Thread Number: 33361
RIP Maytag 3-rack
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Post# 502177   3/7/2011 at 13:05 (4,977 days old) by JoeEkaitis (Rialto, California, USA)        

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It didn't go down without a fight but over time our Maytag 3-rack dishwasher eventually gave up the ghost.

Yes, I was a sucker for the novelty of 3 racks but didn't realize that the execution was so poor. Eventually, we had to remove the wash arm from the middle rack, effectively turning it into a 2-racker. Then, one morning, no amount of poking and prodding the control panel would wake it up.

We got 8 years' use out of it and having found out that I'm getting a bonus and a raise for my last few weeks of employment (no, not retiring, getting laid off), I knew what the bonus would go toward.

Went for the top-rated best-buy model in Consumer Reports, a Kenmore. Metal bottom wash arm definitely looks more robust than plastic, and since I load very scientifically, it looks up to the task. Ordered it up during their current 30% off promotion, scheduled delivery is the 25th.

Updates as they happen. Stay tuned!


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