Thread Number: 264
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Post# 46826   10/12/2004 at 18:37 (7,227 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

I have been thinking about it and a friend just confirmed it. The area between Pensacola,Fla. and Mobile, Ala. is piled high with appliances headed to the crusher!! The only saving grace is that there are so many of them it may take weeks to haul them off. While most of those homes damaged from the hurricane don't have basements, there are still many oldies being thrown out. My friend found an Avacado "Flair" range today. I would think if there are any Applianceville members between Tallahassee and New Orleans who can do a "Day trip", they should do so right away. I understand the area around Gulf Shores and Foley Ala. and Orange Beach are loaded with appliances just piled on the curb! I would imagine this would also apply to those in Central Florida!!!! I am going to Gulf Shores in about a week and a half to see what I can rescue. -Steve

Post# 46827 , Reply# 1   10/12/2004 at 18:46 (7,227 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Any washers???

We get holidays Thurs--Sat...

Post# 46837 , Reply# 2   10/12/2004 at 19:26 (7,227 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
Reply to Austin

I am told there are piles of washers and dryers! Dishwashers and the lot, just waiting to be picked up! Some water damaged, some not, but the roof fell in and the owners can claim the insurance and get new, so every one who can is cashing in! Don't we have members in Alabama? Seems like I see a post from BHam every now and then. The Alabama and Mississippi members should "get busy"! -Steve

Post# 46840 , Reply# 3   10/12/2004 at 19:36 (7,227 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
And about Central Florida--------

A friend in Vero Beach confirms that there are piles of washers and dryers from Jupiter (just north of Palm Beach) all the way up the coast to past Melbourne!!!!!!! Vero Beach and Sebastian as well as Barefoot Bay and Palm Bay seem to have a concentration, and another friend says the old neighborhoods in Ft. Pierce are also piled with them!!!!!!!! Lots of elderly folks here who have either been there for years or brought their treasures with them from up north. I would think the West Coast area around Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda would be the same. Florida Applianceville members please weigh in on these reports! -Steve

Post# 46961 , Reply# 4   10/14/2004 at 07:24 (7,225 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Piled appliances

Someone get pics!

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