Thread Number: 295
My first (?vintage?) dishwasher
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Post# 47140   10/16/2004 at 14:05 (7,422 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

I found this at a garage sale today. Lady Kenmore automatic dishwasher with hygienic rinse. Model 587-720711. Its a portable. I opened the door......and there was a ROTO-RACK ! I didn't know what to do. I even left the sale and went to another sale. Still thinking about it, I figured i would go back. 5 bucks, what was there to lose ? She does need some cleaning up. I thought I might have time to play with her this winter.
I need to figure out the hook-up to the fawcett. May need to get a new one. Can anyone tell me where I might be able to get a users manual and/or repair manual ?


Post# 47144 , Reply# 1   10/16/2004 at 14:34 (7,422 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hey Tom, that's just great! Congrats on your find today. I've decided the next roto-rack I see I'm going to pick up just to get a clear glass window made to see the action of a roto-rack. Just like when I was a kid in Sears hoping to get to see the see-thru model.

Post# 47148 , Reply# 2   10/16/2004 at 14:50 (7,422 days old) by fixerman ()        

Acording to Appliance411 web site, 587 prefix is a D&M (Frigidaire) design. You may be able to find repair info at this site or many others by doing a search.


Post# 47156 , Reply# 3   10/16/2004 at 18:46 (7,422 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        
Lady Kenmore Auto DW

bpetersxx's profile picture
Repair clinic 2321 adapter

Correct me if I am wrong since our Lady Kenmore Roto Rack used a long faucet adapter


Post# 47157 , Reply# 4   10/16/2004 at 18:53 (7,422 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        

bpetersxx's profile picture
As an afterthought my neighbors had a Lady Kenmore DW with pushbuttons. as they also had a Lady Kenmore washer with the
14 push buttons and flip down cover.

Post# 47161 , Reply# 5   10/16/2004 at 19:00 (7,422 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        
Fun dishwasher!

gansky1's profile picture
I love the Roto-Rack! I've only seen one of these at a sale and it was in horrible condition. Your interior looks great and the outside will too after a bath and some loving caresses with a Q-Tip. We had a '72 (as yours is) as our first dishwasher but with only 5 buttons and a dial. Congrats on the fun find!


Post# 47163 , Reply# 6   10/16/2004 at 19:05 (7,422 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        
fun dishwasher

bpetersxx's profile picture
Thats what we had

I loved listening to the timer make it's loud click as it cycled.

Post# 47164 , Reply# 7   10/16/2004 at 19:08 (7,422 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        
My first (?vintage?) dishwasher

peteski50's profile picture
I love the dishwasher - so many great options
I remember when they made these machines.

Post# 47178 , Reply# 8   10/16/2004 at 21:32 (7,422 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Wellllll Robert............

You know what I was thinking >? I was thinking that once I got her running, If you were willing, I could send the dimensions to you and get a plexiglass window made. I of course would reimburse you for it and also your time/trouble/shipping. :)

Post# 47180 , Reply# 9   10/16/2004 at 22:09 (7,422 days old) by jasonl (Cookeville, TN)        

My aunt had a built-in lady K DW with rotorack. Neato. If I could only hear one run again.

Post# 47184 , Reply# 10   10/16/2004 at 22:52 (7,422 days old) by duetboy ()        
owner's manual

If I'm not mistaken, with a model #, you can go to sear's website and download an owner's manual. I don't know about the availability of an "original" manual from Sears. As of 5 years ago, you could still get parts for them. My ex partner had one that belonged to his folks. That thing ran ever day for over 5 years with us and for over 20 years before that! It was built like a tank. Also, you should be able to get the faucet adapter from your local sears parts store.

Keep us all informed of your progress and congratulations on your find!

Post# 47185 , Reply# 11   10/16/2004 at 23:13 (7,422 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
Tom, my aunt had one just like it. We had the model right below it, also harvest gold. Hope you can find a silverware basket for it. OUTSTANDING find Tim. I'm thrilled for ya.

Post# 47394 , Reply# 12   10/19/2004 at 08:37 (7,419 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
faucet adapters

Those faucet adapters should be available at your local hardware store, somewhat cheaper than from Sears

Post# 47408 , Reply# 13   10/19/2004 at 11:54 (7,419 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

I am going to stop by the hardware store today to pick up the fawcett connector. I have looked everywhere on the internet and cannot find a owners' manual. At I looked up the model number. I can order many parts for it, however the manual came back as "cannot order due to unavailability.

Post# 47433 , Reply# 14   10/19/2004 at 20:49 (7,419 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture
tom, if you're needing the owners manual for the cycle sequence/times, email me and I can tell ya waht they are!!

Post# 47452 , Reply# 15   10/20/2004 at 06:33 (7,418 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        

I went to Sears site, and the silverware basket and covered small items basket are still available.

Post# 47454 , Reply# 16   10/20/2004 at 06:45 (7,418 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Owners manual

Unfortunately, not surprising.

"If I'm not mistaken, with a model #, you can go to sear's website and download an owner's manual. I don't know about the availability of an "original" manual from Sears."

We're Sorry. Due to unavailability, the following parts can not be ordered.

Part Number: Part Description: Model Number:
806775 SERVICE PARTS LIST & MANUAL 587720711

Post# 47456 , Reply# 17   10/20/2004 at 06:50 (7,418 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Repair Manual

Sears part #808353

It wasn't listed on thier site, but try calling them. There are probably generic repair manuals that cover all D & M made machines, check the Internet.

