Thread Number: 32438
dumbed down water temp
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Post# 489311   1/16/2011 at 10:58 (4,940 days old) by toploader1984 ()        

hello everybody, so i've had my frigidaire top loader for almost a year now and i have already adjusted the water to fill to the top row of holes since it ONLY filled up 3/4 of the way. the next problem i have (most modern machines have) is the stupid dumbed down water temp! AHHHHHH so annoying! when i select hot it switches back and forth from hot to cold, and when just hot water is on it is basically a trickle. when i do whites it literally takes 15 min just to fill the tub because of the flow restrictor. when i use warm water is it basically what tap cold is in the summer time, so.... once again the government is telling me what temp i have to wash my clothes in now. the government puts a regulation on a little hot water yet they DON'T put a regulation on cfl bulbs that contain mercury and is bad for our health..... (yes i have broke one before) ok anyways i needed to rant lol. so my question is... is it possible to maybe replace the water inlet/mixing valve with a part from an older model?

Post# 489325 , Reply# 1   1/16/2011 at 13:08 (4,940 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture
There must be a workaround for this feature. The question is. Where does the switching logic exist? Where is the temperature being measured? Isn't there a thermister in the fill flume? What would happen if you disconnect it?


Post# 489450 , Reply# 2   1/16/2011 at 22:11 (4,940 days old) by toploader1984 ()        

hmm, well, in an older machine when you select warm isn't it 50/50 mixture of cold and hot? both full pressure? that would make sense to disconnect it somehow.....

Post# 489457 , Reply# 3   1/16/2011 at 22:54 (4,939 days old) by MattL (Flushing, MI)        

In my front loader Duet, I added resitance to the themister that monitors water temp and did raise the wash temp a bit.  Not sure if it's impacting the water coming in or just triggering the built in heater.  Best bet is to look at the schematic for your machine.

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