Thread Number: 3210
Dishwasher (GE2800) lower arm block warning NO BLOCK! Help?
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Post# 81672   9/5/2005 at 14:05 (6,899 days old) by Lizrussell ()        

I have looked at the owner's manual as well as checked for swing arm blocks AND unloaded and reloaded this dishwasher. Any hints on what might be the matter? Or how to reset the computer? I also unplugged and replugged the electrical cord. No problems with this mid-80s GE 2800 dishwasher until my sink got backed up during a wash cycle, which the plumber snaked and unplugged the sink, but now this? HELP PLEASE! Much appreciated.

Post# 81709 , Reply# 1   9/5/2005 at 15:35 (6,899 days old) by GadgetGary (Bristol,CT)        
Blocked(GE Electronic 2800)

gadgetgary's profile picture
I have this dishwasher too and love it. Maybe you can cancel the cycle and see if the water drains out. Perhaps when the sink backed up, something got into the drain hose of the dishwasher. Just my .02 cents worth......


Post# 81712 , Reply# 2   9/5/2005 at 15:46 (6,899 days old) by GadgetGary (Bristol,CT)        
Blocked Wash Arm

gadgetgary's profile picture
I just got my instruction manual out. Here is exactly what it reads:
If the wash arm is not blocked and "BLOCKED WASH ARM' display still appears, you may start the wash cycle by pressing START pad a second time.
Hope this helps.


Post# 81734 , Reply# 3   9/5/2005 at 17:13 (6,899 days old) by Lizrussell ()        
GE 2800 blocked wash arm

Thanks Gary, I still have the manual and tried the reset too, as directed, even without the arm being blocked. It is neat how it will pump out the water too, so I know I don't have a drain from the dishwasher problem. I also took out the utensils caddy and made sure the arm was actually clear. AND reset and pressed start several times for a successful "restart." But, it seems to start up for the first 2 minutes and then the "blocked arm" warning comes up and doesn't continue the wash. I am really PUZZLED. Worst case....know a good approach to finding a repair person? (I really think it is a computer or sensor problem, because it obviously isn't blocked.)

Post# 81761 , Reply# 4   9/5/2005 at 19:44 (6,899 days old) by neptune2000 ()        
Blocked arm....


I may be totally wrong here - somewhere I read that the way the dishwasher "senses" that the arm is blocked, is that there is a magnet in the arm, which passes past a field behind the tank Thereby creating a current which while miniscule - can be sensed by the computer etc. ... as long as impulses are recieved the machine assumes that the arm is free to travel.

Could it be that the magnet has become dislodged, or some such similar - or perhaps the sensor coil has come unstuck from the cabinet wall?

Appologies in advance if I'm totally off base.


Post# 81987 , Reply# 5   9/7/2005 at 06:20 (6,897 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Neptune is right on target with that diagnosis. The other thing that could have happened is that the sensor on the outside of the tub might have become dislocated; improbable as that seems, it has happened.

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