I have the manual, can send scans if you need them.

Post# 47459 , Reply# 18   10/20/2004 at 07:14 (7,418 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Manual availability correction

Oops, clicked the wrong button, manual WAS on Sears site.

BASKET 5300805510 (805510) 587720711 $ 12.99 $ 12.99
MINI BASKET 5300808965 (806760) 587720711 $ 8.99 $ 8.99
SERVICE MAN 5300808353(808353) SubPartLookup $ 2.49

Note: Subtotal does not include shipping, handling and tax. Subtotal: $ 24.47

Post# 47490 , Reply# 19   10/20/2004 at 16:01 (7,418 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
thanks for all the info guys !!! fired her up this afternoon

Well I got her hooked up today. THE lights all clicked on and then the shhhhhooooooosh of water filling her up. She stirred to life and I could hear the constant spray of water! Of course I had to open the door really quick to see the roto-rack!! That roto-rack can really get with it. And there were no dishes loaded in it. Surprisingly, she seems quieter than my hotpoint dishwasher. After Going through the first wash cycle with no probs, when the first rinse cycle began she started leaking quite a bit! The kitchen floor will get a good mopping tonight! I am going to have to figure out where that is coming from. any suggestions ? I am so thrilled with my $5 find ! My first vintage machine!

Post# 47493 , Reply# 20   10/20/2004 at 16:22 (7,418 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Jim, it could be coming from a number of places, such as the pump, a hose, door gasket, etc. Take off the bottom panel and run the dishwasher again, have a flashlight or other source of light handy so you can see exacly where the leak is coming from. Once you pinpoint exactly where the source of the leak is we might be able to give you some more suggestions to fix it.

Post# 47504 , Reply# 21   10/20/2004 at 19:52 (7,418 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Origins of the leak.....

I did as you suggested Robert. The leak is coming from the hose that supplies the upper spray tube. It has a pretty good crack in it. And it is spraying right on to the reel that holds the power cord!! GREAAAT ! I am assuming that I can take this off and go get a piece of tubing to match at a hardware store. The one thing I am not sure about.....If I turn the machine on its side, I will be able to get to the connection to the pump pretty easy. The other end of the hose hooks into the tub, and there is a metal piece across the bottom of the machine there. The cabinet looks to be all one piece. I am not sure how to get to that connection. I'll know more tomorrow when I have time to look at it on its side. I am VERRRRRY tempted to go get a hose now.....but it can wait...I have some mopping to do again :P

Post# 47507 , Reply# 22   10/20/2004 at 20:22 (7,418 days old) by bpetersxx (laf in on the banks of the Wabash River)        
origins of the leak

bpetersxx's profile picture
sears web site

part #5300805923

hose for spray arm


Post# 47521 , Reply# 23   10/20/2004 at 23:06 (7,418 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        

unimatic1140's profile picture
Great Tom, I'm glad you found the source of the leak! Hoses are easy to replace and you might get lucky if that hose is still available and not have to retrofit another hose. I have no idea how to take that machine apart, but maybe someone out there has a repair manual for this machine.

Post# 47533 , Reply# 24   10/21/2004 at 03:01 (7,417 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
repair manual

Still available from Sears for a paltry $2.49

Post# 47536 , Reply# 25   10/21/2004 at 04:54 (7,417 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Parts ordered

I have ordered the manual, hose, and baskets. My next task is going to be cleaning her up, while waiting on those things to arrive. There is some rust on the underneath edges of the cabinet. What would be good to clean and shine up the outer part of the cabinet? the chrome buttons and upper console? And also the wood butcher block top?
You guys are great! thanks for all your help! I cant wait to run the first load of dishes! I may have to figure out a way to get a neato plexiglass window rigged up !

Post# 47591 , Reply# 26   10/22/2004 at 06:54 (7,416 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Sprucing up

Hard to tell from pictures, since I could only see the edge of the butcher block top, but it looks like someone "refinished" the top sometime in the past and some kind of varnish or other coating has been applied. Butcher block tops really should have no "finish" to speak of, at least if it's used as an actual cutting board. If it's never going to be used for that purpose, then you might want to sand the finish off and refinish it with an appropropiate finish for use as just a "surface" to put things on. Looks like whoever did the "refinishing" didn't do a good job.

Post# 47618 , Reply# 27   10/22/2004 at 16:47 (7,416 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        
Exciting Discovery !!

I was looking through the parts lists last night at for my model. There were several light parts listed. I got to thinking and looking closer. I pulled up the diagram. I found, hiding under a white plastic lens, A LIGHT above the Chrome buttons! HOOOOORAY!!!!! LIGHTED CONTROLS !!!! I Love lighted controls ! As soon as I get a new light I'll take a pic to share. Ashame I did not know this before placing my first order.

Post# 47622 , Reply# 28   10/22/2004 at 19:58 (7,416 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
control panel light

Before you go back to Sears, there's a good chance it's a standard bulb readily available at a hardware store or lighting dealer. Without even seeing the bulb, I would bet it's a standard 7 1/2 watt clear miniture base "Christmas Tree/Night Light" bulb. If it is, you may have to search for a 7 1/2 watt one, the "Energy Gods" have dictated that those bulbs should now be 4 watts. But I've managed to find the 7 1/2 watt ones without too much trouble.

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