones who are going to pay more attention to leaving the door open, water temps and proper detergent usage. The average consumer does not know, nor do they care. All it is to them is a metal box that is supposed to get dirty things clean and wet things dry. You don't have to worry about sorting, temps, detergent etc. Stuff it in, push a button, turn a knob, dump some of this stuff in and walk away. That is the average consumer these days.

Ok, I have to put a stop my ranting. I could go on for hours.


Post# 394639 , Reply# 24   11/20/2009 at 00:00 (5,283 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
...that is true...

BUT... is the people who service appliances, shop assistants and manufacturer help desks who have to listen to these great twits when the 'magic box in the laundry' doesn't do what it is meant to....and all because they don't read their manuals (most of the time)

Post# 394657 , Reply# 25   11/20/2009 at 03:51 (5,282 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

Somebody posted on here about just that thing a circulation fan, for folks that wash at night or while at work. I can't remember who posted it or the mfr that has the feature. Does anyone know/remember? i hate having CRS

Post# 394659 , Reply# 26   11/20/2009 at 03:53 (5,282 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

sorry to double post, but i think the real problem is overuse of liquid fabric softner. First the waxey buildup then the mold. alr2903

Post# 394665 , Reply# 27   11/20/2009 at 06:13 (5,282 days old) by robliverpool (england Liverpool)        

robliverpool's profile picture
Being in the uk the norm has usually been frontloaders for me and i have never had a problem at all with any smells, i usually do a few 60 degree washes a week and i have never used liquid and i use bio powder. Now my gran had the same machine as me (until i got my AEG) and the door seal was mouldy, it smelt awful. Found out she was using non bio powder and the highest wash she ever done in the machine was a 40 degree as she thinks a higher temperature will run away with the electric bills lol. Very old school, also the drain pipe for her machine connected to the sink drain and it was drawing water and bits of food into the machine whenever they pulled the plug in the sink..

Post# 394666 , Reply# 28   11/20/2009 at 06:17 (5,282 days old) by gizmo (Victoria, Australia)        

why the hostility toward people who give a damn about the environment?
I'm a tree hugging save the earth greenie person.
I wash in hot water (solar), though the heating element in my LG front loader is disconnected as it uses too much electricity, and it isn't needed as long as I set the machine for a hot fill (set to 60 degrees C wash.) I use a top quality detergent which is also an "environmental" detergent, mainly because it doesn't eat my skin, as I have VERY sensitive skin and I have found almost every detergent I have tried was either useless as a cleaner, or gave me an itchy rash and peeling skin. It works very well on my greasy work clothes. It is Ecostore front loader powder from New Zealand.
My front loader has no mouldy smell, and no residue buildup.

I have also seen dozens of washing machines with severe problems of buildup and corrosion, invariably they are set to cold water wash. Almost all clothes washing in Australia is done in cold water, and I reckon that is one of the major killers of washing machines here. Front loaders in particular seem to have problems with drum spiders corroding and breaking.

Fabric softener is a major cause of the buildup, too. I don't use it at all.


Post# 394753 , Reply# 29   11/20/2009 at 15:07 (5,282 days old) by paulc (Edinburgh, Scotland)        

paulc's profile picture
Ive never had a "stinky" machine and wash at low temps pretty much all the time. I am I right in thinking that powders in the USA do not contain oxygen based bleaching agents unless stated ie "Tide with Bleach". UK powders unless stated as the colour variety, contain these agents.

Post# 394754 , Reply# 30   11/20/2009 at 15:09 (5,282 days old) by neptunebob (Pittsburgh, PA)        

neptunebob's profile picture
I wonder if maybe the germicidal lamps I talk about in the Imperial section would be useful for the new front loaders, some manufacturer should try them.

Post# 394793 , Reply# 31   11/20/2009 at 17:55 (5,282 days old) by surgilator_68 (Maryland)        

surgilator_68's profile picture

Every day I hear about the stinky smelly machines. When you ask the customer about their laundering habits it is always the same story. It’s cold water, no bleach, short cycle, and eco detergent. All because we must save the planet. And I agree. We all need to do our part to help save the planet and try to correct the mess we created. BUT is it actually saving anything when I have to drive out there, look at this disgusting machine, order parts, pick them up, drive back and install them and hand the customer a huge repair bill? Just so they can say I wash with eco, cold and don’t use bleach? Is it really saving the environment to throw out your clothing because they stink so bad you can’t wear them or because you are breaking out in a rash from the mold and mildew spores left on the clothing? In the worst case is it really saving anything when the machine is not repairable and must be disposed of simply because someone refused to use hot water or good detergent or bleach? Then a new machine must be built, packaged, shipped, delivered and then the packaging gets disposed of? And guess what, the same person is going to do the same exact thing all over again to the new machine. How again is all of that being friendly to the environment?

