Thread Number: 32276
LG display toy washers
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Post# 486744   1/6/2011 at 11:19 (5,037 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
Hey everybody, listen up.

If you live near a Home Depot, they have a neat toy LG top loader that really works!!! It's a display that they have to demonstrate the live water action that they have and the inside comes on,lights up and has water in in it! Works great! gotta get one !

Post# 486885 , Reply# 1   1/7/2011 at 00:11 (5,037 days old) by laundryboy (Orlando Florida & Moravia NY. )        
LG toy washer

laundryboy's profile picture
I bought the new LG set and asked the salesman for it, he said his boss was taking it home for his kids. I would love one to go with my new washer and dryer..

Post# 486901 , Reply# 2   1/7/2011 at 02:01 (5,037 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

Are these "model" or "toy" demo machines for sale?

Post# 486971 , Reply# 3   1/7/2011 at 09:42 (5,037 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
My Home Depot wouldn't sell it to me. The salesperson said her supervisor was planning on stealing it!
If I could have fit it under my coat, I think I would have walked off with it...


Post# 486986 , Reply# 4   1/7/2011 at 10:50 (5,036 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Xmas Gift

mrb627's profile picture
I wonder how many they could have sold for Xmas gifts this season. Too bad they missed the mark on that one...


Post# 486992 , Reply# 5   1/7/2011 at 11:00 (5,036 days old) by mistereric (New Jersey (Taylor Ham))        

mistereric's profile picture
I've seen these at nearly every HD i've been to, and had to stop and play. I really want one too!

Post# 487179 , Reply# 6   1/7/2011 at 22:54 (5,036 days old) by mayguy (Minnesota)        

No, these are not for sale. I've had a lot of customer asking for them. And there a few of in the store who wants it.. I think we are going to do a drawing on it.

Post# 487410 , Reply# 7   1/8/2011 at 20:48 (5,035 days old) by amyswasher ()        

I'm making sure my kid never sees this (washer drawing)

Post# 487872 , Reply# 8   1/10/2011 at 09:30 (5,034 days old) by veg-o-matic (Baltimore, Hon!)        

veg-o-matic's profile picture
I actually wrote to LG last week and asked if they had any for sale. Alas, the answer was no...


Post# 822307 , Reply# 9   5/6/2015 at 19:37 (3,456 days old) by Laundryman (Dundas)        
I have one!!! and its for sale

This is the Front load version. Very cool and lights up and works perfectly.Email me at if you are still interested. I can send pics too.


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Post# 822699 , Reply# 10   5/9/2015 at 19:59 (3,453 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
Hey Matt,
I sent you an email. I hope your doing o.k. The weather here has been severe storms with heavy downpours and trees blown over. This is the tail end of our rainy season and has brought us out of drought. My LG Tromm is now out of service due to a broken pressure switch from a severely off balance load last Friday. I already ordered the valve and should get it today. I also have their top loading machine and love it. Biggest capacity I ever had and fun to watch.

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