Thread Number: 32711
Speed Queen FL w/ Heater
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Post# 492885   1/31/2011 at 18:57 (4,925 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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I just noticed on the SQ website that the FL with Boosted Hot is no longer listed.  I hope they are not discontinuing it.



Post# 492926 , Reply# 1   1/31/2011 at 20:53 (4,925 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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YIKES!!! That's the only one I would buy if I was to buy a Queen. 

Post# 492987 , Reply# 2   2/1/2011 at 08:04 (4,924 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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I sent an email to my contact at Speed Queen last night to find out what is going on.  Maybe they are going to replace that model with something else. 



Post# 493087 , Reply# 3   2/1/2011 at 16:16 (4,924 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

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With the way manufacturers have dumbed-down water temps (hot is warm; warm is cold), there's no way I'd buy a new front-loader without a heater. I suppose it will improve the washer's energy-use score if it doesn't heat. No sanitize cycle either, I presume.

If the hot water temp isn't dumbed down, then there's no problem; you can control the temperature of the hot water at your household water heater.

Post# 493096 , Reply# 4   2/1/2011 at 16:39 (4,924 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Not Speed Queen

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To the best of my knowledge, Speed Queen hasn't dumbed down their water temps.  I suppose there may be a few of the Boosted Hot models in warehouses around the Country.  Trying to decide if I should go ahead and buy one just to have it.



Post# 493098 , Reply# 5   2/1/2011 at 16:42 (4,924 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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eugene, that's exactly why I will only have a new front loader now--they have models available with heaters that can boost the temps up quite a bit.  All the traditional top loaders have dumbed down temps.  and I'm not too convinced about the HE top loaders being all that good for clothing. 

Post# 493243 , Reply# 6   2/1/2011 at 23:16 (4,924 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Malcolm let us know what SQ

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says about production! I'll order extra parts now if they are discontinuing the boosted heat model. LOVE MYNE!

Post# 493277 , Reply# 7   2/2/2011 at 06:39 (4,923 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

mrb627's profile picture

I see there are still some boosted hot models still available online.  I am trying to decide whether I should order one and consider selling off the Imperials or looking at the Miele's again.  Not sure where Speed Queen is ultimately heading if they begin eliminating features.



Post# 493319 , Reply# 8   2/2/2011 at 10:02 (4,923 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
Got A Response

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Well, it appears that due to increasing energy requirements, the Boosted Hot model has been discontinued as it will no longer meet the Energy Star qualifications.  It seems that domestic machines that have a heater in them will begin to phase out over the next 2 to 3 years.  And detergents that are formulated to work in cooler temperatures will begin to dominate the market.


I guess it makes sense.  The Government has gotten the machines down to using as little water as possible.  Now they will target the water heaters too.  I wonder if these requirements played into Bosch pulling out of the large capacity market seeing as how they proclaim they guarantee a target wash temperature.



Post# 493332 , Reply# 9   2/2/2011 at 10:42 (4,923 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

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"It seems that domestic machines that have a heater in them will begin to phase out over the next 2 to 3 years."

WHAT?? I can't imagine that happening.

Post# 493338 , Reply# 10   2/2/2011 at 10:52 (4,923 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        
New Model

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Seems there may be a new model coming.  There is one on the energystar website.  Don't have any information on it though.

Post# 493359 , Reply# 11   2/2/2011 at 12:38 (4,923 days old) by mtn1584 (USA)        
Oh Malcom...........................................

Do you think you are going to get away with putting up info on NEW Speed Queen washers without any sort of follow-up, pictures, or anything DUDE????? That is wrong man, just plain wrong!!!! LOL

Post# 493364 , Reply# 12   2/2/2011 at 13:01 (4,923 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        
Sorry if the truth is too political for this forum

