Thread Number: 32277
Spinning Miele
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Post# 486745   1/6/2011 at 11:39 (4,950 days old) by alasdair (Sunderland )        

A friend of mine has a Miele W715 Novotronic Frontloader approx 20 years old.
Very suddenly the machine upon being switched on or the door switch being pressed starts to spin at full speed, regardless of the position of the programme selector.
Depending on the position of the selector the machine either takes in water at the same time as spinning or doesnt take in water. If the knob is put to the spin and pump position the pump starts as well otherwise it just spins.
Please someone give me a clue, is this the module, is this the timer or what is it likely to be?
Thanks Alasdair

Post# 487021 , Reply# 1   1/7/2011 at 13:16 (4,949 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
other weird 715 faults

hello Alasdair,
I've done some googling for that strange behavior, here is what I've found:

The "misvehaviors" described in those various forums are these:
715 completely dead (no lights, no sound, no movements)
715 not spinning, but cycle normal (and normal tumbling action) - seems quite common
715 normal behavior, but door opening instantaneously at any given random moment - seems most common.

I wouldn't like to do full translations of it all, but it all boils down to the following:
Apparently that model sometimes has problems with moisture:
Either the door bellows are leaking and steam can evaporate and reach the electronic parts or some other moisture has corroded the contacts.

Those guys recommend to check:
- bellows are airtight and ok?
- check air dome to pressure switch
- clean detergent box and rubber hose down to basket
Then the electrical stuff:
- check block connectors to motor and electronic PCBs for corrosion (they seem to develop that green goo)
- check bad soldering points on PCB and resolder properly (seems to be quite common)
- exchange either capacitors C1 and C2 (see that one forum thread)
- or get a new PCB

(One guy uses a match to fix the buttons "door" and "start" in their desired positions, it worked for him for years, but this seems a "ho-hum" solution to me...)

Not sure if this covers your issues, but basically it's always steam/corrosion/bad soldering/faulty contacts.

Good luck!

Post# 487028 , Reply# 2   1/7/2011 at 13:54 (4,949 days old) by favorit ()        
If it were ....

the board (novotronics have timers no more) and you want to save some money, maybe it's worth to try this :


Post# 487322 , Reply# 3   1/8/2011 at 15:38 (4,948 days old) by alasdair (Sunderland )        

Thank both of you who have given advice it is much appreciated.
The machine lives outside on the terrace here in spain, how much the damp weather of the last couple of winters has contributed I have no idea!
I have removed the PCB and am sending it to a gentleman in Holland who is going to confirm that it is faulty and supply a replacement.
My friend is asking "is the machine worth the cost of the parts?"
If she decides against my advice and replaces with some horrid new rubbish I shall keep the Miele myself and repair it! Once again thanks for help.

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