Thread Number: 30984
Candy Softwasher 1994
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Post# 467713   10/6/2010 at 13:54 (5,129 days old) by l86810 (Southend, UK)        

l86810's profile picture
I've just been looking at the Candy Group site, and found an interactive 'Time Machine' about the company.

Its really interesting but one thing I did notice, was a washing machine released by Candy around 1994, which used at UV light for a hygienic wash.

Pic attached...

Anyone know anything about these?

Post# 467715 , Reply# 1   10/6/2010 at 13:58 (5,129 days old) by l86810 (Southend, UK)        

l86810's profile picture
Theres also some cool stuff about the Hoover Aquavision Dryer, (where the water collects in the door) on the group site.

Link Attached


Post# 467717 , Reply# 2   10/6/2010 at 14:01 (5,129 days old) by l86810 (Southend, UK)        

l86810's profile picture
Oh and one last thing ;)

Heres the link to the time machine.
(Its probably also relevant in the Imperial section of the forum, but I'll just leave it here for now!)

On the menu on the left, click "60o Interactive Time Machine"

> If your specifically looking for the Softwasher, turn the dial to 1985, and then slide the bar at the top all the way to the right until you reach '94


Post# 467728 , Reply# 3   10/6/2010 at 14:32 (5,129 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

i like the aquavision dryer whats next fish inside its condesnser lol!!
it is a shame thouh that the hoover factory is empty i live 30mins away from it my mum also went there to pick up our first auto washing machine in 97 so the place holds fond memorys for me

Post# 467890 , Reply# 4   10/7/2010 at 14:15 (5,128 days old) by nrones ()        
That factory!!!!!

Well, all of you are sometimes judging Candy because it closed Hoover"s Methyrl Tynderfil factory??
Did you ever wonered why? Well, on exactly same site I86810 said you can find "Renta-a sucsess factory" - The replacement of Methyr factory. All machines from UK WERE MOVED to Turkey.. and why to Turkey?
MONEY! In 2008 Candy invested alot of money in Methyr factory, and there was 18 milon euro not "payed back"... well that"s a lot of money... so they opened a factory in Turkey that requires less money.
I know lot"s of people lost jobs, but how many payments of them is 18 mil. euro actually?
I will try to find on the internet (if it exists) as I read it on paper ;)

Post# 467905 , Reply# 5   10/7/2010 at 15:20 (5,128 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

wowowwow my cousin has a hoover optima (crap choice i know) and on the stkcker around the door it says ''made in italy''
any ideas oh and on the other hand beko are turkish and thayer appliances are briliant

Post# 467908 , Reply# 6   10/7/2010 at 15:33 (5,128 days old) by nrones ()        
Tumble dryers only!

Optima was not crap choice...
In turkey are produced Tumble dryers only (as they were in last yrs of methyl).
They say they will produce upto 1.2 million units :D

Post# 467912 , Reply# 7   10/7/2010 at 15:47 (5,128 days old) by glamwales ()        

Well as a life long resident of Merthyr Tydfil, I hope hoover dies a death. Not Many of those are sold in my town anymore !

Post# 467913 , Reply# 8   10/7/2010 at 15:56 (5,128 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

i only live like ohh about an hour away from the hoover plant
i thought my ''home of the keymatic'' was a tip off to the fact i live in wales

Post# 469028 , Reply# 9   10/13/2010 at 10:51 (5,123 days old) by aegokocarat (United Kingdom)        

optima was a rubbish choice the washer is 2 months old she has had endless repares done to it. and if the dryers are made in turky beko might be producing them with parts sourced from hoover

Post# 469073 , Reply# 10   10/13/2010 at 16:58 (5,122 days old) by ultimafan ()        
A mystery Candy machine I'd like to find out about...

If you go to the historical archive, turn the dial 75', and go to the end, there was mention of a machine made in 83' or 84 called "Mr. Candy" which apparantly 'talks.' I think it's the machine in the background, and it looks like it has no dial. Could this be the machine you talked about aegokocarat? Perhaps there was an electronic machine back in the 80's

Post# 469260 , Reply# 11   10/14/2010 at 05:47 (5,122 days old) by nrones ()        
Candy is player for itself!

No, Candy made a greenfield investment in Turkey, not cooperating with anyone else :P
Also they mooved all machines from Methyl ;)

Post# 469284 , Reply# 12   10/14/2010 at 12:52 (5,121 days old) by ultimafan ()        
A picture of the mystery, possibly electronic 80's machi

The Mr. Candy, the machine able to tell different fabrics apart while talking to the consumer. Look closely and you'll notice that there's no dial, it could be electronic. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks

Post# 469718 , Reply# 13   10/16/2010 at 16:50 (5,119 days old) by favorit ()        

my guess is it has been discontinued cause UV rays are harsh on colours (expecially reds, it's very common that red shirts in shop windows turn to pink)

anyway there is on on sale here in italy on (kinda ebay)


Post# 469846 , Reply# 14   10/17/2010 at 05:26 (5,119 days old) by dj-gabriele ()        

Hahah, if I had the place to keep it I'd sure would like to have the Softwasher washing machine!

Post# 469856 , Reply# 15   10/17/2010 at 07:42 (5,119 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Candy UV washer

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Looks very much like a Hoover Newave & a Hitachi Servis Quartz when you see the full picture...

Interesting concept, lots of manufacturers are trying very diferent & radical ways of washing, so nothing new, even the detergent manufacturers, some of the stuff I`ve seen over the last year are interesting weird & wacky!!!

But I wonder what will make it through as we use up valuable earth resources!!!

Post# 469859 , Reply# 16   10/17/2010 at 07:58 (5,119 days old) by fjs674c ()        
instructions use

Have someone the user manual of this wash machine (candy softwascher) ?

Post# 797864 , Reply# 17   12/7/2014 at 12:30 (3,606 days old) by HooverZanMiele (Scunthorpe, UK)        
Candy SoftWasher User Manual

hooverzanmiele's profile picture
After a recent FB post I've done some research (I know it infuriates some to refresh an old thread), so sorry, but came across this.

For any who're interested, here's the service/user manual combined.



Post# 797897 , Reply# 18   12/7/2014 at 15:15 (3,606 days old) by liamy1 (-)        
I don't know

Too much about the whole scenario, but I believe a lot of Hoover selling to Candy was because of this...


Post# 798442 , Reply# 19   12/10/2014 at 15:18 (3,603 days old) by l86810 (Southend, UK)        
oooh thanks for the manual :)

l86810's profile picture
Am I right there is no 40oC wash apart from the 8hr 40oC Softwash cycle?

Post# 1154367 , Reply# 20   7/15/2022 at 14:12 (829 days old) by electronic9310 (Germany)        

I have that Softwasher in unused condition in my Collection.

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