Hostile, no. Aggravated, hell yeah I am. It gets real old hearing the same story over and over again. To hear the customer place the blame on the manufacturer of the appliance. For companies to come out with these machine cleaners to help remove all the gunk and garbage that has built up in the machine because “we’re being environmentally friendly”.

As for mineral build up and broken spiders, we have the same problem. And from what I have seen on this side of the pond it is from too little detergent, cheap detergent and detergent that has little to no machine protectants. I don’t think cold water has much to do with that.

Post# 394796 , Reply# 32   11/20/2009 at 18:20 (5,282 days old) by mixfinder ()        

The interest in environmental issues varies based on the part of the Uninted States you live. I happen to live in an area of uber vigilant, unrealistic, save the earth and kill yourself in the effort activistism. Often rules governement environment, farming and urban planning are slapped into effect before choosing the best or most prudent answer or solution. In Seattle there is a worse hue and cry learning someone didn;t properly recycle than the loss of human life or homelssness that plagues are area. Much of what has happened is attritibutable to environmental decision making that had adversly effect 100,000 of jobs. I am willing to do my part but I am weary of unreasonable expectations and repsonses. I would rather live in the middle of the country where there is a more measured and balanced apporach to live and environmental issues.

Post# 394834 , Reply# 33   11/20/2009 at 22:43 (5,282 days old) by wcd63 ()        
RE stinky FL

it all boils down to the lazy house wife just wants to get through it and does not bother how to ues the machine right or just dosent care!!!
I have had my Gallery FL Frigidaire for 5 years and have no stink at all because I have left the door open from day one!!

Post# 394921 , Reply# 34   11/21/2009 at 10:53 (5,281 days old) by golittlesport (California)        

golittlesport's profile picture
After 10 years of using a front loader I have never had an odor problem. I always leave the door slightly ajar.

As far as the safety thing....I agree with Bobby Appnut...a child has to taught not to play inside a machine. Even with the door completely closed, a child has only to easily pull it open if they want to investigate inside.

The tragic case where a young girl climbed into a front loader and her sibling closed the door and started the machine occurred here in Orange County CA. There was extensive news coverage and one station did a report on washing machine deaths. They reported only a few have been in front loaders, the majority in top loaders. (That is probably because of the prevalence of TL's in our country) If a child falls into a top loader full of water they can easily drown. Parents must train and monitor young children at all times.

Also, most front loaders have child lock controls and parents with young children must take the time to utilized that feature. In the case I mentioned above, the machine had a child lock-out feature, but it was not in use. So sad.

Post# 394985 , Reply# 35   11/21/2009 at 16:07 (5,281 days old) by zanussi_lover (Nottingham, UK)        
washing machine smells

zanussi_lover's profile picture
I use Liquid detergent Capsules that you just throw in the drum, but I do wash my bedsheets at 60 degrees, and I leave the door ajar inbetween washes, so this acts as a maintenence wash.

as long as you leave the door open in between washes and do a hot wash every so often, and use a powdered detergent with oxygen bleach then you'll have no problem with the smell in a front loading washer.

I've noticed that alot of Americans use Liquid Detergent + Chlorine Bleach. If you switch to using a Oxygen Bleach powdered Detergent instead of liquid + clorox, then your doorseal will last longer, as bleach is known to weaken the rubber as it is corrosive.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO zanussi_lover's LINK

Post# 394986 , Reply# 36   11/21/2009 at 16:19 (5,281 days old) by passatdoc (Orange County, California)        

Thanks for the refresher, golittlesport, I remember the Orange County case (Ladera Ranch, I believe). There was a thread on this board about the tragedy and I remember someone posting that the model in question had a child lock-out device. At the time, it was not clear whether the lock was not in use or whether the kids managed to override the lock. Thank you for clearing up this question.

The victim was about three years old and the controls were activated by her 16-18 months old brother. Even before I knew all of the details of this sad case, I was amazed at the time that a three year-old hadn't been trained to stay away from the washer.

More recently, an infant wound up in a laundromat FL (commercial sized) but was rescued by bystanders.

I've had a FL Frigidaire 2140 for 3 1/2 years now. No odor issues whatsoever, plus the machine is in my garage which faces south---on hot late summer days, the garage temp can reach 90 degrees F (32-33C) which would promote the growth of mold.

