Thread Number: 290
Need some help with me washer
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Post# 47064   10/15/2004 at 21:11 (7,224 days old) by compwhiz ()        

I have a whirlpool washer and it has some problem people say it is the pump and i need to know how to do this special techniqe with it so you can take it out of the cabinet

Post# 47065 , Reply# 1   10/15/2004 at 21:12 (7,224 days old) by compwhiz ()        

I am also going to show some more pix YAY you get to see me washer

Post# 47066 , Reply# 2   10/15/2004 at 21:12 (7,224 days old) by compwhiz ()        

the water level and temp knobs

Post# 47067 , Reply# 3   10/15/2004 at 21:13 (7,224 days old) by compwhiz ()        

the timer kind of poopy

Post# 47068 , Reply# 4   10/15/2004 at 21:14 (7,224 days old) by compwhiz ()        

the directions

Post# 47069 , Reply# 5   10/15/2004 at 21:14 (7,224 days old) by compwhiz ()        

last the features label

Post# 47070 , Reply# 6   10/15/2004 at 21:20 (7,224 days old) by compwhiz ()        

Yes i know the pics and my grammer is corny but deal with it

Post# 47082 , Reply# 7   10/15/2004 at 22:26 (7,224 days old) by fixerman ()        

To remove the cabinet to replace the pump I guess is what you aree asking. Right?
Remove the two screws from the bottom of the control panel. Pull panel forward and up. Then lift it up and back so it is out of the way. Remove the two large clips using a screwdriver. disconnect the lid switch connector. It is the one attached to the cabinet near the center. Tilt the cabinet top forward and pull it straight off. You will then have access to the pump. Remove the clips holding the pump to the motor. Remove the two hoses to the pump. Slide pump off motor shaft. Hope it isn't rusted on. Good luck.

Post# 47084 , Reply# 8   10/15/2004 at 22:48 (7,224 days old) by compwhiz ()        

NO actually the pump is ok it rattles when the motor is running

Post# 47088 , Reply# 9   10/16/2004 at 00:16 (7,223 days old) by fixerman ()        

I think this was dealt with about a month ago in thread #209, I think, I can't find it in the archives though. Maybe someone remembers it.

Post# 47131 , Reply# 10   10/16/2004 at 12:52 (7,223 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Thread 209 was created in the Imperial Forum.

Post# 47138 , Reply# 11   10/16/2004 at 13:35 (7,223 days old) by fixerman ()        


I see thread 209 at the end of the Imperial forum but it is no longer clickable and it doesn't show up at all in the archives. Is there a lag time to get it into the archives?

Post# 47142 , Reply# 12   10/16/2004 at 14:29 (7,223 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
That's strange, I see thread 209 right smack in the middle of the Imperial Forum listing, with lots of other threads below it and its still clickable. Greg, try hitting reload when you viewing the Imperial Forum listing.

Post# 47152 , Reply# 13   10/16/2004 at 17:03 (7,223 days old) by fixerman ()        

Thread# 209 Vibration and noise
Originally Posted: 10/4/2004-16:31 by hairybigmanuk
Number of Replies: 5 -- Last Reply by goatfarmer, at 10/6/2004-04:32

This is the thread in the Imperial section but it is all red and no underlined link to click. It is at the bottom of the page after the underlined clickable threads.Reload does nothing. Still not clickable on my computer. Also looked in the archive thinking it may have been archived but it is not there either.

Post# 47158 , Reply# 14   10/16/2004 at 18:55 (7,223 days old) by fixerman ()        

Sorry, It was not thread no 209. Again maybe someone else remembers the thread that the DD whirlpool had a clicking noise.

Post# 47175 , Reply# 15   10/16/2004 at 20:52 (7,223 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
I see what you mean now Greg, Netscape or as its more commonly known Netscrape is not reading the page properly. I will have to experiment and see if I can get it fixed. In the meantime I would use IE to view the pages.

Post# 47176 , Reply# 16   10/16/2004 at 21:26 (7,223 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
Robert all 3 discussion groups are that way.

It starts half way down.

Mozilla Firefox is doing it too so I assume plain mozilla is also.

pete peterson

Post# 47177 , Reply# 17   10/16/2004 at 21:31 (7,223 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
Robert it works with Netscape 4.7 so it is something with the newer Netscapes.


Post# 47187 , Reply# 18   10/16/2004 at 23:23 (7,223 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I use Mozilla Firefox and wasn't having any of the described trouble . . . UNTIL I used Firefox's "find text" function on the index page for the Imperial section. Now everything on the Imperial index page is all red and unclickable from thread # 228 and down (well, that is, at the position of thread # 228 at the moment I'm typing this post).

Post# 47188 , Reply# 19   10/16/2004 at 23:31 (7,223 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The Deluxe and Super sections are having the same red/unclickableness toward the lower part of the index page. Clearing the browser cache and history did not help. Must be something different in the index page coding for those older threads.

Post# 47189 , Reply# 20   10/16/2004 at 23:42 (7,223 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Glenn, I was thinking the same thing except then I called up the view page source and everything is coded exactly the same between where its fine and where it goes to all red. Strange. It seems to do it after 50 threads are listed and in all forums. I wonder if there is a bug within Netscape/Mozilla with displaying more than 50 [a href] links on the same page?

Post# 47204 , Reply# 21   10/17/2004 at 07:35 (7,222 days old) by Gyrafoam (Wytheville, VA)        

Oh Lordy--this was soooo much fun! I hope we have not killed it.

Post# 47222 , Reply# 22   10/17/2004 at 13:45 (7,222 days old) by fixerman ()        

Does your machine agitate and spin ok? A broken drive coupling would rattle, but the machine would not agitate or spin. In an earlier post, the one I couldn't find, Goatfarmer commented that he has had some couplings make noise even though the coupling was not broken.

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