Thread Number: 272
Austin,how about a REAL Norge...
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Post# 46902   10/13/2004 at 15:51 (7,226 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture
..or anyone else? Rescused this beauty from a curb today.Little old lady came out,and thanked me for taking it!8^)

Anyway,it's a Norge by Fedders.Little if any rust on the cabinet.Working condition unknown.Free to anyone that picks it up,or arranges shipping.


Post# 46907 , Reply# 1   10/13/2004 at 16:41 (7,226 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Darn! It looks really good; the only problem is that I'm in Texas!

Post# 46911 , Reply# 2   10/13/2004 at 18:02 (7,226 days old) by CleanteamofNY ((Monroe, New York)        

cleanteamofny's profile picture
Why are these great machines so far away???
But I like!!!

Post# 46914 , Reply# 3   10/13/2004 at 19:06 (7,226 days old) by agiflow-action ()        

This is the same design Norge we had in our family,...only difference was,the machine we had also had a wash/spin speed selector.

Post# 46921 , Reply# 4   10/13/2004 at 20:42 (7,226 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
Reply to Goatfarmer

Would like to have it! Please contact me with e-mail address! Thanks! -Steve

Post# 46955 , Reply# 5   10/14/2004 at 04:14 (7,225 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture


Post# 46964 , Reply# 6   10/14/2004 at 07:40 (7,225 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        
Reply to Goatfarmer

Hi! I am unable to access my homepage this morning due to problems (ad nauseaum) with Bellsouths system. Will try to get back to you this afternoon. Thanks! -Steve

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