I run a (machine empty) hot cycle with 1/2 dose detergent every few months when I remember to do it, but I wash towels on hot anyway so the machine is exposed to Hot once or twice a week. Most washes are done on (non-Temp Control) Warm, except in summer when my cold water line approaches 70F/20C, permitting Cold water washes of perm press clothes; outside of late summer/early fall, I have to wash on Warm because I lack Auto Temp Control.

I avoid liquid bleach because of the oft-reported issue of the Frigidaire aluminum spider being corroded by chlorine bleach. I rarely use OxyClean, and never liquid bleach.

I always leave the door ajar and always wipe the gasket dry. In addition, at the end of a laundry day, I remove the dispenser, dump the water out, and remove the grid that covers the detergent/bleach/softener compartments. I let both of these pieces dry completely before replacing them.

I didn't used to remove the cover of the dispenser until about a year ago when I discovered some grayish slime on the inside surface of the cover (invisible unless you remove the cover). I use the dispenser for powder detergents, but for liquids I set the detergent inside the tub in a plastic cup along with the clothes. I rarely use liquids anymore, just powders.

Keeping the door ajar and avoiding liquids in the dispenser are two tricks I learned from observing European friends in their homes.

Post# 395002 , Reply# 37   11/21/2009 at 18:25 (5,281 days old) by favorit ()        
Safety doors - "Green" washing

There is no need of NASA developed devices ;-) ... Whirlpool itself got a plain solution 20 years ago. In the 90s they introduced in EU large porthole frontloaders. They have a mechanical switch (push and turn knob in the inner part of the doorframe. When it is in safety position the door can't be closed. It can be disengaged only with a double move that a child can't replicate. Parents have to engage it again after washing

Wash'n'dry "green". IMHO savings come from high spin speed and line drying when possible
I want to remark to run a load a electric dryer uses the same amount of electric power needed to wash five times the same load @ 140°F (heated from tap cold with electric internal heater)

Post# 395026 , Reply# 38   11/21/2009 at 22:54 (5,281 days old) by tlee618 ()        

I have to agree with Rich. I have been using a front loader for 23 years now and never once have I had an order problem. I do wipe the boot when I am done washing and leave the door ajar as well.

Post# 395044 , Reply# 39   11/22/2009 at 04:27 (5,280 days old) by vintagesearch ()        

i guess if the manufacturers need to heavily stipulate leaving the door and dispenser ajar and using the "clean washer" setting it could help diffuse this problem and not just put all that info in the manual but a huge sticker on the damn door so they can stumble upon it. i saw this video someone blogged about there LG washer flashed out a little message on the small screen stating to leave door ajar it even demonstrated that! maybe some engineering done by manufacturers to better flush out the machine and air it out should be done since some people are just too damn lazy...i cant get the mold sight out of my head now gross, between i still want a FL'er ;)

Post# 395045 , Reply# 40   11/22/2009 at 04:49 (5,280 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
Somebody give....

ronhic's profile picture strength!

What has happened to western society where we feel we need to have warning labels absolutely everywhere to tell us what to do???

Where on earth have our sensibilities gone?

Of all the simple common sense things to do - LEAVE THE DAMN DOOR AJAR AND WIPE THE BOOT OUT!!!

- It has nothing to do with how much water a machines uses
- It has nothing to do with how much bleach a person uses (the majority of Australians and Europeans don't use chlorine bleach in a machine - our washing powders specifically say not to)

The Hoover Zodiac 470 we're about to replace at my parents coast house is over 24yrs old and has NEVER had...

- A hot or warm wash done in it
- fabric conditioner
- liquid detergent
- bleach

Up until it went to the coast, it was my aunts (who had a Keymatic before it) and ALWAYS washed in cold water with OMOMatic. Since we have had it (9yrs), we have continued to use cold water in it.

This machine is now being replaced with our Electrolux only because the timer is starting to stick and the bearings are just about shot....

It has it's original door boot and has NEVER had an odour issue probably because we WIPE THE BOOT OUT and LEAVE THE DOOR AJAR....!!!

End of rant....thank you all for listening

Post# 395134 , Reply# 41   11/22/2009 at 16:24 (5,280 days old) by macboy91si (Frankfort, KY)        
FL Odors

macboy91si's profile picture
I recently got an almost new Ariston AWD-120 Washer/Dryer combo and installed it in my kitchen. It's small and very convenient. It's also my first foray into FL machines. I always leave the door ajar out of habit as I do on all of my machines. I've never experienced any kind of odor and I was misusing fabric softener for a while in it. I don't know if the unit also being a dryer has anything to do with it, but it's been great. I was surprised at how little water it used and at how well it washed. I run warm and hot loads a lot, but no bleach. I use an OxyClean knock-off for whites and towels and Gain HE for detergent.