We should know by now that corporations will do anything to chase the "Energy Star" rating. In fact, a while back, it was shown that they were self-certifying appliances as meeting Energy Star standards when some of the models with such a citation were real energy hogs. This just shows what happens when an idea is introduced and total insanity ensues due to the ignorance of bureaucrats and the greed of corporations. This was proved when pictures were posted of Department of Energy tests of dishwashers where the cleaning ability was tested using loads of clean dishes and glasses. Members here have proved that most front loaders do not fill with enough water to clear the cold water standing in the lines when set to a "warm" wash. We put up with all of this bullsh*t yet the government cannot force the energy companies to do anything about moving us to alternative fuels because elected officials depend on the energy companies for money for their campaigns. In fact, the energy companies block anything having to do with research into alternative sources of energy. It's the same story with phosphates. Instead of looking at the well financed agricultural interests and telling them to control their fertilizer use and keep the manure out of the waterways, phosphates in laundry detergents were banned because they said it was to expensive to put phosphate filtering in sewage treatment plants. Years after phosphates were banned in laundry detergents, the waterways are still showing high levels of phosphates so they go after dishwasher detergents instead of farms. I guarantee you that banning phosphates in dishwasher detergents is not going to make a difference in water quality in rivers and the Chesapeake Bay because it's agricultural pollution causing the problem. You should see the photos of chicken sh*t piled outside the poultry farms on the Eastern Shore of the Delmarva Peninsula where the big poultry processors pay farmers to raise their chickens. It rains and the stuff runs into the nearest waterway. It's the same in the midwest with pig farms where they produce more manure than pork and manure has more aroma than pork for those living nearby.

Post# 493393 , Reply# 13   2/2/2011 at 14:13 (4,923 days old) by whirlcool (Just North Of Houston, Texas)        

Is it a requirement that all washers have to be Energy Star rated? Why don't the washer mfgrs just sell units that are labeled "Non Energy Star"? I'd bet they'd sell a ton.

Post# 493631 , Reply# 14   2/3/2011 at 06:41 (4,922 days old) by mtn1584 (USA)        
Anyone with common sense................................

Why can't we as consumers be given a choice as to what type of washer we want to buy? I knew full well when I bought my SQ AWN542 T/L that it wasn't "energy-star" rated, however, I knew that it was built well, quick, and did what it is built to do, that is......wash clothes.

Post# 493737 , Reply# 15   2/3/2011 at 17:26 (4,922 days old) by toploader1984 ()        

because the government want to control everything, tell us what to buy.... free country? freedom of opinion? NOT ANYMORE.

Post# 493748 , Reply# 16   2/3/2011 at 18:58 (4,922 days old) by Launderess (Quiet Please, There´s a Lady on Stage)        
Energy Star

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We've been through this before.

Nothing forces appliance manufacturers to comply, but since they are getting "free" money from the government, they take it.

This versus the uncertain prospecs of spending sums on R&D and other costs associated with bringing a product to market that may or may not sell enough units to recoup costs.

Consumers have been "brain washed", if that is the proper word to look for the ESL as something good. Add to this various rebates and incentives, and it comes to a decent enough money savings for persons to pull the trigger.

IIRC, the only state with laws or proposals to mandate resource saving washing machines is Californina (surprise).

Post# 493899 , Reply# 17   2/4/2011 at 08:42 (4,921 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

But what is the logical end to this madness? We got front loaders with much improved water extraction and reduced water use. Then they began further reducing the amount of water used to the point where even if you bleed off the cold water sitting in the lines before filling a machine with hot water, it does not use enough to really heat up the components and the load. Then they started messing with the temperature of the water. Regardless of the temperature of the domestic hot water supply, instead of guaranteed minimums like with thermostatic mixing valves and heaters, we now have guaranteed maximums. It just keeps going and going, like any program the government starts, it will never end and will stray further and further from reality and from what's needed and what's wanted in a neat deal to transfer more of the country's treasury to corporations. Don't think that all of the research is being financed by corporations. They don't care. But in a quest to get government grants and subsidies for research to meet government standards set by bureaucrats who wash clean dishes to test dishwashers for cleaning ability and water use, they are more than willing to spend OUR money, not theirs, to find the end of the rainbow.

Post# 493968 , Reply# 18   2/4/2011 at 14:54 (4,921 days old) by toploader1984 ()        

it doesn't matter..... weather the company gets money or not I WILL NOT BUY A MACHINE THAT I CAN'T EVEN WASH IN HOT WATER IN that is just unacceptable. what if you have a dog that has diahria and takes a dump on your sheets? are you going to wash them in cold water?? if so i guarentee YOU wont want to sleep on them after.

