Thread Number: 33341
Major League Dryer Fire
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Post# 501799   3/6/2011 at 13:09 (4,891 days old) by cornutt (Huntsville, AL USA)        

People in Winter Haven are saying "good riddance" right about now...


Post# 501804 , Reply# 1   3/6/2011 at 13:30 (4,891 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        

Here my house's fire premium is higher if one has a gas dryer. Thus one saves some energy via the thriftier gas dryer versus electric dryer; but pays a tad more in the fire insurance. Plus to be insured the gas connection has to be all to code and by a high buck gas rated plumber. For me only washing a few loads a week; the payoff is never. If one has a big family; then the gas dryer pays itself off.

Post# 502076 , Reply# 2   3/7/2011 at 01:18 (4,890 days old) by sudsmaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

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Duh, look at all the bends in the dryer's exhaust venting - and that's just the part we can see.

It's also a big commercial unit that had a reputation for running hot. Excuse me? Red flag red flag. Probably also had a weak blower and coarse lint screen, and clogged its ductwork with lint which then caught fire.

Not necessarily any indication of the safety of modern residential gas dryers.

However: if your dryer seems to run hot and takes longer than you remember for it to dry a load, then take that as a warning and clean out the ductwork before using it any more. And that goes for gas or electric - either one can cause a fire if its exhaust if blocked.

Post# 502236 , Reply# 3   3/7/2011 at 17:24 (4,890 days old) by laundromat (Hilo, Hawaii)        

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The lint builds up and any kind of static electricity will cause the worst fires a house,apartment,ship or store can have. When i sold the Disney ship, Magic, 20 Maytag Neptune stacked units. The captain insisted they be placed below deck instead of where I recommended they go explaining to him that the previous Asko sets they had were vent less,condenser types that didn't need to be vented out.Three years after the units were installed,there was a severe fire onboard during a cruse from Florida to the Bahamas.It ruined the entire deck level and the firemarshal blamed it on lint that had built up from years of use without any maintanance on the vents.

Post# 502358 , Reply# 4   3/8/2011 at 07:48 (4,889 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
Stupid is as stupid does........

there was a guy here in town, about a year ago he had a dryer fire, fire dept put it out, they left, he re-plugged it in to finish drying his clothes, it caught fire again, fire dept returned, yanked the dryer out of the house, and took the axe to it...

My brother owned the house this guy was renting, insurance covered the damage from the fire and smoke....the tenant was upset because they would not replace his dryer with a new one!

where do they come from?

Post# 502520 , Reply# 5   3/8/2011 at 19:40 (4,889 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Thats bul***t I have never heard of an insurance co. in the US that charges more for a gas dryer { prove it ] and if you can find one I would look for another company. 

Post# 502676 , Reply# 6   3/9/2011 at 08:47 (4,888 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
Insurance Co look at risks in writing premiums


"Thats bul***t I have never heard of an insurance co. in the US that charges more for a gas dryer { prove it ] and if you can find one I would look for another company.

Good to see some healthy concern.

Good to see that you are not penalized for : gas dryers, house elevation; whether one lives below Interstate I-10, When one's house was built, not having an alarm, past claims! , brick versus wood house, lightning data, roof type, :)

Here Pre Katrina my houses Insurance was about 2 grand a year with wind insurance; I got 3400 bucks for Katrinas 100K damage. Today to get wind insurance on my place is about 8000 bucks, thus I only have fire and liability which is still about 700 per year. A component of the fire portion is whether one has a gas dryer, brick or wood siding, type of roof, type of heaters, probability of lightning strikes, closeness to other structures, past claim history . One pays a higher premium since there are more fires with gas dryers than electrics.

The insurance companies here want to recoup their losses, thus tracking one's extra fees is normal. Since the bulk of folks in the USA worship one party, few want cross state line writing of home and health insurance. Thus one has regional ways of fees.

One can go to Home Depot or Lowes here and few if any dryers are gas for a reason.

Maybe you are not aware that Insurance coverage and fees vary by location, or that the bean counters look at actual risks, thus what you do not understand you call "bul***t " ; since you have no experience in how insurance looks at risks in different regions.

Post# 502697 , Reply# 7   3/9/2011 at 10:37 (4,888 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

Prove it, lets see a quote with and without the gas dryer.

Post# 502704 , Reply# 8   3/9/2011 at 11:04 (4,888 days old) by 3beltwesty ()        
You like simple high cost premiums with no questions!


You can go through life by assuming stuff, unaware of costs. Maybe somebody else is paying for your premiums? A better rate means the insurance co considers risks.

Here every item is considered, since this state is a legal hellhole for liability, and every item is considered in writing premiums if one doesnt want to go broke. One of the many items asked when I got dropped for wind coverage is gas versus electric dryer, brick versus wood siding, alarms versus non alarm, height of slab, age of house, whether one smokes, whether one has a dog.

Ones rates vary depending on the answers, and if one lies the policy is void.

It really is no my job to educate you; you seem the assuming type who wants a flatened universe where insurance rates are simple.

Maybe your policy is simpler; ie you pay more due to lack of questions. There are polices here like that too, they ask less questions and one pays 10 to 30 percent more.

You can go on without understanding how insurance companies figure risk and just pay more with your simpler policies. It is you choice to do so.

Having higher fire rates where there is more fire risk is over 100 years old, it really is ancient.

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