I understand the odor issue as I have dealt with it twice with other people when they got their FL. Both kept the door shut at all times (both were Kenmores as well). One took my advice and after about a week, the smells were gone. The other person thought it was a good idea, but never did it and just has the machined serviced for over $200 to attempt to fix it. It stinks to high heaven, I did a wash in it once and it took my little Hoover twinnie 2 hot washes to get it out.

It's not the machine's "fault" but something neeeds to be done in the design maybe. I wonder if a vent of some sort would help? "simplify" things for the average consumer. It's sad.

As a side note, the old Hoovers and other portables do mention an "air-out" period after use, the 2 newer machines I have don't... Just a thought as well.


Post# 395143 , Reply# 42   11/22/2009 at 17:12 (5,280 days old) by favorit ()        
why frontloaders aren't vented (no more)

early frontloaders in the sixties had a vent in the back side of the tub/machine to exaust steam. As in those time they were mostly used to boilwash, the kitchen/laundry/bathroom where they were installed soon turned into a SPA .... don't even think that every vintage powder smelled that great , those days Dixan was really awful.

Those machines with such a "wet temper" weren't the best thing to fit undercounter. So the early undercounter/built-in frontloaders were vented towards the detergent drawer. Being this always colder than the tub, steam condensates in the drawer and moisture goes back to the tub. Modern FL still do the same

That's why 3 or 4 times a year one has to pull out the drawer, soak it in water and LCB, scrub it with a dishwashing brush and scrub with LCB even the plastic case where the drawer fits - expecially nozzles -

...hope you won't need any sticker warning to rinse away LCB from both drawer and case .... ;-) *LOL*

Post# 395176 , Reply# 43   11/22/2009 at 20:36 (5,280 days old) by hoover1100 (U.K.)        

"That's why 3 or 4 times a year one has to pull out the drawer, soak it in water and LCB, scrub it with a dishwashing brush and scrub with LCB even the plastic case where the drawer fits!"

I just stick it in the dishwasher lol.

Then I get a rag and some warm soapy water and clean inside the recess. If it's someone elses machine and hasn't been looked after to my standards an old toothbrush is required.

Since joining this site I've developed a distaste for bleach, and "anti-bacterial" cleaners at all. I use warm soapy water for cleaning and a non-chlorine based cleaner for the toilet.

Whats the point in killing germs when all your doing is ultimately harming your immunity? lol


Post# 395284 , Reply# 44   11/23/2009 at 08:15 (5,279 days old) by ras55 ()        

"I don't understand why Americans have such frequent problems with mold and unplesant odors in their front loaders. Here in Europe as far as I know no one have such problems.
Maybe some of you guys can explain me this. "

As someone who lived in Europe and now in the States there are some pretty big differences, First the front loaders in Europe tend to heat the water much MUCH hotter. This dissolves the gunk of detergent and oil that builds up and is a great media for growing molds and mildews, addtionally hot enough water can kill mold.

US models are big and makers are chasing Green requirements/tax breaks by using less and less water and setting water definitions of "hot" and "warm" lower with each year.

This contributes to the problem as does the fact that for years the American public has been constantly reminded to keep washer doors closed for child safety reasons.

Post# 395440 , Reply# 45   11/23/2009 at 20:14 (5,279 days old) by logixx (Germany)        
Vented front loader

logixx's profile picture
Don't all Whirlpool-made front loaders have a vent at the back of the machine that connects to the outer tub? There are pictures of it in all the service manuals. European washers vent through the detergent dispenser. There is usually a little hidden cut-out where the handle (?) is. When doing a boil wash, the recessed area (where the hand goes to pull the drawer open) becomes damp with condensation. This is true for our Electrolux as well as Miele.

Here's a picture (from Sears) of the fan that's included in the newest generation of Whirlpool washers with "Fan Fresh" or "Fresh Hold" option (on Maytag). Unfortunately, it only works while the washer does its anti-crease tumble: "This option provides periodic tumbling and airflow (aided by a quiet, ultra low energy fan) for up to 10 hours to help freshen your clothes. During this time, the “Done” indicator remains activated, the door remains locked, and the FanFresh™ indicator light will flash. The FanFresh™ option will automatically stop and the door lock will be released after this time expires, or if you press cancel at anytime to unload your laundry."

