Thread Number: 32323
Miele W3033 Video Blog
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Post# 487391   1/8/2011 at 18:55 (5,035 days old) by vacfanatic ()        

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share the link to my video blog of my Miele W3033. I've got a few on there and the most recent is a 45 minute video of washing table linens from the holiday.

At the bottom of the page, there is an "older posts" link to take you to the older videos. I enjoy watching a lot of videos on YouTube of Miele machines, and thought there would be some of you who would like to see mine.



Post# 487421 , Reply# 1   1/8/2011 at 21:43 (5,035 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        


Thanks for the link. I've watched one or two of your vids in the past and your touchtronic reminds me of my W1986 washer - only yours has more specialty programs. If I was in the market for a new washer this would be the one I would buy.

There are threads on forums detailing how some have reprogrammed their W4840 and W4842 to use more water in the rinse. Have you had need to do this in your W3033?

Post# 487570 , Reply# 2   1/9/2011 at 14:47 (5,034 days old) by vacfanatic ()        
Maximum Water Level


I've not had to permanently set the maximum water level setting since our water here is fairly hard. According to the service manual, this is for soft water conditions.

There are a couple of cycles which do use maximum water level, one of those is Delicates. I never have a problem with rinsing in this machine even with the various brands of detergent I like to "try".

The W3033 and T8003 dryer are exactly 1/2 the capacity of the LG's they replaced. Since there are only 2 of us here in the house, it's not that big of a deal really. I can still wash a queen sized down duvet in this machine with no problem, it gets thorougly wet during the water level the machine adds. The only item that I have not been able to get to wash properly is an old bedspread cover that was made out of microsuede. This fabric is not easy to get water to penetrate, so even my huge LG washer could never get it completely wet.

I chose the smaller W3033 becaused it was built from the Generation 2000 frame design and truely represents the classic UK Miele washer design that I am so attracted to. While the moden larger models are nice, I prefer the smaller classics.


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