Post# 493983 , Reply# 19   2/4/2011 at 16:25 (4,921 days old) by toploader1984 ()        

so disgusting..... my mother told me a story... a resteaurant she worked for used to wash their own linen napkins, when it was my mom's job to do the laundry for her side job she would use HOT! the owner would always come behind her and switch it to COLD...... my mom finally got fed up and told her off eventually. my mom said that when she put the linen in the dryer there was a pad of butter that was in there still in its regular shape not even melted or washed away...... think about it.... people blow their noses and everything in those napkins and here comes the next person who wipes their mouth on the same napkin that the other guy blew his snot in.

Post# 494002 , Reply# 20   2/4/2011 at 18:45 (4,921 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

We used to go to a very nice Chinese restaurant that used pink polyester napkins in a very floral dining room. Being polyester, they were not absorbant, but they sure held onto the grease and being washed in cold water, they smelled foul. I am surprised they did not combust in the dryer unless they were dried on very low heat. Finally, one night the chef got into a terrible, loud screaming at the top of his voice type fight with the hostess who may or may not have been his wife. Of course we could not understand any of it, but kept thinking of those sharp knives back there so we counted ourselves lucky to get out and never went back. The napkins were disgusting, though, and made us think about the management's disregard or complete ignorance of principles of cleanliness and sanitation. Many restaurants, even the very fancy, embody the Yiddish aphorism "fancy on top, filthy underneath." Refusal to use anything but cold water for table linens or even for the cleaning cloths as Jeff saw in a McDonalds illustrates this perfectly.

Post# 494009 , Reply# 21   2/4/2011 at 19:20 (4,921 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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We happened to find ourselves in a Chinese restaurant one afternoon during the week.  It was a group of us from the office.  Well, the restaurant would close a 2 pm after the lunch rush.  We didn't get there until 1:45 and were not aware that the restaurant closed so early.  The agreed to serve us without hesitation.  Well, shortly after 2 pm before we had gotten our lunch, a plate smashing argument ensued in the kitchen and eventually spilled out into the dining room.  Of course all the shouting was foriegn to us.  But we felt very embarrassed to be there at the time.  Makes me wonder just how many people have accidentally been in a restaurant when this kind of thing has happened.



Post# 494139 , Reply# 22   2/5/2011 at 14:20 (4,920 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

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What I don't quite understand is why consumers aren't given a choice. Take Bosch/Siemens for example: they make dryers that use 50% less energy than other A-rated dryers, their new dishwasher uses 1.7 gallons to clean 140 pieces. BUT the consumer still has a choice! On their washing machines, one can either use the regular cycle or add ecoPerfect or speedPerfect as an option. ecoPerfect extends the 60*C cycle to 3:25 hrs but uses very little energy, while speedPerfect takes slightly more than an hour - I think. It's the same with their dishwashers: wait three hours for the Eco cycle or add varioSpeed and it's done in one hour. Still, these are super-efficient appliances but the consumer has the choice of whether to take advantage of it or not.

Too bad US manufacturers don't have this much trust in the intelligence of US consumers: :-(

Post# 494256 , Reply# 23   2/5/2011 at 23:09 (4,920 days old) by appnut (TX)        
Too bad US manufacturers don't have this much trust in t

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It's very apparent with U.s. versions of front loaders. We aren't trusted enough to have3 full understanding of spin speeds or water temperatures. Spin spees are referred to as low, medium, high, ex. high and no spin rather than actual RPM designations. Like on the uber-sized Mieles for the North American Market the water temps are cold, warm, very warm, hot, and santary rather than 80 or 85, 100, 120, 140, and 153 degrees.

Post# 494326 , Reply# 24   2/6/2011 at 04:59 (4,919 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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When you think about it, the average American consumer could care less.  Most people I know do not sort their laundry.  They wash in the same cycle all the time, regardless.  This is why they only check the 'NORMAL' cycle for the energystar rating.



