Thread Number: 33164
GE d/w not cleaning
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Post# 499297   2/25/2011 at 18:32 (4,987 days old) by reversajet (Westchester, NY)        

Hi, I'm visiting relatives out of town who haven't used their d/w in months because of bad results. Manual doesn't seem to address wash arm in detail. It's a GSD 3300N about 2 y.o. and complaint is the upper rack items seem untouched by water. On inspection the lower plastic arm has a pop-up tower but the assembly seems to jerk around in notches rather than spin freely. Tower jets are unclogged but is this arm gear driven somehow?

Post# 499312 , Reply# 1   2/25/2011 at 19:11 (4,987 days old) by 69oyu812 ()        
here is what the assembly looks like

Check the coarse filter in the lower sump, remove the cover, and check inside part 505. I bet that the wire that does the soft food disposal is broken, the screen is clogged up, or it is an impeller issue.

Post# 499879 , Reply# 2   2/27/2011 at 17:08 (4,985 days old) by reversajet (Westchester, NY)        
Come again?

Thanks Chris for the attempt, I wonder if you'd be able to reload that picture as it doesn't fit the text area. I'm actually back home but before I left, made a feeble attempt to get the coarse filter off but couldn't see any easy method without tools. Looks like a piece of junk, I wish I could get them a decent replacement, even tho it's barely used in 2 years. May try the "800" number if I have time.

Post# 499910 , Reply# 3   2/27/2011 at 18:23 (4,985 days old) by 69oyu812 ()        

Be happy to do that for ya. .I would suggest using tools.. gonna be difficult to do without a phillips screwdriver if I remember correctly.

Post# 499913 , Reply# 4   2/27/2011 at 18:28 (4,985 days old) by 69oyu812 ()        

as ya can see..not a lot was left off the of luck to you. Will tell you, that model of GE has one of the worst ratings of their machines out there, its pretty much BOL for a reason.
The place you will wanna concentrate checking into is #505, the coarse screen with the chopper is located there, if the food chopper gets broken, the screen clogs up solid fairly fast, and then not a lot of water will go to the upper rack. seen this in whirlpools as well, and in the GE that I have here in my apartment currently.
Am going back to my reverse rack maytag while I live in this condo, will put the GE back in when I move out in June, tired of bad results in the machine, rare to get a full load that is cleaned properly. Their stuff just isn't made like it used to be.

Post# 499950 , Reply# 5   2/27/2011 at 21:46 (4,985 days old) by reversajet (Westchester, NY)        
Right idea

Yes, that scan explains it all, and puzzles me why nothing is user friendly to clean simple areas. I could see how easily a peachpit or bottle cap could find its way in there. Have to be careful when poking around somebody else's kitchen without guidance. Listening to its operation I can hear water swishing around, quite a lot of water draining, but no reason why the wash arm seems to bind several times per rotation. Fine mesh filter appears to have white chalky film as well. I know a service call would be prohibitive so I'll relay your suggestion to the owner and see if things improve. Much obliged.

Post# 500341 , Reply# 6   3/1/2011 at 13:37 (4,983 days old) by volsboy1 (East Tenn Smoky mountains )        

volsboy1's profile picture

The Chalky film sounds like some hard water like what we have here.I have a G.E. Monogram pure clean and it will not clean unless I put T.S.P ..I ordered some what I thought was T.S.P. but it was not, close but not the real deal Trisodium Phosphates.I never pre rinse or even scrape a dish and it works great as long as I put a half a teaspoon in the main wash.That stuff works wonder's put in a pie plate last night with half the apple pie still in it and it was gone and the dishes are spotless..

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