Post# 395537 , Reply# 46   11/24/2009 at 03:45 (5,278 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        

Thanks logixx that fan set up is what i was trying to think of in my above post. alr2903

Post# 395542 , Reply# 47   11/24/2009 at 04:35 (5,278 days old) by rinse_hold ()        
The Reason For Stink!

This is an interesting issue that has come to light in the UK as well as the states. I posted something on here about a year ago because I washing having a problem with my ropey Bosch Classixx washing machine. It was accumulating mold on the rubber seal and smelt rubbish.

The problem was using biological washing detergent, and the washer not using very much water for the rinsing process. If you have a washer that uses tiny amounts water when washing and rinsing this is going to cause problems. I have just moved and I now have a zanussi jetsystem+ that circulates the water really well and i dont have a problem with stink.

A solution I eventually got the smell to go away by starting the wash cycle on the 'extra rinse' option. This filled the machine with a higher water level. I then switched it off and flicked it onto the normal wash. A process I know, but it worked. I also washed the machine through on a 95 degree wash with bleach once a month. This also helped. And finally I now use a super concentrated brand of detergent (Persil Small and Mighty) This means I only use a very small amount of detergent for each wash, thus reducing the amount of soap residue.

BTW: I get the whole saftey issue with keeping the door of the washer open kids will be kids after all. However you would notice if your kid was in the washing machine before you switched it on right? (Hehe jokes)

Post# 395546 , Reply# 48   11/24/2009 at 05:35 (5,278 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
Biological detergents have been around in one shape or other since the late 1960's early 1970's...if not as a single powder, then in combination with an additive such as 'Bio Add'

If biological detergent in conjunction with low water levels was causing the mould on your machine, the majority of Bosch machines of the same age or newer where people use biological detergents would be suffering the same fate - and from what I can tell, they aren't.

Bertrum, as someone who sees machine after machine may be able to shed some light on this....

Post# 395551 , Reply# 49   11/24/2009 at 06:14 (5,278 days old) by hoover1100 (U.K.)        
As far as I'm concearned

The problems are caused by lack of high temperature washes, use of liquid or colourcare detergents, and worst of all, leaving the door shut between washes!!!

Water consumption has no impact on whether the machine will smell or get mouldy. I know of Bosch Maxx/Classix with no mould or smells after years of proper use and care. I also know of a Hoover logic (134l for a 4.5kg wash load) which stinks and is coated in mould.

I guess things such as using poor quality or non-biological detergents can make the problems worse, as less dirt is being removed.

A weekly wash at 60* with powdered detergent for whites, a twice yearly boilwash (no reason not to have clothes in this wash) and cleaning of the dispenser 3 or 4 times a year, as well as keeping the door ajar all the time and if you live in a hard water area descale the machine twice yearly and if you still have problems it's probably something to do with the drain rather than the washer.

When I moved into this house the washer was caked in black mould and gunk and it stank, 7 years of being used by gormless students, using only persil small and mighty (liquid) and only washing on 30, as well as keeping the door shut between washes had pretty much ruined it. An afternoon of scrubbing and a couple of boilwashes later and its almost good as new now. The door seal still has some black stains on it but these just will not come off no matter what, that's how bad it was!


Post# 395610 , Reply# 50   11/24/2009 at 11:12 (5,278 days old) by passatdoc (Orange County, California)        
recommendations for descaling?

Anyone have hints for descaling a washer? Lime Away? Other agents?

My washing machine repairman (not that the Bosch I now own has needed any servicing since its installation in 2001....) advised descaling dishwashers twice a year with a half bottle of extra-strength LimeAway run at high temp (i.e. Power Scrub Plus in a Bosch, Pots/Pans or Heavy Duty cycle in other makes) wash.

Is the process similar for a washing machine? Do these agents harm the spider or gasket in any way?

Post# 395620 , Reply# 51   11/24/2009 at 11:50 (5,278 days old) by bertrum ()        

Hi Rhonic,
Sorry my knowledge about different powders and the chemical reactions on components is limited to giving basic common sense advise:

quality detergents that contain bleaching agents (not liquids)
regular boilwashes
avoid short wash function
use high waterlevel function if possible
leave the door open
don't oversoap

Post# 395663 , Reply# 52   11/24/2009 at 14:23 (5,278 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
Sorry, I wasn't asking for your chemical knowledge, more about if in your travels you had seen an increase in manky machines where there seemed to be a pattern emerging about what was causing it....