Post# 494400 , Reply# 25   2/6/2011 at 10:10 (4,919 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Same with me about most I iknow don't sort at all.  yet, I get comments on how nice my clothes are, they seem to last a long time, and the clothes always smell nice. 

Post# 494617 , Reply# 26   2/7/2011 at 06:41 (4,918 days old) by mrb627 (Buford, GA)        

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I went to the Laundromat yesterday morning to wash my comforter. The dog sleeps on the bed so the comforter needs more cleaning than usual. Anyway. My usual mat was so busy that I opted to go to another a little further away. I hadn't been to this one before so I knew it would be an adventure.

I put the comforter in a mega-loader 80lb Dexter. $5.75 per wash. I thought that was quite reasonable compared to the charges at my usual haunt. I had already decided that I was gonna double wash it. So, 11.50 for washing. Did a good job. Very splashy as it was underloaded, for sure.

Anyway, in the row of machines I was in, there were four machines. 2 - 80 pounders and 2 - 50 pounders. All were running except mine when I got there. The other three machines were being used by a young Jamaican man. When he unloaded his machines, I could tell there was no rhyme or reason to how they were loaded. And I noticed that all four of them were running the same program. "Hot/Regular"

The odd thing, when he carted his mountain of wet laundry to the dryers, he sorted by color as he was loading them up. He used 9 dryers. NINE! I thought to myself, this guy must be washing for a small army. Anyway, I couldn't help but notice how beige his white clothes looked.

Shortly thereafter, a couple hispanics and their two young children came in with three baskets of clothes. The jammed everything into a 50 pounder and had to lean on the door to get it to latch. She selected "Hot/Regular" for her program of choice. Then, her husband turned up with the largest bag of "Foca" detergent I had ever seen. They put three cups in the dispenser as the machine was filling. The suds kicked up quite a mess. Bubbling out the top of the machine at first. Oddly, the bubbles died down quickly. Must have been some serious filth in that load. My comforter was finishing up its second wash so I was scouting for a big dryer. I happened to look back and they were dumping more foca into the dispenser on the machine. Ugh. I moved my comforter to a dryer, fed it six quarters, and let it rip. By this time, their machine was starting the final rinse. This woman used the same 1 cup measure to dispense a full cup of fabric softener into that machine.

Meanwhile, the machine I was using had a new customer. An older man with three dog beds which looked like they belonged to outside dogs. He loaded up and pulled out a ziplock freezer bag full of some blue liquid. Not sure how much was in there, but he used every drop. The suds were dark brown. Sickening. This was part of the reason I decided to double wash my comforter.

So that was my Sunday morning adventure.


Post# 494695 , Reply# 27   2/7/2011 at 14:26 (4,918 days old) by mysteryclock (Franklin, TN)        

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Yeah, that's why the last time I took something to use the big mega-machine at the laundromat I ran an empty/hot load of nothing but Charlie's Soap (big dose) and Lysol liquid, to clean out the machine before I put anything in there. Added $5.25 to the cost, obviously, but still ended up cheaper than taking it to a pro and having ~them~ stuff it into some nasty machine.

Post# 494857 , Reply# 28   2/8/2011 at 07:38 (4,917 days old) by logixx (Germany)        

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Reminds me of the time when I studied in the UK and had to use the Speed Queens at my dorm... nasty. At least one could remove the detergent drawer and rinse it to get the gunk out. It was worse with the Neptunes: their dispenser was held by screws and filthy beyond imagination.

Post# 494892 , Reply# 29   2/8/2011 at 12:13 (4,917 days old) by DanManTN (Tennessee)        

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I've often wondered with the mega load machines - how much detergent does one use?  They are 3x-5x bigger than your standard machine...should I just 3x-5x more detergent?  No instructions on the machines usually, and I don't want to just stand there and pour it in until it "looks right".  Thoughts?

Post# 494906 , Reply# 30   2/8/2011 at 13:03 (4,917 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        
Most people I know do sort

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But they over load the washer...I hate that!!

