Thread Number: 26
Labor Day should be Combo Day
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Post# 44592   9/6/2004 at 22:27 (7,462 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Looks like a beautiful 1958 Bendix Duomatic Combo has just been found in Syracuse, NY. If anyone is interesting in purchasing this machine please contact Tim at:

Post# 44606 , Reply# 1   9/7/2004 at 07:03 (7,461 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Oh yeah!!, the one with the "jet engine controls" as I call it.

Post# 44611 , Reply# 2   9/7/2004 at 07:20 (7,461 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
I hope someone is able to rescue this one too. Robert, any further info on it from the guy? It appears to be in great shape too.

Post# 44637 , Reply# 3   9/7/2004 at 19:30 (7,461 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Robert, do you know the actual working condition of the machine? The console light appears to work, and it also appears to be hooked up, but it could have some unseen problems we're unaware of.

Post# 44642 , Reply# 4   9/7/2004 at 20:32 (7,461 days old) by Bendix5 (Central Point, Oregon)        

bendix5's profile picture
Beautiful! We had the gas version of this machine when I was a kid. My uncle the Bendix man ordered it toward the end of 1957 and it came before Christmas. I can remember my uncle going under the house and sawing off the bolts to the old bolt down Bendix Delux that came with my parents house in 1949. Then taking out the stationary tub so the machine would fit into the space in the service porch, running the gas line from the hot water heater to the machine and cutting a vent hole into the floor for the dryer vent. I thought it was so cool to go under the house with my uncle and help him out. Maiden wash was the kids PJ's. What fun. The next day the neighbor ladies came over to watch this new machine run thru its cylces. Many households still used wringers or just basic washers and clothes lines. I am sure mom had the coffee pot going and some little treat for her guest way back in 1957. I was in heaven to see that machine come in thru the door. Dano

Post# 44669 , Reply# 5   9/8/2004 at 09:04 (7,460 days old) by TrainGuy (Key West, FL)        
No Response

trainguy's profile picture
I've sent Tim 2 emails and have had no response. Has anyone else been in contact with him?

Post# 44676 , Reply# 6   9/8/2004 at 10:48 (7,460 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
I don't know anything more than you guys do, he sent me the pictures, I asked him if it would be ok if I post it for anyone who might be interested in purchasing the machine from him and he emailed back and said "sure".

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