Post# 395667 , Reply# 53   11/24/2009 at 15:37 (5,278 days old) by suburbanmd (Maryland, USA)        
recommendations for descaling

Miele's washing machine descaler is citric acid. Amazon sells 5 lbs of citric acid (sour salt) for around $25. Use maybe 1/2 cup on your machine's hottest, longest cycle.

Post# 395727 , Reply# 54   11/24/2009 at 22:09 (5,278 days old) by surgilator_68 (Maryland)        

surgilator_68's profile picture
Dump a jar of Tang in there on the longest wash wash cycle.

Post# 395993 , Reply# 55   11/26/2009 at 11:44 (5,276 days old) by fridgiman ()        

Hey gang,
I've had a Maytag Neptune FL for going on 10 years now. I have never had a smell problem. With my Neptune I can't leave the door open because of the interior light. However, I do use chlorine bleach for my whites, and when I'm done washing for the day I leave the top mounted dispenser door open. Seems to work for me.
Also I use either liquid or powder detergent depending on what I'm washing, and fabric softener.

Post# 396077 , Reply# 56   11/27/2009 at 01:31 (5,275 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        
~those days Dixan was really awful

foraloysius's profile picture

I have the best memories of Dixan from the sixties! I remember the smell from when my mother did a boil wash in her Bosch and the steam came out of the dispenser. I loved that smell!


Post# 396085 , Reply# 57   11/27/2009 at 05:18 (5,275 days old) by launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Miele's Descaler

launderess's profile picture
Is *not* pure citric acid, at least not the boxes one has ordered.

IIRC, the product is from Reckitt-Benckiser, and contained formic and other weak acid, along with surfactants.

RB does make descaling products for electric kettles, coffeemakers and such that is mainly citric acid.


Post# 396091 , Reply# 58   11/27/2009 at 07:12 (5,275 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
Citric acid is the way to go. It descales very good and it doesn't hurt the parts. Here's a picture of my Constructa outer drum before descaling.

Post# 396092 , Reply# 59   11/27/2009 at 07:13 (5,275 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
And a picture after descaling with citric acid. Even the rust disappeared.

Post# 396113 , Reply# 60   11/27/2009 at 13:11 (5,275 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

sudsmaster's profile picture
I've had a Neptune 7500 set for the past eight years.

I don't leave the washer door ajar when it's not in use.

I don't leave the detergent dispenser lid open when it's not in use.

The washer has NEVER had an odor issue.

I do run only warm or hot washes - rarely do I run a cold wash.

I do use mostly powdered detergent boosted with STPP.

The set is also inside the house, where the temperature and humidity are relatively controlled (as opposed to a basement, garage, or other unheated space).

The 7500 washer also has a sequence in the last rinse where it tumbles more aggressively, to help flush any dirt/suds/debris out of the outer drum.

So, no, Louis, not all Americans have mold/odor issues with their front loaders - even with the much criticized Maytag Neptune front loader.

PS-Citric acid is a very useful chemical. It's also used in metalworking for restoring the protective oxide layer on stainless steel after it's been machined, in a process called passivation. I sometimes use a cut lime or lemon to clean stainless steel cutlery.

Post# 396114 , Reply# 61   11/27/2009 at 13:31 (5,275 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture

I didn't say a thing in this thread about mold issues.


Post# 396130 , Reply# 62   11/27/2009 at 16:41 (5,275 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

sudsmaster's profile picture
Sorry, Louis, for some reason I had you confused with Ingemar... lol...

Post# 396145 , Reply# 63   11/27/2009 at 19:48 (5,275 days old) by suburbanmd (Maryland, USA)        
Miele Descaler box

Mine has only citric acid

Post# 396150 , Reply# 64   11/27/2009 at 20:54 (5,275 days old) by favorit ()        
maybe they're diffferent lots/makes

the one now sold here in EU seem much stronger. It is made in Austria by Claro and contains acidic phosphoric salts.

Link to safety data sheets


Post# 396192 , Reply# 65   11/28/2009 at 03:23 (5,274 days old) by foraloysius (Leeuwarden, Friesland, the Netherlands)        

foraloysius's profile picture
No problem Rich, we're both from Europe. :-P

Post# 396373 , Reply# 66   11/29/2009 at 04:51 (5,273 days old) by autowasherfreak ()        
No Odors Here

I have never had a problem with mold, mildew, or odors in my front loader. I leave the detergent door and door open after the last load, and I wipe off the inside of the door and the boot. I've been doing this ever since I got the washer doing this seemed like common sense to me. Once a month I run a half cup of dishwasher detergent using the longest cycle for a cleaning cycle.

