Thread Number: 271
Early WCI 1-18 on eBay
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Post# 46894   10/13/2004 at 12:42 (7,401 days old) by westytoploader ()        

WCI Frigidaire washer, from the early 80's. An exact copy of a Westy TL at the time, right down to the agitator cap! This was made before Frigidaire switched to the crappy plastic tub machines (and eventually got rid of the recirculating filter as well) that we see today.

The interior was identical to our old '86 White-Westy, with the fill flume and filter in the same place, as well as the same agitator and cap! Sure, it's not a true 1-18, but it isn't like today's Frigidaires either!! I'd like to watch the action again on one of these to see how it washed.


CLICK HERE TO GO TO westytoploader's LINK on eBay

Post# 46901 , Reply# 1   10/13/2004 at 15:33 (7,401 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
Early WCI 1-18 on eBay

peteski50's profile picture
Actually no offence but it's sickening!

Post# 46910 , Reply# 2   10/13/2004 at 18:01 (7,401 days old) by zipdang (Portland, OR)        

zipdang's profile picture
I had the Westy TL version of this machine. It was mediocre at best. I can't remember if the tub indexed or not (I think it did), but turnover on a full load wasn't that great. Also, the lint filter flow was prone to clogging up with lint blobs which reduced the water flow into the filter tray. Don't even get me started on that stupid Lock-N-Spin lid....

I had the Westy FL of the same era, too, and it was a far better machine. I think it was the last of the modern FLs to have a porcelain coated tub instead of stainless steel.

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