Thread Number: 26493
1970's Automatic washers !! (U.K)
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Post# 406659   1/16/2010 at 22:26 (5,377 days old) by gpo746 (Hull)        

Hi Everyone, I was just wondering if anyone has a 1970's Hotpoint or Hoover that I could buy/swap , I look after everything I own so it wouldnt get abused ! I have been on the look-out for one for a few years but with no success,apart from a Creda Allender which was beyond help,Im open to anything working or not as long as it isnt too bad cosmetically,(its not me, its the missus!) Has anyone got a Hotpoint 18580 they wish to part with?? Anything considered I have a van so I can pick up. PLEASE HELP!!

Post# 406743 , Reply# 1   1/17/2010 at 06:21 (5,376 days old) by robliverpool (england Liverpool)        

robliverpool's profile picture
Have you had a look on ebay, some of the guys travel miles to get a good one off there but they do pop up and for sensible money

Post# 406830 , Reply# 2   1/17/2010 at 12:13 (5,376 days old) by keymatic3203 (Cardiff UK)        

Welcome to Dom, yep we love our 70's washers here, these were the classic washers many of us grew up with friends and family owning. It's suprising,but 30 plus year old hoover and hotpoints do ocassionally turn up, such as the 18580 and several of us are lucky enough to have found one or two.

The main gap in many of our collections is the early 70s automatics, the front loader holy grail being the hotpoint 1600, the uks first 1100 rpm spin 8-9 yrs before Hoover. Lol Rob. ( he's firmly in the hotpoint camp, I'm on the hoover side, but have a great affection for all these british brands).

Theres no shortage of washer help and history here, so here's hopeing you find something soon, heres my Hoover A3060, which has been my regular machine for over 10 years now, and someone had used it for twenty before that.


Post# 406842 , Reply# 3   1/17/2010 at 12:29 (5,376 days old) by hotpoint95622 (Powys)        
hotpoint 95622

hotpoint95622's profile picture

Welcome, best bet is keep looking at eBay and any local house clearance operatives, get friendly with your local independent appliance shops to, they may get something in if they collect old when delivering the new.

That how I found this.

The 18680 from early 80’s

Post# 406848 , Reply# 4   1/17/2010 at 12:55 (5,376 days old) by keymatic (London / UK)        

keymatic's profile picture
Afternoon Dom,
Early 70's washers can be hard to find, but here's hoping something turns up for you soon !! I have always been a Hotpoint fan, and when a local couple contacted me regarding a Top Loading washer from the late 60's, I thought yeah, yeah...but was delighted to discover it was a Hotpoint 1504 1st Timeline toploader..which had hardly been used, after a overhaul and quick re-spray, it has served me well for the last 5 years !!
Good Luck

Post# 406851 , Reply# 5   1/17/2010 at 13:17 (5,376 days old) by electron1100 (England)        
Finding A washer

electron1100's profile picture
Hello Dom I cant add anything that hasnt been suggested really, look in locoal papers etc.........but i would agree that Ebay is your best bet.

Anyway keep your eyes peeled and good luck

as every one is having a go here is a fot of one of my babys

Post# 406970 , Reply# 6   1/17/2010 at 19:42 (5,376 days old) by gpo746 (Hull)        
1970's automatics

Hi Everyone and Thanks for all your replies, Its good to see your machines in good condition and still being used, I have asked at local appliance shops and,yes,they have all sucked their teeth in , told me I was nuts ,then had a good laugh,then tried selling me some awful 1990's machine, I will keep trying though..Thanks for all your encouragement :o).

Post# 407052 , Reply# 7   1/18/2010 at 04:30 (5,376 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
To the Club,

Couple 70s machines in the collection.

Hotpoint yes way advanced machines over Hoover, Beat Hoover to 1100 by 7 years and then beat Hoover to 1300 by 1 year although Hotpoints 1986 1300rpm Machine actually spun at 1400rpm beating Hoover to that speed by 9 years!