Post# 396530 , Reply# 67   11/30/2009 at 02:50 (5,272 days old) by favorit ()        
2 other possible clues about molds and bad smells

Wettexman posted a very interesting link in the super forum.
Don't be scared of the 132 pages most of them are blanks and half written. It is a survey of laundry habits in Spain , Nederland, Greece and Norway
They have a "neutral" approach, taking into consideration both the "green" and the "clean & hygienic" points of view.

I think we can get more clues about mold issues.
There's more than a single culprit, rather several factors in the meanwhile lead to the mold issue

We already knew that hygienic level is correlated to water temp and use of bleaching agents (oxidation).

Find rather scary that sterile fabric samples get contaminated after a warm wash with other dirty ones ...

What' s really unexpected is the role of rinses in hygienic levels (then in mold growt)

They made this "discovery" because of a very sudsy spanish detergent. They made sample tests using commercial Wascators and household miele novotronics.

After a sudslock the miele engages an additional rinse that normally doesn't occurr.
The wascator uses rinses with less water and hasn't any post-sudslock extra rinse

So they discovered that samples washed @ 40°C in the miele with the sudsy spanish detergent were less contaminated than those washed with other detergents and than those washed in the wascator with the very same spanish detergent

This means that effective rinses help to flush away bacteria.

Now I'm thinking of the pics showing water levels in Duets and US E'lux FLs posted in the thread #22155 "Electrolux washers". These levels are even lower than those of many european FLs, expecially rinse levels. Maybe this can enhance the mold issue.

Another clue. I am also thinking of enzymes. They break soil and stains into simpler chemical compounds. The same way they do in our stomach with the food we eat
Enzyme-broken dirt particles are better nutriments for bacteria. If these particles aren't flushed away by a effective rinse process ... the washer becomes a restaurant for bacteria


Post# 396750 , Reply# 68   12/1/2009 at 04:45 (5,271 days old) by irishwashguy (Salem,Oregon.............A Capital City)        
I have never had that problem in my Washer ever

irishwashguy's profile picture
I guess that it is something that I had never thought of .I have a Miele though and wash with really long wash times(1Hr 45 min) usually for a normal wash program. Whites, like what I just put in before I left today, I used UK Ariel non bio Tabs, Sanitize(190) and to be really anal that they would get clean, I usually put 1/8 cup of water softener in with every load;I also used a 2 hour soak on top of the long program, making it (4 hr 15), it got them really clean.Most of the time, I use powder, although I Love the Persil small and mighty, but then there is powder, and then Faks. Anyway, as far as my two cents for the eco detergents, I call them do gooder detergents; they do not do any one any good. I agree that you have to think of the Earth and protecting it,but at what cost?If your clothes can't be worn because they smell with mold all over them and in them, your environment is now impacted.That is the first one that you have to look out for. I want my whites white, boil the suckers! If they did a good job, the eco detergents, I would be using them. I almost always wash at 105 minimum. I also run vinegar(1/2) cup though every Monday with no clothes on 190. I also use Ben Kaiser(descaler) about once a year. That would kill off the mold really fast! I will have to admit, I think that it is the water temps that help as well. Although, I never had that problem when I had a Maytag Neptune.Oh! I did long wash programs with it, and cleaned it well, kind of like now. I know that the average American consumer is not like me.I am kind of a neat freak that Loves my washer.

Post# 396752 , Reply# 69   12/1/2009 at 05:13 (5,271 days old) by irishwashguy (Salem,Oregon.............A Capital City)        
Oh, and my pic finally

irishwashguy's profile picture
Here it is. And Still Love my Washer.:)

Post# 1090105 , Reply# 70   9/21/2020 at 05:10 (1,324 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
@reply 23

Not only does the average consumer not give a damn, but reasoning doesn't work. For example, when they find their duds coming out dingy, dirty or shredded, they will blame the machine for their errors on their part of not sorting, filling the machines properly and using the correct cycle and their variables. I have seen this thousands of times. I ALWAYS make sure my clothes are assorted according to color, fabric and soil level and run my machines according to these variables.

Post# 1090109 , Reply# 71   9/21/2020 at 06:55 (1,324 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        

launderess's profile picture
You have resurrected a thread of ghosts.

OP and two or three other posters are no longer with us; several more aren't active members. Was interesting to see a thread started by Sudsman; he had so much knowledge of commercial laundry equipment and products both modern and vintage.

Guess we're all getting on.....

