Thread Number: 32566
Future Of Whirlpool Agitator Washers
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Post# 491045   1/23/2011 at 17:31 (5,020 days old) by spinmon (st. charles mo )        

I was at Mid-Rivers Mall Sears last night,looking at the KM version of Whirlpool's New belt drive. An older salesperson said that the WP rep was there the day before. The rep said that the ONLY Agitator type washers WP will be building are the 1 mid-level BD WP,1 mid-lvl BD KM,1 mid-lvl BD 'Maytag', & 1 BL KM that I think is an 'auto fill level' DD. So,I don't know if that info is widely known on this site,if the salesperson misunderstood and those are the only WP made agitator washers SEARS will get or what. She made it sound like the 3 BD's there now are gonna' be it for BD's. The place was LOUSY with impeller machines,which,so far,impress me not.

Post# 491076 , Reply# 1   1/23/2011 at 18:57 (5,020 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Well William, you're most likely hearing wht the future holds.  It's why I prefer a front loader, cleans better than one of the impeller machines more than likely---pancaked washing.  I will have to be hugely convinced otherwise.  Plus with front loaders, you can still get hot washes with the right options and internal heater. 

Post# 491083 , Reply# 2   1/23/2011 at 19:14 (5,020 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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While I wouldn't mind owning one of the Whirlpool BD machines to play with, I wouldn't give up my SQFL for it.  NEVER!



Post# 491183 , Reply# 3   1/24/2011 at 03:27 (5,020 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

TL washer fans esp WP,KN will have to check their appliance swap shops and thrift stores in theeir areas-some TL's are bound to show up there.

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