Thread Number: 33380
Never Used Neptunes For Sale
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Post# 502414   3/8/2011 at 12:43 (4,976 days old) by yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
these are nice and priced a little high.......but I got a set like them a few weeks back...5500 series...the AD mentioned in excellent condition, when I got to house, it was a "staged" home, and now their selling of the old stuff, the new homes will get newer models for display only.....mine still had the shipping straps on the back of the washer that holds the suspension during transit, books and hoses still in the sealed bag......

Neptune washer and gas dryer cost me $200.00 for the set.....

keep your eyes open in you areas, this seems to be happening with "away with the old and start with new again".......I didn't know it until I got there that the whole house's staged contents were for sale.....but they gave me loads of toys for the kids, still in boxes, racecar set is MINE!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO yogitunes's LINK on Easternshore Craigslist

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