Post# 1090110 , Reply# 72   9/21/2020 at 07:08 (1,324 days old) by westtexman (Lubbock, Texas)        

It really is interesting to see how much can change over 11 years. I also find it hard to believe that I’ve been here for so many years - many more than 11.

I remember the individual contributions made by each of the three members in this thread who are no longer with us, and I was fortunate to meet one of them at a wash-in in Tucson many years ago. Come to think of it, there were two more very active members at that wash-in who have passed as well.

I know that time marches on, but it seems to be doing it so quickly these days.

Post# 1090117 , Reply# 73   9/21/2020 at 08:18 (1,324 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture

Guess we're all getting on...



Ain't it the truth, though.


2009: Here's the all-Frigidaire line-up I had then. The front-loaders were 2002 models, the year I bought the house. The top-loader is a 2005, I believe.

  View Full Size
Post# 1199524 , Reply# 74   2/17/2024 at 14:12 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        
stinky front loaders

Here we are in 2024 and not much has changed. Look at the GE so-called ultra fresh washers. GE lied about their so-called ultra fresh pairs.

Post# 1199525 , Reply# 75   2/17/2024 at 14:20 by ea56 (Cotati, Calif.)        

ea56's profile picture
I had a Frigidaire just like Eugene’s in the photo and I shoulda never gotten rid of it! It was an excellent FL! It had the capacity to wash the largest kingsize comforters and bedspreads and it NEVER failed to go into a high speed spin, with none of the endless attempts to find the “sweet spot” to begin spinning. It just started out slowly and gradually increased the speed to reach a perfect balance with no banging or dancing on the floor.
WHY can’t the newer FL’s still use this same tried and true technology? Also, there was never any question about an adequate amount of water used to wash and rinse each load.


This post was last edited 02/17/2024 at 15:39
Post# 1199542 , Reply# 76   2/17/2024 at 16:45 by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

There's a saying that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Boy this is true about washers.

Post# 1199543 , Reply# 77   2/17/2024 at 16:46 by me (Essex, UK)        
stinky front loaders

Only once have I ever had a foul smelling machine, that was about 34 years ago, and my parent's machine. It had been fine for the first few years while we were using powder detergent, then we switched to using a liquid detergents, first Whisk, then Radion and were mainly doing 50°C and occasional 60°C washes. It had been leaving brown spots on some of the washing before it started to stink.

My mum cleaned it by putting it on a 95°C cycle with probably something like half a bottle of toilet bleach, and I had to do several more boil washes to get rid of the chlorine smell and the foam from the bleach and detergent residue.

We switched back to powder detergents, changed nothing else and the machine never stank again.

Post# 1199584 , Reply# 78   2/18/2024 at 01:33 by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

daveamkrayoguy's profile picture
I leave the lid up on my new top-loader...

And I'd learned when I was trying to sell my old top-loader why the lid needed to stay open on her...

-- Dave

Post# 1199618 , Reply# 79   2/18/2024 at 13:31 by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        

mark_wpduet's profile picture
Wow...Ah yes.. 2009... At that point I had only had my Duet a few years..and I remember the stinky washer videos and the horror stories over the years that STILL happen to this day and yet I've gone along all these years with no stinky washer.

It's interesting the ONLY stinky washer I experienced was a late 80s Whirlpool top load washer... I don't think it had the dual action agitator...Thinkin back, I think it was because the washer was in a very humid area and we didn't leave the lid up.....but every other TL washer I had over the years there were no issues... I think in that case it MUST have been the unconditioned humid air..

I was sooo young thinking back I wonder what I could do differently. I can't remember if we used HOT water. I know we always used warm 99% of the time..I don't ever remember using cold. We also used bleach for whites.. so I don't know.

I can vaguely remember the funky smell... It wasn't what you'd expect.. It wasn't a straight up sour smell but more of a slight hint of that mixed with something else...NO telling what was growing in that and none of us had a clue.

Post# 1199622 , Reply# 80   2/18/2024 at 13:52 by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

mickeyd's profile picture
My friend Maddog has that Frigi FL and gosh was it ever exciting on first seeing it in operation. A real Frigidaire full of the brand's legendary drama. After the wash drain, it plunges rapidly into a full flush rinse, then it rushes into a jet engine-like spin that ramps up immediately, with sounds that make your facial follicles tingle, lasting only only seconds, then the full rinsing begins in earnest. God help us all ;'D.

R.I.P. Gentlemen, especially Terry Lee whom I had the joy of knowing and who was a living saint.

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