Thread Number: 310
KitchenAid Woes
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Post# 47259   10/17/2004 at 21:35 (7,222 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I swapped the F&P GWL08 and DE04 for the grandmother's KitchenAid 760 pair this afternoon. As you all know, the KA pair was originally mine. I planned to hand the KA washer off to a co-worker. However, something coincidentally went wrong with the KA upon being moved. Either the spin clutch is suddenly not slipping and putting a tremendous drag on the motor, or something is bad with the motor, possibly the start winding.

The machine was hand-carried across the yard to the garage 'round back, not dropped or mishandled in any way. It has been rather unstable during spin the entire time the grandmother has had it, jiggling/shaking bad enough to be alarming, but not enough to "walk." Her utility is carpeted. It was sitting rather more solidly on the concrete garage, so I hooked up the electric to check the spin. Immediately I noticed something wrong. I switched it to agitate. On, off. On, off. On, off. On, let it run for a couple mins then into drain. It seemed just a mite hesistant getting started, but otherwise ran OK. Back to spin, and it's obvious that the clutch is not slipping and the motor is under a strain. I let it run to get up to speed, and before it got there, the motor cut out for about a half-second and came back. Then it did that again. And again. I switched it to the first spin increment on Perm Press (lowest motor speed), and same thing. Finally, it did get up to speed and seemed to be running OK, except it sounded like high motor instead of low motor. Shut it off, back on, and again it's laboring. I went to disconnect the plug, and the entire power cord was noticeably warm. Not hot, but obviously a touch warm.

Granny used the machine a day or two ago, nothing apparently wrong, but it's possible she wouldn't have noticed.

Diagnosis? Spin clutch trouble? Or motor? Start winding? Or something specifically related to the reverse direction, since it seems OK for agitate, and for drain if it doesn't have to spin the basket.

Post# 47262 , Reply# 1   10/17/2004 at 21:59 (7,222 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Were you runnimg this from a long extension cord?

Post# 47264 , Reply# 2   10/17/2004 at 22:07 (7,222 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Actually, yes, it was on an extension cord. A standard heavy-duty grounded (50'?) extension like for yard equipment -- WeedEater, electric trimmers, etc. Not a household lamp extension cord.

Post# 47266 , Reply# 3   10/17/2004 at 22:12 (7,222 days old) by fixerman ()        

First thing I would do is remove the cabinet and look for any obvious signs of the tub coming off of the glides at the bottom. When these machines are delivered new, the tub is held in place by 3 pins that are removed by pulling a yellow ribbon from the back. If the machine was moved without the tub being secured it is possible something happened to the tub.

Next, Check for any item cought between the inner and outer tub or inner tub and top ring, such as a sock. Or maybe the top ring got pulled out of place when it was moved.

Post# 47267 , Reply# 4   10/17/2004 at 22:14 (7,222 days old) by fixerman ()        

Coldspot's point is a good one also. Try plugging it directly into an outlet.

Post# 47272 , Reply# 5   10/17/2004 at 22:46 (7,222 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Seems unlikely anything went askew during the move, as the machine was picked up and hand-carried, with minimal leaning backward/forward/sideways . . but I'll take a look when I get a chance.

Post# 47273 , Reply# 6   10/17/2004 at 22:51 (7,222 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Oh, and I found the agitator dogs worn out on my parents' KA this weekend . . and the softener dispenser has a mysterious hairline crack across the bottom and a little ways up the side, but it doesn't appear to affect the functionality.

Of course, the cap seal is also broken. And one little ear broke off the base where the dog assembly snaps on, but I figure the nut will hold it secure, yes?

I ordered an agitator repair kit, but a base it too expensive.

Post# 47276 , Reply# 7   10/18/2004 at 00:16 (7,222 days old) by fixerman ()        

I have broken those ears off and assembled it back together with no known problems afterward.
Did you plug the machine in directly? Like I said, Coldspots idea of the extension cord is a good one. I have seen occasions when people plugged their machine into a long extension cord and had the same problem. 50 foot cord could easily cause this even if it seems to be large enough. Electrical voltage declines the longer it has to travel. Might be just enough to cause your problem, especially since It worked before you moved it.

Post# 47285 , Reply# 8   10/18/2004 at 00:55 (7,222 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Won't get to check it without the extension cord being involved until the next time I get across town to the grandmother's house and have time to go out to the garage and play with it after getting into order whatever it will be that she needs gotten in order . . . which should be in the next couple days.


Post# 47348 , Reply# 9   10/18/2004 at 20:51 (7,221 days old) by AndrewinOrlando ()        

I tried to run my Kenmore washer from a 50' extension cord that was plugged into my neighbor's house during the last hurricane when we were without power for a week. The machine has a very hard time starting on the cord...the plug got very warm, and the motor obviously strained once it got going.

Post# 47358 , Reply# 10   10/18/2004 at 21:27 (7,221 days old) by westytoploader ()        

I never run washers from a regular-duty extension cord or power strip, except the Bendix since it doesn't draw much power. I use a thick yellow contractor's extension cord and it works fine. Home extension cords just can't handle the amps and might possibly overheat, trip the breaker, as well as damage your machine.

Post# 47442 , Reply# 11   10/19/2004 at 23:36 (7,220 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The extension cord was the main source of trouble. It runs OK direct to the wall outlet. Except if I start it running in spin for a sec, then stop and restart it with the clutch engaged, it has trouble getting running again. The motor could be binding a little, except it ran with no trouble in the utility room. I think the electrical circuit to the garage is weak or of just marginal capacity. The garage is actually on the lot next door that belongs to my parents, with a line running underground from the house. It handles the garage door opener OK, but I imagine that's a smaller motor. The distance of the line from the house plus the 50' extension cord definitely can't handle the washer.

Anyway, that's good news for Brenda so she can get the KA washer. Now I gotta figure out what to do with the dryer.

By the way, it's amazing how much quieter the F&P runs in granny's carpeted utility room, compared to the echo-chamber laundry area at my house, LOL!

Post# 47518 , Reply# 12   10/20/2004 at 22:08 (7,219 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        
Dual-Action Agitator Grease

dadoes's profile picture
What's a suitable alternative that's readily available for the 'dual-action agitator grease' called for on KA/WP/KM? RepairClinic wants $11.15 for a little tin of it!


Post# 47523 , Reply# 13   10/20/2004 at 23:21 (7,219 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

I think you can use Sil-Glyde silicone grease. It comes in a blue & red tube. Prolly avail at a hardware store.

Post# 47524 , Reply# 14   10/20/2004 at 23:25 (7,219 days old) by fixerman ()        

I have never greased a dual action agitator and didn't know it was called for. Ya learn something new every day!! I would think it is probably just silicone grease you can buy from any hardware store for 3 or 4 dollars a tube. Sil-glyde is one brand. It is not supposed to wash out, freeze, gum or melt. Just a guess tho.

Post# 47525 , Reply# 15   10/20/2004 at 23:27 (7,219 days old) by fixerman ()        

Guess me and Coldspot were posting at the same time.

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