Thread Number: 313
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Post# 47309   10/18/2004 at 12:25 (7,221 days old) by Bethann (Indianapolis)        

I'm not sure what this is. I was just looking around and thought someone might be interested!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Bethann's LINK on eBay

Post# 47320 , Reply# 1   10/18/2004 at 13:47 (7,221 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
Wow! Isn't half the membership looking for an Easy Spindrier?

Post# 47322 , Reply# 2   10/18/2004 at 15:34 (7,221 days old) by fixerman ()        

I think the Easy spindryers are still fairly common. I think the Easy Automatics are the most desireable Easys.

Post# 47324 , Reply# 3   10/18/2004 at 16:05 (7,221 days old) by Bethann (Indianapolis)        

Somebody should save that thing!They said it would make a nice PLANTER!

Post# 47327 , Reply# 4   10/18/2004 at 16:27 (7,221 days old) by shawn (Waterford Ct)        
Easy spindrier

My Grandmother had one, but I was to young to remember how she used it. How do you rinse the laundry? in the sink like a wringer washer. Being fond of washer I should know but I never have seen one of these used. Thank's

Post# 47378 , Reply# 5   10/19/2004 at 05:41 (7,220 days old) by wringingwet (Walterboro South Carolina)        
Rinsing in an Easy

wringingwet's profile picture

Rinsing in this machine was a dream .. all you do is load the clothes in the spinner basket and push the short faucet located on the top of the machine over the hole and let the water run while it was spinning .. This is one of my favorites to play with but hope to find one around the South Carolina Area



Post# 47560 , Reply# 6   10/21/2004 at 17:28 (7,218 days old) by shawn (Waterford Ct)        
Thank's Wringinwet

Now I understand what the faucet were for and how the machine was used. Thank's Again Shawn.

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