Thread Number: 30689
philco bendix duomatic
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Post# 463965   9/18/2010 at 00:47 (5,235 days old) by jaybake32 (Portland, OR)        

Hello all I am new to the group, and hoping this is the correct place to post an interest in finding a Duomatic. I'd like one for a travel trailer I am working on which actually was supplied with these units originally, the trailer is a 1956 Spartan Imperial Mansion (8 feet by 45 feet, which surprisingly to many does constitute a "travel trailer" and not a mobile home). I plan to use the trailer as a cottage/guest house of sorts on the back part of my property and would love to be able to put one of these back in. Thank you.

Post# 463979 , Reply# 1   9/18/2010 at 05:52 (5,235 days old) by Easyspindry (Winston-Salem, NC)        
Good luck . . .

. . . on finding a duomatic that will fit in a trailer. These are monster machines that are extremely heavy.

I, too, am a camper and have a washer/dryer unit, but it is made by an Italian company and is called Splendede. These are good machines when used properly. They spin at someting like 1400 rpm, removing most of the water from the clothes before the dry cycle begins. They are sold by Camping World.

I cannot imagine a Bendix Duomatic fitting into a camper. But I may be wrong. Please let us know if you find one that fits.

Some pictures of your trailer and space for the washer/dryer would be helpful.

Jerry Gay

Post# 464076 , Reply# 2   9/18/2010 at 16:57 (5,235 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
I'd like to see the space

jetcone's profile picture
that fit in , inside a trailer! 400 pounds of machine, how did they protect the tub from bouncing around when you were driving around?

Post# 464078 , Reply# 3   9/18/2010 at 17:00 (5,235 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Big ass trailer for sure

jetcone's profile picture

Post# 464079 , Reply# 4   9/18/2010 at 17:01 (5,235 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Even so I dont see

jetcone's profile picture
how you could protect a Duomatic from tub bounce in a moving trailer.

Post# 464127 , Reply# 5   9/18/2010 at 20:41 (5,235 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture
It really shouldn't hurt the machine to be in moving trailer, All brands say you can install them in motor homes and boats and don't require you to reinstall the shipping braces to do so. The movement of the motor home is no where near as violent as when you are moving just the machine on hand trucks and up and down stairs etc.

Post# 464186 , Reply# 6   9/19/2010 at 00:55 (5,234 days old) by frontaloadotmy (the cool gay realm)        
Since it's going to be a guest house/cottage

at the far end of your property, I'm sure moving around won't be an issue. Does it have a space specifically for a Duomatic?
I have never heard of that length of mobile home being so outfitted. I have seen some of the early Westinghouse Spacemates stacked in later 50's, 10' x 50' and longer mobiles.
Either way it will be a nice addition to a tasteful guest house!

Post# 464337 , Reply# 7   9/19/2010 at 20:19 (5,234 days old) by jaybake32 (Portland, OR)        
yep they were the original optional equipment

It's the original equipment for the trailer. I know it probably does seem unlikely to try and put a full size heavy unit in a travel trailer, but these trailers, and my model specifically, were among the very largest ever built - 45 feet long, 8 feet wide so designed to tow on highways with no special permits/license or etc needed. It's 10 feet longer than the trailer used by Lucy and Desi in "The Long Long Trailer" (that was a 1954 Redman New Moon). And it is truly a travel trailer, not a mobile home. Yet it has a full size bath, with separate lavatory, large kitchen with full scale appliances, and so on. They are extremely strong, built with all aluminum frame and steel chassis. No wood or nails is used for framing. They tow like a dream. They were top of the line for the 1950s and when new they cost about twice as much as an Airstream or other competitors, and frankly they were worth it - At 54 years old mine tows like a dream, hasn't sagged in the slightest, and has never leaked. They generally came with the most innovative, top of the line appliances of the day, including the Duomatic. I love the Spartans because they really epitomized the advances of modern day conveniences, even while "camping" in their day.

I'm in no big hurry to find one as I am totally restoring the trailer to its original condition, but figured I might as well start looking now. I know of the Spendides and other new ones, but it would just not be the same. If anyone has one they are thinking of selling someday or knows of someone in my part of the world (Portland, OR) I would greatly appreciate the tip.

Post# 464816 , Reply# 8   9/22/2010 at 11:57 (5,231 days old) by jaybake32 (Portland, OR)        
picture of a westinghouse in a spartan

Some were wondering about placement of a combo unit in the trailer, here is a pic of a westinghouse combo in a 1957 Spartan Imperial Mansion for reference.

Post# 464828 , Reply# 9   9/22/2010 at 13:03 (5,231 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Cool travel trailer! Those front windows are huge - bring Windex to scrub the bugs away.

The picture of the Spartan is a Westinghouse Laundromat Spacemate - not a washer-dryer combination. Westinghouse made a combo but like the Bendix, it was a very large unit. The Bendix you want for your is 380 pounds and 36" wide. I've seen pictures of a Bendix Economat washer (a top-loading agitator version with a rubber tub that used a vacuum pump to squeeze the water from the wash) in some trailer-mobile home ads before but never knew they used that giant combo in them - but that is a long-long-LONG trailer you have so there is room. Do you have any scans or links to the brochures from your trailer showing the specs and details of them when new? Fascinating. This will make a perfect guest house!

Post# 464830 , Reply# 10   9/22/2010 at 13:15 (5,231 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

gansky1's profile picture
Here is an ad for the 1958 Westinghouse Spacemates

Post# 464880 , Reply# 11   9/22/2010 at 17:09 (5,231 days old) by jaybake32 (Portland, OR)        
original specs

Hi Gansky1 the most I have been able to find besides pictures are factory options lists, at least one of them mentions the Duomatic. Floor plans in the post-1952 trailers are harder to find and most of them were just suggestions since Spartan Aircraft built these largely to customer's specs. Otherwise literature is hard to find. Spartan was purchased by JP Getty around 1935, and about 12 years later they switched from aircraft to travel trailers. They were never made in high volumes like Airstreams or others. Spartan had it's own wood/cabinetry shop and everything was put together under one roof. There were several models smaller than 45 feet, and you can still find them here and there in very good condition. Mine was complete except appliances, but was pretty filthy from decades of neglect and being treated just like "any old trailer." Right now I am removing the house paint someone added at some point. Mine is the only known (so far) existing with the factory installed "pana-view" door, ie, sliding door so it is somewhat of a novelty (and a nice feature). The front is the "observation lounge," center area is galley, full bath, laundry, etc, and rear is bedroom.

Post# 464881 , Reply# 12   9/22/2010 at 17:11 (5,231 days old) by jaybake32 (Portland, OR)        
another pic

Sparticia, my Pana-View Princess lol.... Now she needs a Duomatic!

Post# 464931 , Reply# 13   9/23/2010 at 00:30 (5,230 days old) by pdub (Portland, Oregon)        
Hi Kyle!

pdub's profile picture
Your travel trailer is beautiful and I'll bet the restoration work is going to be fun. Maybe I can see it someday as I'm in your same area!

Sorry, no leads on a Duomatic here but I'm sure something will come along.

Best of luck, Patrick

Post# 465063 , Reply# 14   9/23/2010 at 13:39 (5,230 days old) by hydralique (Los Angeles)        
What a lovely trailer!

I had heard of Spartan, but knew nothing about them, so really enjoyed the pics and information here. Good luck with the restoration and finding a Duomatic.

Given that the trailer is an Imperial Mansion, I think it needs something appropriate to tow it and the Duomatic - an Imperial Silvercrest with the stainless steel roof panels.

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