Thread Number: 33162
Sears Kenmore 110-72562110, 1975 vintage
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Post# 499281   2/25/2011 at 17:02 (4,830 days old) by Ponchoguy (NYC Suburbs)        


New to this forum, nice to see that folks are fixing up the old Kenmores as well. This unit belongs to my grandfather (who is 100 years old!) and I remember going with my grandparents to buy it in '75.

I'm a pretty big fan of these old Whirlpool made Kenmores as they are durable, easy to fix, and on the whole, easy to find parts for.

I'd like to keep it going. I've got a used water level switch coming from Ebay (part #365546), and a used water temperature control knob #365952 also coming from Ebay. I had a rough/stuck water level switch (hard to turn) so I'd like to have a spare. I was able to free up the original with some cleaning and WD40, but since I had what I feel was an overfill condition, I think the switch may have stuck in the past.

Anyone out there have a #365558 water level control knob? From what I've seen, it could be any one of these numbers:

365558, 382824, 84282, 360756, 366258. I have one on there now, but the orientation is off.

There's a local independent parts dealer I'm going to try, but if anyone out there reading this can help, I'd be grateful.

As an aside, he has the matching '75 Kenmore dryer which I've also repaired (new igniter in 2003 for $35 in parts).

Nothing like doing it yourself and keeping the old iron going!

Thanks to all.

Post# 499286 , Reply# 1   2/25/2011 at 17:26 (4,830 days old) by Kenmoreguy64 (Charlotte, NC)        

kenmoreguy64's profile picture
Ponchoguy -

You have a white, standard capacity (Roto-Swirl) machine with a plastic control panel with woodgrain inserts, very similar to the gold machine in this pic, right?

The woodgrain on your machine is probably horizontal in grain vs. the vertical in mine (mine is a 1973 version). If so, the water level knobs for your machine are out there, you'll just have to look for a while. For reasons I may never know, Sears used that same appearing knob in multiple D-shaft configurations so if you swapped the temp and level knobs for example, the temp knob on the level switch would point due south or somewhere incorrect. Why they did not use the same knob for both and just rotate the position of the switch inside the panel I don't know. In the mid-80s they did that so most machines used one supplemental knob number.

If you have some used appliance stores around that service their own machines, you may stumble across a place that has old knobs, panels, agitators, etc. stached away. It was very common to find stockpiles of common washer parts, and Kenmore certainly fit that bill. Your model was not as common as the '73, as the larger capacity machines took over market share fast between 1973 and 1975, but you WILL find one of those knobs eventually.

I have a parts catalog at home which lists all Kenmore belt-drive washers from 1975 to 1986 and your model is included. One of the quick-reference parts it lists is the level knob, so I will come back here and let you know what the most recent substitution part number was that has the same appearance.

Good luck!


Post# 499359 , Reply# 2   2/26/2011 at 05:54 (4,829 days old) by Ponchoguy (NYC Suburbs)        


Yes, it is very similar to that machine indeed. I think you're right about the woodgrain pattern too. I can take a picture of it if needed.

My grandparents still have the booklets for it, including the 1975 Clorox brochure that was included when you bought it. Ditto for the dryer manuals as well.

They didn't have the parts sheets, so I made PDF files of the Sears parts lists online for quick reference.

Sure, any information you have on the knobs is appreciated. The same seller that I bought the used switch and water temp knob now has listed a water level knob which appears to be a replacement part # (and his part is used).

The replacement looks like a generic black stove knob.

BTW: My mother still has her '68 Magic chef wall oven and cooktop which I've fixed over the years. For those, I have the original OEM Magic Chef parts microfiche. I was able to find a microfiche printer/copier so I was able to make a hard copy print of the manual. From there, I can scan it to PDF and have it handy.

Thanks again and I look forward to your reply with further information.

Post# 499360 , Reply# 3   2/26/2011 at 05:59 (4,829 days old) by Ponchoguy (NYC Suburbs)        


Another thing too. Like you and probably others here, I "scout" for control panels when I see them.

My mother's got a 1990 and 1996 WLP dryer and washer and for those, I often find discarded machines. I raid them for the control panels. In that way, you have spare controls (timers, level switches, etc). Good to have!

On this Kenmore, I was able to find an NOS timer on Ebay for $23. Sure, I could have the one one rebuilt, but this was a good buy.

It was actually a Midwest brand new timer, and we all know that Midwest timer was the likely OEM for Whirlpool as well. So, it's Whirlpool in the box for 1/3 of the price of WLP!

Same as if you bought an AC Delco part for your GM car or truck. Same part (although Delco is really marketing more than manufacturing) without the markup.

Thanks again.....

Post# 499363 , Reply# 4   2/26/2011 at 06:35 (4,829 days old) by KenmoreGuy64 (Charlotte, NC)        

kenmoreguy64's profile picture
Ponchoguy -

Looks like the most recent knob for your machine was # 382824. This will look exactly the same, however the pointer will have an added "hockey stick" at the tip, which was added to the original design in 1981. There is one on ebay, but the auction has the wrong stock photo and the seller thinks their knob is worth a mint. You may even find this one though at a parts place, new.

Good luck!

Post# 499398 , Reply# 5   2/26/2011 at 09:54 (4,829 days old) by Ponchoguy (NYC Suburbs)        
Kenmore Knob


That's the same guy I got the water level switch and the other knob from. I got them both shipped for $31.00 which isn't too bad.

I had a switch from my parents old 1980 Kenmore, but it has a different bracket set up and it wouldn't work without a lot of mods. As I said, the original switch was VERY tough to turn, but some WD40 freed it up. I still want to have a spare on hand. I may swap it out for this one and keep the original and work with it to clean it up for a spare.

I saw that the new replacement knob is available but for $17 new, that's a lot of money. I'm going to try the local guy by me and see if he's got one, even used for a few bucks.

My other alternative is that I keep the knob I have on there now and use a P-touch label to "relabel" the control as like you said, it points "due south" due to the D shaped orientation being different.

Keep me in mind if you find one for me!

Thanks a lot,

Post# 501177 , Reply# 6   3/4/2011 at 07:57 (4,823 days old) by Ponchoguy (NYC Suburbs)        


I found a knob that works, although it's a little loose on the medium setting, but it does the job---until I find the right one (at a good price).

As for the WL switch, so far so good with the unit being WD40'd. It works better now since it's cleaned up.

I still have a leak issue, but I think it's in the supply and drain pipes of the house....more on that this weekend.


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