1976 Hotpoint Liberator made by Zanussi after a fire at the Hotpoint plant stopped production and the shortfall was shipped out to Italy, seems the rarest of the Liberators now we know of 6 GEC Liberators (yes REAL Purple ones at that)still in daily use.

Post# 407053 , Reply# 8   1/18/2010 at 04:31 (5,376 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
With its Partner the 1701 Dryer

Post# 407055 , Reply# 9   1/18/2010 at 04:51 (5,376 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Hoover Matchbox although badged as Electra for the Electrcity board. Exclusive macine only sold throught the likes of Manweb, Norweb SWEB when they all had shops etc etc


There was a model with extra features like a handy soap dispenser drawer LOL Taken for granted on all machines today but back then it was a Deluxe feature. If you didnt have it you put the powder in the drum.

No Prewash on this machine. and you had to reset for the final rinse if you wanted softener.

Post# 407057 , Reply# 10   1/18/2010 at 04:54 (5,376 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Matching dryer too

Post# 407071 , Reply# 11   1/18/2010 at 07:35 (5,375 days old) by gpo746 (Hull)        
1970's automatics

Wow! aquarius1984 , You seem to have a really good collection,For years I wondered what brand and model had the purple door and controls, I thought all these old machines would have gone to the great laundromat in the sky!, Are parts a problem for folks? or are most parts readily available?

Post# 407198 , Reply# 12   1/18/2010 at 16:46 (5,375 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Welcome to the club Dom, you will probably be surprised what you can find from loacl repair shops, free papers etc, keep your eyes open and ask around...

Now heres a set from the only totally British Washing Machine manufacturer, the 1972 Servis Compacts, 9lb washload, 740spin, vented tumble dryer....

CLICK HERE TO GO TO chestermikeuk's LINK

Post# 407207 , Reply# 13   1/18/2010 at 17:13 (5,375 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
Quick question for you...

Is the door glass in the Servis the same as the early Hoovers?

Post# 407211 , Reply# 14   1/18/2010 at 17:25 (5,375 days old) by aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
I predict a Riot with that question Ronhic.

As a point of interest it was Servis in Birmingham who made the engineering machinery that was used to produce Hoover Machines in Merthyr Tydfil.

So really a Hoover is a Servis.......

Post# 407224 , Reply# 15   1/18/2010 at 18:46 (5,375 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        

ronhic's profile picture
....not intended...just the overall shape of the glass is so scarily similar...

Post# 407258 , Reply# 16   1/18/2010 at 22:23 (5,375 days old) by gpo746 (Hull)        
Hotpoint Liberator

Am I right in thinking that these machines were fitted with an induction motor? I seem to remember reading this somewhere.If so, what are the spares availability like, I only ask as If I did come across one (yeah right) I would press it into daily use after a good service of course ,I wouldn't want to come up against bad spares availability. I suppose bearings and seals would be relitavely easy to obtain, not so sure about door seals or motors though...

Post# 407516 , Reply# 17   1/19/2010 at 20:30 (5,374 days old) by gpo746 (Hull)        
Hotpoint liberator 1701 Dryer

Hi I have found a dryer on ebay! Its starts at a Fiver , unfortunately its alittle too far for me to go! its located in Cardiff...Just thought I would let you folks know. :o)

Post# 407595 , Reply# 18   1/20/2010 at 05:26 (5,374 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hi Chris

Very similar, just a few mm`s different!!! and Servis UK`s parent company Wilkins & Mitchell where renowned worlwide for making and exporting heavy industrial machinery, especially power presses etc...

Also most manufacturers sourced many of the small component parts from the same companies etc such as switches, electrics, motors, rubber components etc. made sense here in the 70`s with the state of the labour markets and the economy.

Post# 407776 , Reply# 19   1/20/2010 at 17:42 (5,373 days old) by ronhic (Canberra, Australia)        
I did...

ronhic's profile picture

mmmm....would the Hoover door or Servis door fit the other machine?

...and now that you mention 'Wilkins & Mitchell', it makes sense as to why our machines here were called 'Wilkins Servis'

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