Thread Number: 33036
In a whirl with whirlpool !!
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Post# 497408   2/18/2011 at 12:19 (4,994 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        

Needing some help here people, I have a Whirlpool Duet FL and seems lately every time I do a load of two sets of sheets the *&%@# machine won't finish the cycle I have to reset to Drain & Spin.It's like it can't balance the load to complete .
Any suggestions that don't involve match sticks, gas, and or an axe or hammer??
Not liking my Whirlpool like I used to.

Thanks People :)

Post# 497422 , Reply# 1   2/18/2011 at 13:32 (4,994 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

laundromat's profile picture
Always be sure you have a full load. In the older front loading White Westinghouse front loaders, the spin was activated by a solenoid that would tighten the belt and increase the rpm of its cylinder.Those would go severely off balance but do a satisfactory job of spinning the water out. Now,.the washers that are front loading and the HE top loaders have a mechanism that is very sensitive to any type of vibration.Because of that,it is not recommended to wash a load of only one or two pieces AND no packing full of items like bedspreads and blankets.Because of their bulk,those items don't balance as well as smaller item loads do and also have a tendency to not spin out properly.I normally have no problems with them

Post# 497446 , Reply# 2   2/18/2011 at 15:07 (4,994 days old) by rp2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

My Affinity can top your Whirlpool when it comes to interminable balancing acts.


Night before last I did two sheer curtains off of small bathroom windows on the "Hand Wash" cycle.  These things weigh practically nothing, yet when it came time for final (and way brief) spin, the machine went back and forth trying to balance the "load," which was nearly non-existent. 


It's as if the machine is programmed to presume everything is going to need rebalancing, and goes into that mode regardless.


I'm getting more and more fed up with FL technology all the time.

Post# 497483 , Reply# 3   2/18/2011 at 18:12 (4,994 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
My Ralph's.......but I have the gallery series with the square door used to fight the 12 minute final spin down to 2 minute until it would finaly find a balance it liked and then took the time it got there the time almost ran out.......

odd as this may be....but since I corrected the water level issue.....for some reason this took care of this problem distributes to the left, and then to the right, within seconds it takes off high speed for the most of 11 minutes, they get plastered to the drum, and are barely damp....its a great thing....towels dry in about 30 minutes....

may not be the cause or cure for all machines....but it made a difference in mine, and I didn't think more water would have made a difference.....bizarre!

Post# 497587 , Reply# 4   2/19/2011 at 08:22 (4,994 days old) by roscoe62 (Canada)        
@ yogitunes

Adjust the water level ?
How would one do that?Another question:Why when I put the machine on warm, run the hot water tap the water is no where near as warm as it should be?

Post# 497636 , Reply# 5   2/19/2011 at 13:22 (4,993 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        

mark_wpduet's profile picture
My Duet has only failed to balance and spin a load once or twice in six years, no matter how large or small the load......I don't know

Post# 497664 , Reply# 6   2/19/2011 at 14:52 (4,993 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        



I was going to recommend that the OP contact you or Joe in Philly because you have Duets. 


Maybe wash another set of sheets along with these and see if there is an improvement.


Oh...thanks for the updated picture.  I kinda figured you were off of the garden tractor by now. :) 

Post# 497711 , Reply# 7   2/19/2011 at 16:22 (4,993 days old) by juice61 ()        
dreaded F11 code

are you getting any error codes?how old is your deut?if so probably need to replace machine control board [mcu].

Post# 497715 , Reply# 8   2/19/2011 at 16:41 (4,993 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

I hadve an original Fridgemore 3.1 cu. ft. machine.  I find it can't balance if I put 2 sets of queen size sheets in one load.  So I simply wash one set at a time and don't really have any blancing issues. Also with only one set, I don't have a sheet which ends up being stretched across the diameter of the tub at the back while spinning, which is something that drives me nuts cuz I'm sure it's not that good for the fabric. With only one set, when it goes through the balance spin routine, all parts iof eachs heet manage to places themselves on the sides of the tub. 

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