Thread Number: 302
bakelite vs stainless steel dishwasher impeller (GE)
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Post# 47202   10/17/2004 at 07:22 (7,397 days old) by mikepaquette ()        

Thanks Robert for the new Applianceville, GREAT JOB. I am very sorry I did not jump at the chance at Roberts gorgious GE Mobile Maid,(best machine seen to date) I would love a drawer style built in model. Can anyone tell me the difference in the later mobels with the stainless steel impellers ? Did this impeller do any better in cleaning than the old bakelite impeller like I have in my Mobile Maid. There was such a big difference in the design of the Mobile Maids. I grew up with a pink interior stainless steel impeller, portable bottom of the line I'm sure. This older sytle I have does not clean as well or hold as much as I remember in my pink interior model. I have a Kenmore top load Roto Rack impeller wash that out cleans this Mobile Maid. I will find good homes for my collection as I am syill looking . Any thoughts on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Michael

Post# 47213 , Reply# 1   10/17/2004 at 11:06 (7,397 days old) by gregm ()        

Hey Mike, personally I think the bakelite impellers did a better job than the "bowtie" stainless ........ but problem with the older, especially GE "pull-outs" was to short a cycle leading to poor performance. Cycles were shorter back then because detergents were so "caustic". But I find with my impeller machines that if you use at least 150 degree water, I get fine performance.

Post# 47215 , Reply# 2   10/17/2004 at 11:47 (7,397 days old) by frontaloadotmy (the cool gay realm)        
Impeller comparisons

Keep in mind, my offerings are the result of innate appliance
savvy, as opposed to trained technical expertise. I am not 100% certain but I think the metal impellers are not stainless steel, but some kind of anodizied aluminum. I suspect that they were less costly than the bakelite screws;
also, I believe that when GE made that switch it was part of
the design necessity to accommodate the soft food "grind-o-matic" disposal aspect of the units; I'm not really sure if it entailed a reversing direction, but I think it may have.
I suspect that contributed greatly to the cleaning effectiv-
ness of the latter design. IMHO the impeller units were quite
effective in producing adequate scrubbing water spray. I think that when GE introduced the "Power Shower" boomarang
style top down spray those impellar jobs could hold their own
with the KA's etc. In the mid 80's I acquired a Lady Kenmore
DW TL with the RR; I shudder to think I kicked it to the curb,
I can't recall, but I think it had a spray arm vs impeller,
definitley the staionary center tank spray tube; a riot to lift those half racks to load the bottom. I could smack my self, I was moving from my first "flat" in SF to a house
nearby and there was a solenoid glitch in the LK so I gave
it up to the transfer station. I think it may have even had a
split level back splash, very cool Gold Flecked Formica top.
I may have saved the silverware basket for years. I have a drawer type early 50's GE sink base unit; the tub interior is enamel/porcelain on steel as opposed to the
succeeding plastic/rubber interiors, and an early 50's sink
Kenmore unit with round top, fabulous stainless steel racks.
I have yet to try powering them up. Thanks for extending the opportunity for me to blab! Darrel

Post# 47216 , Reply# 3   10/17/2004 at 12:39 (7,397 days old) by jmirawm (Barling Arkansas)        

I was wondering about the abbreviation IMHO. What does it mean? I have read it on several posts and just dont get it.

Post# 47218 , Reply# 4   10/17/2004 at 12:47 (7,397 days old) by frontaloadotmy (the cool gay realm)        

Funny thing is "humble opinion" is oxymoronic; In MY HUMBLE
OPINION, that is!!!!

Post# 47249 , Reply# 5   10/17/2004 at 19:16 (7,397 days old) by steve1-18 (Grovetown (Augusta), GA)        
Built in Mobile Maid


I have a Drawer Mobile Maid that needs work but if you are interested, I'm looking for a home for it.

Email me at Please put Dishwasher in the subject line or it will go out with the spam!


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