And speaking of manufacturers getting the energy star rating; that's fine, but I still don't understand why they don't include some cycle to use more water. Look at the Electrolux Wave Touch for example.....If you dig deep, there's is an "add more water" option. I was hoping Whirltag would do this with their newest updated front loaders hidden deep in the menu.....About everything you could want is there (except add more water) based on the manual.......

Post# 494924 , Reply# 31   2/8/2011 at 13:39 (4,917 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

So with these new Speed Queens there is no way to get a "sanitized"  wash or wash that is in the 140F range?  How would you kill dust mites with 90F water?


As for sorting I didn't do that too much until I bought this current house which has a double laundry sink so that the washer drains into one side. You should have seen the wash water.  Color transfer into the water from every wash water pump out...not so much in the rinses. After seeing this  I began sorting more precisely but still there is dye transfer to the water.  Doesn't happen a lot with synthetics which I don't have a lot of, but it happens with cottons.    For me no colors get mixed with whites.  I have a white load.  I wash light blue and green together, dark blues together, blacks together, dark green and dark red together. Tans and yellows together.  I recently bought pairs of black, blue, olive green and tan casual pants.  All of these say that you cannot use fabric softener, so now these have to go into their own loads if I want to use Fs.


Not trusting consumers?  Miele included.  When I purchased my W1986 washer the pages containing the programming instructions were deliberately left out of the manual.  I stumbled into them when looking at the same model sold in the AU.  Even if you look at our Miele DW manuals you see that they don't contain the same detail about program cycles as manuals sold in other parts of the world.


I hope other manufacturers do not follow speed queen and at least allow consumers the option of using a heater. Maybe I should buy a new washer now and just keep it in storage until I need it.

Post# 495157 , Reply# 32   2/9/2011 at 08:19 (4,916 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Jerrod, same here with my W1986, but Edward (eddy1210) came to my rescue and sent me the programming he could get from Miele Canada to ensure proper rinsing in the machine. Now, when I choose a cycle, the "sensitive" dot lights up. In the cottons cycle the 3 rinses are all high water level (up on the glass) and the first one lasts a full 10 minutes. I am so glad I got the 1986 and the 1918 in 2004. I had wanted to see the features on the new models, but when I saw how restictive the new controls were, I started beating the bushes for the older machines. I found a deal on the pedestals for them at US Appliance and like the way the doors are at eye level when I am seated. The viewing is like in an old coin laundry, but better.

Post# 495285 , Reply# 33   2/9/2011 at 16:19 (4,916 days old) by neptunebob (Pittsburgh, PA)        

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Jerrod, what brand pants are they that you cannot use fabric softener?  Are they Dockers?

Post# 495364 , Reply# 34   2/9/2011 at 22:14 (4,916 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        


Neptunebob: Landsend and also I have some shirts from Eddie Bauer that state on the laundering instructions that you should not use Fabric softener so I don't .  These slacks and shirts come out looking almost perfect even if I use the regular  cottons cycle instead of perm press so perhaps the restriction has something to do with fabric softener removing the reduced iron properties of the garments....Whatever.... they come out looking and feeling great without the Fs so I do separate loads for them.


Tomtubomatic: Yeah I was looking at the pre- 1986  Miele washer models and thought I would get the 4 to  5 rinses with the 1986.  Was kind of disappointed that mine did two or three with the sensitive option selected, but did realize that the 2 or three where higher level than the 4 or 5.   I called Miele tech and asked them for the water usage.  Turns out that, as delivered,  if you select sensitive - 3 rinses, it will give you slightly less water in each individual rinse than it would if you use the standard two rinses so no deeper rinse;---just 3 more of them each one with even less water than the standard.


Once I found the programming instructions and set it for water+ in wash and rinse I get much more water, up into the door glass  for the rinses just as you have described. I will  confess that lately I have been using two rinses for smaller loads and things work well.  A lot depends on how well the detergent formulation will rinse out in the first place.  


Now I love my W1986 especially the fact that it will adjust the cycle time to the load size which is something I don't think the 1926 or 1930 or 1918  would do--not sure about that, but I guess the newer LG, Duets, Maytags and other machines do this too. I also like the fact that the 1986 is  220V so it can heat the water to almost 200F in a very short period of time. I really wish I would never have to get another washer period.

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