Thread Number: 3124
New Maytag Neptunes
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Post# 80582   8/27/2005 at 10:15 (6,964 days old) by azsanti ()        

Greeting fellow members :-)
Got a question for you all, I have a maytag neptune that I purchased about 3 1/2 years ago (love this machine), however I went to the Maytag Store her in Phoenix and was looking at the newest models, I love the glass door and I understand the washer is direct drive. I was wondering if anyone has heard any type of feedback on the newer Neptunes?

Post# 80588 , Reply# 1   8/27/2005 at 12:00 (6,964 days old) by maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        

See thread # 2981 on this page.


Post# 80595 , Reply# 2   8/27/2005 at 13:43 (6,964 days old) by FrontLoadFan (Wellfleet, Ma.)        
New Maytag Neptune

Regarding the new Maytag Neptune, I have one of them, but the model without the direct drive. I really love the capacity of my new machine. I had the Frigidaire FL for eight years and the difference in how the clothes come out is really amazing. With the Frigidaire the clothes would either come out smelling like detergent or tee shirts would have a musty smell to them. Clothes come out of the Maytag with no smell and the clothes just look cleaner.

My only complaint with my machine has been the noise level. When the water pump kicks in, it seems excessively loud. If you are considering the model with direct drive, it probably wouldn't be an issue as they are marketing it as a super quiet machine, with the direct drive and improved sound insulation.

If you look elsewhere on this board, you will see a more detailed review of the machine.

Post# 82622 , Reply# 3   9/9/2005 at 22:51 (6,950 days old) by frontloadfan (Wellfleet, Ma.)        
I Agree 100% With the Poster Above!

I have been using the new Maytag Neptune machine for about a month. I bought it for its great appearance, its superior size, and its value. It turns out my machine was a lemon and after two service calls I will be exchanging it for either a Duet or Kitchenaid Front Loader.

My advise is if you are going to spring for this machine, go ahead and get the top-of-the-line direct drive Maytag, that is marketed as a quiet machine. The new basic Maytag Neptune just makes too much noise. When it does regular wash movements it is OK, but as the poster above said, it is so loud when it expells the water. I don't know if they just used a cheaper pump in it or because it lacks sound insulation. This was reinforced to me when I visited my mother this week and heard her $400 Kenmore top loader. It makes a fraction of the noise as it expells the 15 to 20 gallons of water it would have in a typical load compared to the Neptune expelling what, say three gallon?

In my case, one of the service calls was to replace the original water pump. The new pump was somewhat quieter, but still not really acceptable, in my opinion. The factors I cited for my purchase (appearance, capacity, and value) are still valid. Just be certain that if quiet operation is important to you, spend the extra $200 for the direct drive model.

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